Hey everyone! First off I want to say Happy Fourth! Keep those flags a waving. Next, sorry it takes me forever to update, lets just say I have a writer's block/really lazy thing going on. Other than that I say enjoy the long weekend, the fireworks and this story.

P.S. If you find any mistakes, SORRY! Don't have a beta but if anyone is up for the job, please send me your resume via review! Just kidding! But I really do need one!

"Are you ready?"

"Yeah Dad, come on!"

"Here it comes, the pitcher whines up in his famous formation, the batter can expect anything now in this heated full count..."

"Dad really, any day."

"Son of mine, you are no fun." Castle whined as he threw the ball to meet the glove his son was holding. David Alexander Castle was the first of his children with Kate. At ten years old, much like Alexis, he had been a perfect child. During Kate's pregnancy Castle worried what he would do with a son, how would he show him the ropes, how would he take care of his son. But from the moment he first held his new born son in his arm all his fears subsided to the immense love that had grown within him past months, everything seemed unimportant but the child in his arms, the beautiful women next to him and the child waiting just outside to meet her brother. At that moment he knew everything would turn out okay.

David's first years were full of special memories as Kate also learned the ropes of being a parent, life was easy and full of joy. Then when David was three and both his parents were settling into a routine when Kate found out she was pregnant, again. The whole Castle clan felt blessed with the new addition, and when they found it was two additions they were ecstatic. Castle still remembered that day the doctor's office, seeing his girls for the first time through the ultrasound. If fact his was so enthralled at the memory that he forgot that he was playing catch until he heard his son call him.

"Dad, watch out!" Castle managed to duck in time but whatever what behind him wasn't so lucky.

"Ouch!" Can from behind the door. "Richard Castle what in the name was that?" Kate looked like she was about to blow. She was carrying some bags from the store, things for the party she had told him she was going to pick up, and it looked like she was wearing some sort of sauce on her shirt. To make all matters worst, she began to fume when she saw what had hit the door. "A baseball Castle?" Oh no, she said Castle. "Really?"

"I...umm...I didn't do it! I was all him." He stammered as he pointed over the David on the other side of the living room. David looked at his father in agast, but not to surprised that he had been blamed, then again he wasn't worried either.

"Castle, how darn you blame your son for this! They only thing you could blame him for is having your genes! Of all the things, how many times have I told you not to playing inside the house! You old, old man, you should know better than a ten year old!" Kate took a second to breathe and she saw her shirt. "Rick you are lucky you're so rich, because I am going to buy myself a wardrobe to replace this shirt." Then they heard snickering behind the open door. Kaylee and Inara were laughing at the way their mother was talking to their dad, to them it was always funny how many times Daddy got in trouble with Mommy. And Alexis wasn't far from the same idea either.

"What are you laughing at?" Rick asked his daughters, all three of them.

"Daddy you're in big trouble." Inara said.

"Again." Kaylee finished.

Rick groaned at how smart his girl were. "Yeah, Daddy messed up again." He sighed. "I'm sorry Kate."

"For what?" She wasn't got to make it easy.

"For playing baseball inside the house. For blaming it on David. Sorry kid." He looked over at his son who nodded his head in acceptance.

"No problem Dad."

"You're forgetting something Ricky."

"I don't think so." Kate gave in a hard glare and Kaylee pointed at her mom's shirt. God these kids don't miss a thing.

"Oh..OH! The shirt, yeah, I'm not sorry for that. That was just funny."


"Okay, okay. I was just kidding. I am sorry for the shirt. You can buy was many as you want on my count. In fact, I should just buy you the mall." She didn't relinquish the glare. "Again, just kidding. I love you, honey." That did it. She couldn't stay mad at him when he said that. And when he saw her facial muscles relax he went in to give her a kiss. And she gave it back.

"Way to save that one Dad." Alexis said as she walked passed them to unload the bag she was also carrying into the kitchen. Over the years, she had gotten use to see her Mom and Dad kiss, after all they were her mom and dad. That was her, on the other hand Kaylee and Inara began to giggle.

"Gross!" Inara stated.

"Cutties!" Kaylee exclaimed as she and her twin ran to their room. At that Kate and Rick broke apart laughing.

"Mom, here let me help you with that." David spoke up from where he was and started to walk towards them. David, her first child, she could still remember the day he was born. After he was cleaned they brought him to her and the first thing she noticed was the hair. Unlike hers and Rick's, David's brown had a noticeable undertone of red, most likely a gift from his Grams. Upon seeing the hair she naturally thought his eyes would be big blue saucers, like Alexis and said grandmother. But the moment he opened those little eyes of his he shocked her into almost dropping him. Just like her, he shared her mother's gift, the gorgeous hazel-green eyes.

"Rick look," she had said, "look at his eyes."

"I know babe, beautiful. Just like his mom."

She started to get teary eyed at the memory. "Thanks hon. Always the gentlemen. Your father should learn from you." She winked at Rick. "Here, by careful and don't get dirty okay, unless you want to shower again before the party. Go put it on the table." He left with the bag and headed to join his older sister in putting away the items.

"I love you, you big dork." She said as she pulled Rick in for another kiss. They both smiled into it and began to get a little carried away.

"Hem.." A cough came from a few feet away. Alexis got their attention. "I want to remind you guys that I am only staying for an hour or so for the party. Then I am going to meet my wonderful fiance for dinner." She had a dreamy look in her eyes. "So, I am going to go get ready." At that she turned on her heels and walked up stairs.

Fiance. Rick blew out a breathe of air. He was not going to get used to that and Kate picked that up on. "Hey Rick, baby, it's okay. She's happy, that is all we ever wanted for her."

"I know, I love you." Again, big smile on her face. "Come on, let's go get you changed."

Kate looked confused but then remembered her shirt and how that happened. "Yeah, let's get you changed too, " since when they kissed he had pressed himself against her, "and we need to have a talk about baseball in the house again."

Rick gave her a sheepish look, then added his famous reenactment, "D'oh!"

Please be kind, review.