Hey so this is just something I thought would be cute to write/read. Alexis is all grown up and getting married! And what has happened to the Castle clan of the past few years?

Do not own Castle, just an totally in love with Nathan and Stana.

"Alexis, you're beautiful!" Alexis turned around to face Kate, who much to her dismay, was on the verge of tears. With mirrors all around the radiant red head and lighting that made her complexion flawless, Kate was short on words. It was too much to take in as she started to fight back the tears. Alexis saw her mom's emotional state and she began to let the tears flow freely. Though very much a grown woman she went into Kate's embrace. "Alexis I love you and I am so happy for you."

"I love you too, Mom, thank you so much for being here with me, through all of this. I know that Dad is kind of a mess right now. It must be hard letting his little girl go." Alexis said in sadden tone. There in the store, in her white dress she began to remember all the special times with her father, in the end they all added up being her whole life. Although she stopped being a little girl a long time ago, every time she was with her dad he made her feel like a girl again.

"Alexis, he is so happy for you! We are so happy for you. And yes, he has to give away his baby girl and that makes him sad, but he knows you will be very happy. You have been with him for the longest and now you're all grown up and such a beautiful, beautiful young woman, it would be hard for any father to give that up."

"Thanks Kate, for everything. Twelve years ago I would have worried he would be alone when I left, but now he has you and we are a stronger family than I could have ever thought we could be." At this Alexis gave Kate a strong squeeze and backed up a few steps. "So, I think this is the one, what do you think?" She said as she did half a twirl in front of the mirrors, smiling to herself as the dress fluttered around her. Kate took a minute to take it all in. Alexis would have looked great in anything, but looking at her in this dress made all others fail in comparison.

This one had been brought in among with others, and had been cast off as the last resort, and indeed it had become that. Three hours into trying all the others out, this lonely dress called for attention from it's spot, dramatically thrown over a seat. Kate had picked it up and Alexis shrugged her shoulders as to say, why not? Now they were thinking why had they not tried it out earlier. Goodness it looked great on her, it was formed to her slender body, but not enough as to cause talk in a wedding.

The dress itself was a gorgeous silk, one-shoulder dress. Fitting in all the right places, yet it draped in all the right places too. The sweetheart cut in front added emphasis to Alexis's curves, making her that much more beautiful. Almost like a mermaid, it hugged her till about mid-thigh, but unlike the mermaid it didn't expand like a ballroom gown, it just sort of got wider for her to be able to walk in. The shoulder strap had been laced in with white beads to add a sparkle to the already dreamy dress. If her father was there with them he would no doubt by crying, or sobbing quietly while excusing himself to the nearest bathroom, he could be such a girl sometimes. Then again, she was crying too.

"Yes, it is the one Alexis. It is perfect, you're perfect." She beamed at her girl she considered her own. Kate was about to head in for about embrace when her cell phone started chiming away, somewhere under all the other dresses. Both women started working their way through the mountain of white fabric. Kate would hand Alexis a dress and she would hang it back on a hanger then place it on the rack inside the dresser. By the time they got to the phone Kate saw she had a voicemail from Lanie. "Alexis, I am going to take this outside okay?"

"Okay, I will be out in a minute too Mom." Alexis flashed her a smile and turned back to give herself one last glance. Kate grinned like a mad women as she exited the dresser. Although it had been years since Alexis asked her and started calling her Mom, she was still not quite use to it.

It was a Saturday night. She and Alexis had decided to stay at home while Rick was out on tour. They had been watching the movie Stepmom much to Kate's awkwardness. If Kate didn't know any better she would have thought that Alexis had planned out her actions along with the movie. During the most tear jerking scene in the movie Alexis had turned to her and told her that she loved Kate. Automatically Kate answered her back with the same emotion, for the past few years she had come to love her more that she expected to, life without Alexis Castle was unimaginable anymore. Without thinking, Kate went back to watching the movie but Alexis called for her attention again.


"Yes, sweetie."

"Can I ask you something?"

"Of course." Now she had Kate's full attention, and Kate was prepared for anything.

"Can I call you mom?" Except for that. Kate didn't know what to say. Did she want to be called Mom? Did she have the right? What was Meredith think? Forget her, she was never in the picture, but what would Castle think? She loved Alexis just as much as she loved her husband, and sometimes more because Alexis was controllable, Castle? Not so much. Kate grew aware that she was taking too long to response and so the add time for think she started to play with the girl's long flowing hair. Okay, if Alexis had asked her such a serious question that meant that Alexis loved her just as much she loved her. After that she didn't need to stall anymore.

Kate dropped the hair she was playing with and lifted Alexis's chin so she could she her eyes. In them she saw fear, not of terror but of being rejected. She had had to much lose in her young life, all due to one person. Quickly Kate placed a kiss on her daughter forehead and shyly added, "Alexis, I would be the proudest woman alive if I had the honor of you calling me mom. I love you so much sweetie. Don't forget that." All fears left Alexis at the moment and she let out a sigh of relief. Then just as quickly she jumped on Kate and squeezed the breath out of her. Letting go she turned one last time to see the older woman and spoke, "I love you Mom", then turned back to watch the movie.

Kate remembers gasping for the breath Alexis had pressured out of her. In that moment she had felt so loved, she had never thought Alexis would call her that but she did and she was immensely happy for it, but she couldn't help but to feel a certain twinge of sadness as her remembered her own mother.

Back in the present she dials her voicemail and was not too surprised to hear her best friend on a recorded message.

Girl, Imma smack you for leaving me with these kids all by myself. You shoulda told me the Castle blood ran deep in them! You should see what they did to Enrique, it took me an hour to get all my makeup off that boy, and it was my cheap kind either. And Elena follows them everywhere. She paused as she clearly took a deep breath. Anyways, hope you are having a great time with Alexis shopping for the perfect dress, can't wait to see it, called me for dinner plans! Love ya girl.

Typically Laine, Kate was grinning from ear to ear when Alexis came out with the dress in hand and gave it to the cashier. She heard her tell the woman that she wanted an appointment in a month to be fitted and then handed over her credit card to pay for her purchase while Kate texted Lanie telling her that there where on the way over. Just as she hint send Alexis hooks her arm into hers.

"So what's next?"

"Lanie has just about had it with the girls so we need to go pick them up, do you have any plans?"

"I am going to meet Ashley for dinner but I want to go pick up the girls with you."

"Great, they will love to see you and so will Lanie, come on."

Outside the store they hailed a cab and headed over to the Esposito house hold.

So...what did you think? Should I keep this up? Please, be kind and review.
