A/N: ANOTHER idea that came to me in the shower. Set at any time in the manga or anime. No I don't own Bleach.

It was a normal day in the 11th division. Yachiru was off eating candy, Yumichika was examining himself in the mirror, and Kenpachi was kicking ass. Well, the day would have been perfectly normal if it wasn't for Ikkaku. He was waiting for Kenpachi as he left the training fields.

"Hey Captain, I was wondering…"

"Yeah?" He shouldered his blade and began walking.

"Well, I er…" Do it for the sake. For the sake.

"Spit it out Ikkaku? Or does a damn cat got your tongue?"

"No, it's just I was wondering…?" I'm gonna kill Yumichika.

"Say what?"

"Sir, how do you put all those bells in your hair?"

Kenpachi stopped walking. "That's what you wanted to ask?"


"Keh." Kenpachi kept walking. "Carefully, that's how."

Ikkaku didn't bother to follow. Yumichika came to stand next to him. "What did he say?"

"Carefully. It's a lame-ass answer if you ask me."

Yumichika tossed his hair. "That response is hardly worth the all sake I bet you."

"Well I got the answer, so tonight you keep up your part of the bargain and buy me all the damn sake I want."

Kenpachi was on his way back to the barracks when Yachiru jumped on his back.

"Hey Kenny? I was just wondering…how are babies made?"

Kenpachi didn't miss a beat. "Carefully." That's one question I'm NEVER answering.