The Dating Game - Inuyasha
Revised Version

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha, although I wish I did.

Bold= Person saying it

Italics along with "-...-'= Actions.

If you have any other questions, just ask.

The Dating Game

Announcer: Hello and welcome back to the Dating Game with our host Sango and co-host Miroku.

Sango: Miroku, why don't you bring out our first contestant?

Miroku: Sure thing, Sango dear.
-Miroku walks to the curtains and drags out a certain hanyou-

Inuyasha: No, no, no I don't want a freakin' date, and you can't make me.

Miroku: Too bad. I've already tried Sesshomaru, Kouga AND Naraku and I'm all out of options and Kagome offered you, so you're up.

Inuyasha: Guh, I hate Kagome, damn her.

Sango: Inuyasha, can you please be positive this once?

Inuyasha: Positive my ass.

Sango: Inuyasha! There are kids watching this, Kohaku, Rin, Shippou cover your ears.

Inuyasha: Fuck, fuck, fuck-ady fuck, fuck… Fuck…

Miroku: -sighs- such a bother, Kagome?
-Somewhere from the set, Kagome says sit-

Inuyasha: -face plant-

Miroku: Thank you, Kagome.

Sango: Okay, well, Inuyasha, in front of us there is 4 doors each has one girl… I mean… person behind it.

Inuyasha: By person you mean… wait, -jumps off seat angrily- there are boys behind those doors?

Sango: … Yes….
-Somewhere in the live audience-

Sesshomaru: *snickers*

Kouga: Ha, I knew that InuTrasha was a homo.

Naraku: Inuyasha is gay… Huh… This might be an advantage. –Smirks evilly-
-Back on the set-

Inuyasha: Bite me, goddamnit Sango I quit I ain't a friggin' homo. If anyone's queer it's Hobo-

Sango: His name is Hojo-come on Inuyasha if this helps, there's only one male.

Inuyasha: Can I have another hint?

Miroku: If it helps to shut you up than yes, you may.

Sango: One of the other three who are girls is Kagome.

Inuyasha: So out of the 4 people one is male, the other three are girls including Kagome?

Sango: Yep!

Kouga: I'll keep my finger crossed that you DON'T get my Kagome.

Inuyasha: Hey, can I have someone kick that stupid mangy wolf outta' here?

Miroku: No, he paid so he can stay.

Inuyasha: He paid?

Miroku: Yep, all of them paid. –Practically has dollar signs; in his eyes-

Kouga: I paid to come here so I can make sure you don't Kagome.

Sango: Everyone, shut up, we're on a time limit here. Now for the first question, contestants I will ask you a question about Inuyasha and you reply… honestly. First question; does Inuyasha know you?

Contestant 1: Yeah…

Contestant 2: I dunno, does he?

Contestant 3: Very, very, very well.

Contestant 4: Well obviously…

Inuyasha: They all sound alike?

Sango: Yes we had voice masks on them so they don't give themselves away. –Grins proudly-

Inuyasha: What?
-Inuyasha goes up to all four doors and sniffs them-

Miroku: They are scent proof Inuyasha…. That was Kagome's idea; I must thank her for that, later.

Sango: Okay, I will continue, next question um… Would you kiss Inuyasha?

Contestant 1: Hell no.

Contestant 2: Nope, my heart is set on someone else

Contestant 3: Yes! Everywhere!

Contestant 4: Depends…

-Inuyasha is blushing-

Miroku: Inuyasha's blushing. Too bad Kagome isn't here to see this. –Grin's like a maniac-

Sango: Good thing, we're recording this. Anyway, third question; if Inuyasha dies what-

Inuyasha: Hey I'm never gonna die.

Sango: Inuyasha I said If, if Inuyasha dies what would you want of his?

Contestant 1: His iPod… duh.

Contestant 2: I don't think I've even seen him before?

Contestant 3: His ears, fire rat and his sword.

Contestant 4: I'm not sure…

Inuyasha: Wow these people are greedy I think Sesshomaru may behind door 3.

Sesshomaru: I'm up here asshole, and I don't want your ratty clothes or those ears and I'm not gay; such as yourself, little brother.

Inuyasha: …Oh…. Screw you -middle fingers Sesshomaru-

Sesshomaru: Oh that is it, today's you last day. -Get's up-

Sango: No Sesshomaru, after the show.

Sesshomaru: -Sits back down- Hmph.

Miroku: Next question Sango.

Sango: Right…

Inuyasha: Make all the people behind those doors, contestants –whatever you call them, say sit.

Sango: No that'll give Kagome away, we're not stupid, Inuyasha.

Inuyasha: This show sucks.

Miroku: Inuyasha, surely you don't mean that?
-Hits Inuyasha on the head repeatedly with his staff-

Inuyasha: Fuck off, monk.

Sango: Miroku… We need him alive. Next question, who would you rather date, Inuyasha, Sesshomaru or Kouga?

Contestant 1: Sesshomaru…

Contestant 2: Kouga!

Contestant 3: INUYASHA!

Contestant: Inuyasha…

Miroku: That narrows it down a bit, eh Inuyasha… unless Kagome rather your brother or Kouga…

Sango: Kagome would never pick them over Inuyasha.

Inuyasha: She better not. –Crosses arms over chest-

Sango: Inuyasha now pick a door.
-From the live audience-

Sesshomaru: Fool.

Kouga: I bet Kagome is behind door 2, so don't pick it, mutt-face.

Myouga: Pick door 3 my lord.

Rin: I know where Kagome is.
-Whispers something in Kohaku's ear as Kohaku nods before turning around to tell Shippou-

Toutousai: Door 4 Inuyasha door 4.

InuTaisho: Whatever door he picks… We will not question his sexuality, alright?

Izayoi: of course not.

Sesshomaru: Father? I have a bone to pick with you.

InuTaisho: Sit back down, Sesshomaru, I'm trying to watch this.

Sesshomaru: I can't stand this nonsense, Rin, Jaken come on we're leaving this instant.

Rin: Lord Sesshomaru can we stay please, please, pleaseee?

Jaken: Rin, you insufferable fool, don't-

Sesshomaru: -Sits back down while ignoring Jaken-

Jaken: I don't believe this.

-On the set-

Sango: Hurry up Inuyasha, pick a door.

Miroku: Can I pick a door?

Sango: No.

Miroku: Sango, my dear Sango, I meant can I pick a door for Inuyasha.

Sango: What… No.

Inuyasha: Door 3 or 4, 3 or 4… Um, door 4.

Miroku: You sure Inuyasha?

Inuyasha: Wait, no, door 3….

Sango: Sure?

Inuyasha: no wait 4, wait no, no, no 3 yes 3.

cSango: Okay Contestant 3 come on out, you've just won a date with Inuyasha .

-Jakotsu from the band of seven walks out-

Jakotsu: Inuyasha! I knew my little Inu-poo would pick me come here.
-Inuyasha gets up and runs-

Inuyasha: No I change my mind I want door 4, please.

Sango: No can do, Inuyasha.

Inuyasha: I'm outta here and I will NOT date that creep. –Runs toward the door-

Sango: Wait Inuyasha, don't you want to see who's in the other doors?

Inuyasha: Eh? -Walks slowly back while dodging Jakotsu-

Sango: Contestant one you can step out now.

Contestant 1: Thank god, I was about to suffocate.
-Kagura walks out annoyed-

Inuyasha: Kagura? -Disgusted look-

Kagura: Inuyasha –Glares at Inuyasha- Well I'll be off than see ya Sango, Miroku.

Sango: Contestant 2 you may step out, now.

Contestant 2: Yay!
-Ayame walks out-

Inuyasha: Who the hell are you?

Sango: That's Ayame.

Miroku: Contest 4, please come out.
-Kagome walks out-

Kagome: Oh, that was so much fun. –Squeals-

Inuyasha: Ka-go-me what a heartless thing you did to me –huffs-

Kagome: Hush up Inuyasha, not like Jakotsu is gonna rape you or anything it's just a date.

Inuyasha: I don't care I'm not going.

Kagome: Yes you are.

Inuyasha: No I'm not.

Kagome: Yes you are.

Inuyasha: No I'm not–

Kagome: Inuyasha, sit boy.

Inuyasha: -Face plant-

Kagome: Hmph.

Sango: Looks at Inuyasha pitifully- Well that's all for today folks, see ya next time on 'The Dating Game'.

Miroku: Next week's contestant is, Sesshomaru so don't miss it.

Sesshomaru: I never signed up.-Sends a death glare at Miroku-

Miroku: Rin signed you up.

Rin: Hehe sorry…

Sango: Anyways, I'm Sango and that's Miroku. We'll see ya, real soon!
-Sango and Miroku wave frantically-
-Credits role as they show Inuyasha running in circles being chased by Jakotsu while the live audience and Kagome, Sango and Miroku laugh-

A/N: Hope you liked it, I did revise it quite a lot.

Tell me what you think.
