This is another new story, XD

Good news though, is that I learned something! You write it all down, THEN start posting! Ha! So I will be posting one chapter every few days, there are about 7 I believe. It depends. Anyway, this could be considered Pre-slash or Slash for Harry and an OC, do not bother Flaming as I don't care, if you have a problem, don't read. And do not say you didn't have warning, either. Enjoy everyone!

Disclaimer: I do not own, I do however own a sparkley, Irial-Approved silver net for catching reviews. Its bright and has wRock emitting from the depths. xD

Summary: After the sudden portkey to the graveyard Harry uses a combination of Wish and Accidental magic to get away from Voldemort, he becomes a cat, a small black cat that travels for two years to find home through countries and cities. Harry is turned back to a human by an Auror at Grimmauld place where they discover that his journey spent as a feline has altered his own magical signiture, keeping some of the more obvious forms of his Animagus form Harry has a bit of catch-up to do if he wants to complete his education with the rest of the trio. Harry has grown up a lot in these past years, the differences between him and his friends have grown larger, the changes have skewed his magic and his DogFather is free. Harry even has to learn about the ever-exanding Grimmauld Place.

Characters: Harry, Remus, S. Snape, Moody, the Weasley twins and an O.C mainly.

Pairings: Harry/O.C.

Other: This is AU after Goblet of Fire, quite a bit really.

The Observatory's Cat

TOC; Prelude

The young cat bolted from it's shady spot as the auto above it began to rumble, mussing his fur and sending panic through his spine. The lithe black cat raced to the nearest bit of shade the bush's bright wide leaves descended over him as he rolled under it. His eyes focused up through the hot summer sun to get a glimpse of the people around, the street signs, anything that would tell him he was going in the right direction. It had been over two years since the mishap in the graveyard, two long years since he had last seen his family, his friends. Since he had been to Hogwarts, Privet Drive, Grimmauld place and, until recently, London.

The graveyard, the flight through the wilderness to find a completely backwards muggle village with barely enough people for it to be called one; the entirety of the past two years crashed down on his again, it was doing it more often as he shoved it back every time, bottling it up behind the cupboard in his mind. He'd look and sort through the final task of the tournament when he was home.

Harry wondered what Sirius was doing, whether Pettigrew had been captured. He laid down on his paws for a moment of rest, giving himself time for a brief daydream on him family. Hermione was probably crushing Ron with both worry and study cards, the thought made Harry snort, Professor Remus would be with Sirius like he'd said he would. Harry stood, the last thought before he pushed them away was of Voldemort and his resurrection. Harry had left the party early, he had only caught a glimpse of the decrepit baby-like being that was the Ex-Dark Lord.

He tilted his head as he felt his ear spasm, he really only knew he was in London because of the people rushing past and their words to eachother, it really was just his luck that he would turn into the most unassuming, pet-able little cat (apparently), that just had to be patted and hugged and all-around cuddled every time he managed to make any headway home or a stop in any populated area.

It was kind of nice, though, when he was really hungry he could get 'adopted' easily for a few days until that inevitable moment in which he could escape again, he'd had a bright collar for the past few weeks though, since the last time where they had caught him twice trying to leave. It had a very shiny nameplate on it, the bronze metal plated directly onto the red leather. He had gleamed, from the people who had put it on, and the subsequent ones who found and read it aloud, that his name was now 'Kieran'. Not that it didn't't fit, but it wasn't his name. Harry blinked in the harsh sun, the bright emeralds drinking in all that they could between the many passer-bys. His ears flat on his head against a sudden whistle, he darted through the bushes and the fence, the iron brushing his sides as he found himself in a large square park, the prim bushes and blocks surrounding the large space. Harry blinked his eyes, craning his head for a sign, and, having spotted one near a gate to his left, trotted off toward it.

He had to step back into the foot traffic to read the sign, his head couldn't tilt far enough back from the safer spot beneath it. The moment there was a lull in the people he jumped back and sat up primly, eyes fixed on the lettering. 'SOHO SQUARE' was proclaimed in bright inky letters and Harry's heart leapt to his throat, he'd finally made it. He'd passed this park on the way to the train! Renewed with the fresh vitality that came with the hope of 'home' Harry took off in the direction his instincts were telling him his family was. He'd trusted his instincts to get this close to home, he'd followed paths along the river, through desolate countryside and teeming towns, he'd managed to keep to himself mainly unless the situation seemed dire, although most winters had been spent with varying families throughout a town; he'd learned more these past months that bled together about independence and survival than Voldemort had ever taught him with his plots of demise.

Harry dodged a few feet as the people around him tightened, the day traffic so ingrained and self-important they couldn't see the rushing cat as he made his way to a familiar feeling street, with what seemed to be, familiar feeling houses. His heart beating wildly, Harry loped through lawns, trying to scent out any discerning scents, hoping for a whiff of Sirius; anything that would tell him he was close! Harry struggled across another pitch of road, a near miss having his heart racing more than before and making the decision for him, he sat down to calm himself, eyeing the row of buildings sternly, not noticing the one on the opposite side of the street unmerging from the space between the numbers 11 and 13.

He was tired. He'd been tired for so long. Harry felt more than tiredness now, he felt the creeping desolation that had been growing with every passing week. He gave a pitiful mew, unknowingly catching the notice of two people, two wizards just a few meters away; Harry could feel his paws shaking, the streets that had seemed so familiar, so right suddenly seemed so very wrong. He looked up at the midday sun, beating him with its heat; and with a sad meow he could feel a few more strands that connected him to his old life, to being the 'Boy-who-Lived' rather than the street-cat stray Kieran. Harry looked around, standing on shaky paws as the wind picked up, it provided that refreshing gust of cool air, a winds-of-change kind of smell, that lifted right through Harry and toward the Wizards on the other side of the street. The wind carried more than just his scent, it brought life back to him. One wizard donned with a roving glass eye that bored into the cats back; the other a slightly shabbily-dressed man with greying hair whose eyes turned a bright gold at the scent of the wind, filled with the animal within him. It took only seconds for the cat to stand and roll his little head around the block, eyes skipping over the humans, the wizards, in the search for his vaguely remembered home as he looked for any relics of 'home', the feeling brought with the wind urged him onward and he nodded to himself as he took a few steps forward.

It was all it took, that one scent, that one human action of the cat; they were almost convincing of humanity to the Wizards and not just wishful thinking. Harry stopped when he felt something 'wrong', an instinctual feeling and he looked around again, confusion clearly on his face.

The magical eye bore deep into him, unnoticed by the cat, while the other one narrowed, this wide, scarred mouth opened and, with a whisper, mouthed the simple word 'green' as if confused.

It was enough for the werewolf.

"HARRY!" The golden-eyed man shouted the hoarse cry and disappeared only to appear at the cat's side, his arms scooping him up amid a flurry of slightly panicked sounding meows; golden eyes met emerald and in the second it took for the spark of resignation to appear in Harry's eyes the scent of the werewolf, of home, filled him.

Harry sighed, eyes slipping shut, as he melted into the embrace. He was home.

AN. And now if you have any comments, critiques or other, click the button, thanks! Most chapters will be between one and three thousand words, just to inform the masses.