(A/N): It's not necessary to have read Sorting Shikamaru before reading this. It'll really only tell you who's in what house, and that's kind of redundant. But if you feel like reading (and reviewing) it, go ahead.

Also, Lee's name confuses me. Rock Lee in Japanese should mean that Lee is his given name, but Lee Rock sounds really questionable.

"So you're the Gryffindor transfer students?"

Seamus and Dean were sitting on their beds, staring at the three students in the doorway.

Naruto was the first to reply. "Yup! I'm Uzumaki Naruto, remember it!"

Seamus raised an eyebrow.

"My name is Lee Rock. Naruto-kun, I believe they say names backwards in Europe. Your name should be Naruto Uzumaki, correct?" The transfer student with a bowl cut and large eyebrows went to his bed and quickly took off his robes, revealing a green jumpsuit.

"Do you always wear that?" asked Dean.

He replied in a loud voice, nodding emphatically. "Yes! It is the best material to train in! It is specially designed to be extremely breathable and to provide the most comfort!"

The last transfer student sighed and shook his head. "He's always like that," he explained. "I'm Kiba Inuzuka." He didn't look at them, but was more intent on rifling through his luggage.

"Who are you guys?" Naruto asked cheerfully.

"Dean Thomas."

"Seamus Finnegan."

"Excellent! I am sure that we will be the best of friends!"

"Great. Do you guys know if we can get any more food?"

Dean and Seamus seemed slightly taken aback, but recovered quickly. Seamus grinned at Dean. "I think he might eat even more than Ron did."

"Got it!" They looked over to see Kiba triumphantly pull a scroll from his trunk. He unrolled it along the floor, revealing a large Japanese character within a circle of symbols.

"What's that for?" Seamus walked over for a closer look.

"It's a Summoning Scroll for Akamaru," Naruto said from his bed.


"Ano, Akamaru is Kiba-kun's pet dog," Lee offered.

"He's not my pet, he's my partner," Kiba said irritably.

Lee was aghast. "Kiba-kun! I am very sorry! To make up for my mistake, I will do 500 pushups on my knuckles!" He immediately dropped to the ground and started doing pushups at an incredible rate.

"Shit," Seamus muttered. Turning to Kiba, he said, "Why didn't you just bring Aka- Akamaru on the train?"

"Didn't fit," he said. He bit his thumb and slammed his hand down onto the circle of symbols.

When the smoke cleared, Kiba was pinned under a giant white dog, which was currently covering his face in excited licks.

"Are all dogs that big in Japan?" Dean seemed impressed.

"Nah. Only Akamaru." Naruto sat up eagerly. "So what do you guys do for fun?"

Seamus shrugged and rummaged in his pack, pulling out a battered deck of cards. "Wanna play Exploding Snap?"

They were about five minutes into the game when the cards, true to their name, exploded. Dean and Seamus managed to dive behind the bed to get away from the explosion, but that was nothing compared to what the transfer students had done.

Lee had done back handsprings across the room, landing in a defensive stance.

Kiba had jumped next to Akamaru, hands braced on the floor in front of him, teeth bared.

Naruto was standing on the ceiling, hands in front of him, ready to form Shadow Clones.

The cards were lying innocently on the ground, still smoking.

Naruto started yelling immediately. "What was that? What are you trying to attack us for?"

"What the hell? Attack? Are you kidding?" Seamus said angrily. "It's Exploding Snap, that's supposed to happen!"

Kiba relaxed, walking back. "Sorry about that. It's sort of a reflex."

"What kind of reflex involves jumping onto the ceiling?" Dean wondered.

Naruto dropped onto the floor. "Magic," he grinned.

"Not really." Kiba slapped him upside the head as he walked back. "Don't pay any attention to what Naruto says, he usually doesn't make much sense. We don't really use what you call magic, but we're trying to see if our chakra's interchangeable. It's sort of an experiment."

"Speaking of experiments," Seamus said with a grin. "Want to see if your ceiling-walking can get us into the girls' dorms?"

"I don't think that's a good idea," Dean said.

Kiba interupted. "It's a great idea! Let's do it!"

Seamus and Naruto followed him out the door.

Lee sighed. "I do not believe that this is a virtuous way to spend their time," he said.

Dean grinned. "Finally, someone agrees with me."

They sat down and set up another game of cards, chatting amicably and waiting for the sound of outraged screams.

Review please!