Lithuania sighs as he wakes up for the 50th time tonight. A shrill cry echoes through the hall and into his room. The person next to him moans and rolls over, covering their head with the blanket. Toris is tired but worried as he hurries down the hall and into a room painted all purple and blue. Lithuania reaches into the traditional type crib and picks up the wailing baby girl.

She is about 5 months old and had silvery-white hair and wide green eyes. The light brown-haired country pats his daughter on the back and tries to calm her down. When that doesn't work, he sits down and tries rocking her back to sleep. After a few minutes, a tall, beige-haired figure is leaning against the doorway sleepily.

"She is still restless I'm guessing?" Russia asks, rubbing his dulled violet eyes. Toris nods and looks up at his lover with a stressed gaze. "Hm, let me hold her." Ivan insists, stepping closer and holding his arms out a bit. Lithuania hands the baby over and stands up, offering the rocking chair. The offer is denied with a reassuring smile from the much taller man.

Russia closes his eyes and presses his cheek lightly against the baby's head. He begins humming quietly in Russian, and even though Lithuania doesn't understand it completely, Ivan's voice sounded so beautiful when he was singing. Toris crossed one arm over his chest and put his other hand on his own face, looking at the Russian with an almost goofy grin. He loved seeing Ivan like this; such a sadistic, power-hungry person, holding something so small with such care. It was the side of him, only Lithuania had ever gotten to see, and he felt so lucky!

Soon, the baby girl had stopped crying and wailing and began to hiccup and gurgle, rubbing her cheek against Russia's black t-shirt. "You are better now, da?" Ivan whispers to the baby. Lithuania giggles quietly, putting his hand over his mouth the muffle the sound.

Russia looks over to his lover and smiles, noting how cute he looks. Toris steps forward and kisses his daughter on the head and pecks Ivan on the cheek. The beige haired man places the baby back in her crib, kissing her forehead and pulling up the crib's bars up. He turns and wraps his arms around Lithuania and pulls him into a sweet kiss.

"How are you so good with her?" The shorter country asks smiling, resting his hands on Russia's chest. Russia simply chuckles and places another kiss on his lover's lips.

"Ukraine used to sing to me when we were little, it always helped me sleep when I was upset…She was a great older sister to be honest." Ivan says smiling almost sadly.

"I know you loved your sister. It's ashamed you can't spend more time with her. Hm…but I'm sure one day you can be a family again." Lithuania assures, resting his head in the crook of Ivan's neck. The taller country sighs quietly and runs his hand up and down Toris' arm before kissing the tope of his head and letting go. The two move back into their room and turn off the light, which Russia had turned on when he got up.

Ivan wraps his arms around Lithuania once they lye down and pulling the smaller form against his wide chest. "I love you Litva." The beige-haired man says quietly, nuzzling into Toris' soft, flow-y hair.

Lithuania hums happily and settles down, allowing sleep to take over him.