Hello, thanks for reading. I began this story about 2 years ago, but never finished. Its been on my mind lately, so i thought i'd post it. If i get some good reviews, i'll keep going.

There may be some confusion on a few points. First off, i changed "Nessie" to Remy for a variety of reasons. There is an in story explanation, that will come later.

This story is sort of the direction i was expecting things to go while i was reading Breaking Dawn. Essentially, this is for those of us who thought that there should have been more to the ending. :)

Also, some of the dialog is a little out of order from the book, but it wouldn't make any sense otherwise.

Forgive my changes and enjoy.

I could hear every word. We all could. It sounded as though they were right beside me. No one needed extra sensitive hearing or the ability to mind read to know exactly what was happening in the center of the snowy, would-be baseball field.

"You've got to listen to me, Aro. She's not what you think she is."

There were well over seventy vampires here, plus sixteen wolves. Every set of eyes was watching either the pair who argued in the middle, or the child that they'd come here for.

I was busy watching the rest of them- the mass of bloodsuckers, chomping at the bit to rip apart a little girl and everyone who protected her, including the mother who held her tightly and the father who was pleading for her life.

Wanna get a little closer, Jake? I heard Sam thinking.

I heard a deep sigh from the person next to me. I looked at Sam and shook my head.


Someone had to stay beside Bella. Her new family was here, but I knew how she'd feel if I left her side. She was too preoccupied for conversation at the moment. Like everyone else, she was watching her husband negotiate with Aro. She stood straight as a stone pillar, but her wide eyes betrayed her stillness. Remy was the same. She didn't squirm in her mother's arms. She watched patiently from behind Bella's hair with no sign of fear, except for the tight grip she had on Bella's collar. I wondered why she wasn't cold.

It bugged me that this was Remy's first time in the snow. When I first found her that morning, she'd been staring out the window, watching in wonder as the snowflakes floated down. She should be attacking her uncles with snowballs, not watching people argue over her.

The moment I looked at Remy, it was hard to tear my eyes away, especially when she suddenly looked at me and a comforting smile curved up her full lips.

Bella didn't notice our stares.

Beautiful Bella with her honey eyes and bone white skin. Her lips were in a hard frown, but the seriousness only added to her enhanced beauty. Being a vampire truly suited Bella. She looked taller, her figure was more proportionate and her face was more angular and perfected-it would stay that way until the end of time.

I'd thought she was perfect before the change, but she never believed me. I found it very sad to think that losing her humanity was what it had taken to get her to have a little faith in herself. At least the faith was finally there. It was obvious. Even in the face of death, she was confident, especially now that she was sure she was as strong as her husband, who had taken her humanity in the first place. The change had given her full knowledge of her hidden potential and while her capabilities might not match up the army before her, she was ready to fight, to expend her power to the last drop. She was already using her concentration to protect the thirty of us on her side of the field. I couldn't see the bubble, but I could feel where it was.

"Bella," Edward called taking me from my thoughts, "Why don't you send Renesmee over here."

Bella took a step forward, but stopped short when Edward put a hand up. He seemed calm enough, but there was something weird about his gesture. I wondered which hungry bloodsucker's thoughts he was hearing.

He gave her a half smile, "I think it'd be best if she came on her own"

That was it. He knew something.

"Not on your existence," Bella replied in her musical voice.

I won't go all the way. I hoped he would pick up the signal. I stepped in front of Bella and made the best sound for "trust me" that I could. It came out as a low whine. She looked at me insulted, then raised her eyes to Edward. I could see beyond the shock and into the betrayal she felt. It was not enough that she be asked to surrender her child, but now her best friend and her husband appeared to be conspiring against her.

"Come on, Bella," Edward said in unison with my thoughts, "I won't let anything happen to her."

She replied with a glare, which he returned. Then something changed. Somewhere in the first minute of their ocular battle, an understanding passed between them. I wondered for a second if, in all her training, she'd picked up some mind reading, because he was saying something to her that no one else understood and she was receiving it loud and clear. Her eyes softened suddenly and a look of defeat hit her face. She turned to me and it broke my heart to see the pain in her eyes. I wanted Edward to just come out with it. Whatever the problem, it couldn't be worth what he was putting his wife through. His stoniness towards her made me want to start this fight with him.

I felt my pack start to widen their formation. They'd sense my anger and were getting ready to close in. They would wait til I gave them the signal, but they wanted it to come soon.

Sorry, but we're waiting this out. They strike first, but once they do, don't hold back.

A flood of voices came into my head. Sam and I had opened our minds completely to each other and his connection came with everyone who was connected to him. I could hear the fifteen other wolves like they were my own pack. Sam had opened the line because he insisted that they were.

Not a problem.

Ha! No way.

God, I hope they attack soon.

I tried not to laugh at their impatience. This was going to be dangerous. There was a good chance that some of us wouldn't make it through the fight. Luckily, Leah agreed with my need to take it seriously.

Hey! I heard her shouting in her head, Quit your whining. Jacob says we wait, so we wait!

There was a sudden quiet in my mind as they all fell in line behind Leah. I couldn't have asked for a better second.

Thanks, I told her, then turned back to Bella, who hadn't noticed the scuffle behind her.

"You'll run," she said so softly that I was sure no one else heard-hell I could barely hear it myself, "the moment he tells you. You'll run?"

Why did she have to trust him so completely?

I nodded.

"I love you, Jake. Thank you."

I leaned against her shoulder, wondering if she'd ever truly know how much I cared and how grateful I was for what she was doing.

She pulled Remy away from her body so she could look the child in the face, "Is this what you want to do, baby?"

Remy studied Bella for a moment, then reached over and took her mother's face in her hands. Bella let out a choked sob. I knew she was wishing that she could cry properly.

"Do you know how much I love you?" she asked.

Remy reached out as far as she could go and proclaimed, "THIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIS much!" Then she threw her arms around her mother in a big hug.

Despite her sadness, Bella laughed just a little bit. And who wouldn't? I did for a second. Not because it was at all funny, but because anyone who knew this family like I did, knew that the only one who could break that kind of tension was Remy and she pulled it off beautifully. Bella held her for another long minute, then kissed her cheek. Slowly, she eased her daughter's arms from around her neck, and set Remy on my back.

I felt a tug on the fur between my shoulder blades where she held on. I gave Bella a final nod, then turned and walked to the center of the field where Edward was waiting with Aro.

Within the first few steps, Remy leaned froward and put her hand on my head, stroking along my neck and giving me questioning visions of everyone's faces. She knew enough to know that she was in danger-that we all were- but the details were fuzzy.

I wanted to stop. I wanted to pull over and explain everything. I wished that her unique power went both ways so that she could pull the information from my mind. She was smart enough. She would understand.

Looking ahead, I saw Edward smiling in a way that I only saw when he looked at two thing: Bella and Remy. It was rapturous the way he looked at his daughter. When she realized who we were going to, she began bouncing with excitement.

I gave Edward a good twenty foot berth, then laid flat so that Remy could climb down. As soon as she was on the ground, she came around my side and stopped in front of me so that she was the only thing I could see. Very slowly, with the grace of a ballerina, Remy leaned down and kissed the tip of my nose.

I felt nervous watching her go. It was hard to ignore the ever growing impulse to follow her. Being near her had become my second nature and I wanted to see her safely to the other side. The fact that she was going to her vampire father didn't ease my worry. I glanced up at Edward, expecting his attention to be at that last thought- he usually picked it up when I was insulting him- but his mind was completely on Remy.

She'd crossed about half the distance when Edward suddenly crouched down onto the balls of his feet and the tips of his fingers, like he was about to pounce. There was a very expectant grin across his face. Remy stopped in her tracks and for a moment her mouth was open in an obvious gasp. Suddenly she returned the grin and crouched down into the same position. Again, I had to laugh. Edward was smiling widely, but he was still a hundred times more intimidating than the toddler. She was so excited by what was coming that she could barely contain her giggles.

As much as I enjoyed seeing Remy in this state of delight, I couldn't understand why Edward would choose a moment like this to play. Bella seemed confused too, as did most every face in the circle. Aro was one of the few exceptions. He must have seen this game when he and Edward shook hands.

This guy's weird, said Brady

We all chuckled a bit, even Leah.

I like it though, said Seth, I mean, if you're about to die, you may as well have some fun first.

Remy and Edward were motionless in the silent circle. Suddenly, like a starting pistol went off, they were flying forward. Remy had barely taken a step before Edward was in the air, diving toward her. In a split second, they collided. He took her by the waist and turned quickly so that when he landed he was on his back in the snow and she was extended in the air over his head. She was spread out onto his hands in an airplane position, laughing so loudly that it was infectious.

I think I see what you mean, said Brady. Had this been any other moment, I would have been busting up with the rest. Even Bella had finally cracked a smile. It was then that I noticed that she had an arm around her middle. It had been over a year since I'd seen her do that. Of course she was doing it now. The three people she loved most in the world were the closest to the enemy. With the smile on her face, I wondered if she even realized that she was doing it. The only reason that she didn't have both arms around herself was because Esme had one of her hands. It was good that someone was there to take my place.

The entire mood of the field was slowly lightening to the sound of Remy's giggles. Her bronze curls were falling into her face and she was practically inhaling them as she laughed.

In a blink, Edward was on his feet, his face overjoyed as he held Remy. She pulled the hair out of her eyes and said, brightly,"Hi Daddy!"

"Hi, baby," he replied.

They went to Aro who remained alone in the middle of the field with a rather inquiring expression. He didn't seem to know what to make of Remy, or her overly affectionate father. It was obvious that such displays of love were uncommon in Volterra. He gave a questioning look to Bella, expecting an explanation for her family's behavior, but she just shook her head and kept watching.

I remained tense on my feet. The vampires behind Aro didn't seem nearly as curious. Caius was flexing his fingers from splayed to fists over and over.

"Hurry it up Aro," he called. I growled menacingly at him, annoyed that he didn't back down. Caius called Marcus back and the two of them spoke in breathing whispers.

I took a couple of steps closer, but couldn't make out what they were saying.

Can anyone hear them?

They know that Bella's blocking them,' it was Quil who answered, 'they're still planning to attack and they'll go for her first.

That's why he didn't want her out there, but why let the kid get that close?' asked Collin.

I considered this as I watched Edward and Remy approach Aro.

He thinks he can change their minds, I realized, He's hoping Aro will see reason and stop the fight..

Quil shook his head, It won't work. No matter what, they're going to attack.

Alright, Collin, Sam, Jared, close in around Bella. Try to keep her from noticing you if you can. Everyone else, stay where you are. If you're in the woods, try to get closer.

They'll still smell us.

I'd thought about that and realized the futility, It won't matter, if they're going to attack anyway. No one has the element of surprise. Just be ready.

They moved into position just as Edward stopped.

"Aro," he said meaningfully, "this is my daughter, Renesmee."

Though Aro's face remained undecided, he replied politely, "It's a pleasure to meet you."

Remy looked at Aro in mild surprise then turned the full effect of her smile onto him and reached out a hand. Poor Aro, I thought as he beamed back at the beauty before him, he never had a chance. He loved her already. Anyone would.

"May I?" he asked Edward, smiling at Remy, and never looking away.

"Looks like she wants to meet you, too," Edward replied. He leaned Remy forward so that she could touch him. They stood still for over a minute. I'd always assumed that thought transfer was an instantaneous sort of thing. I wondered now if Remy had any control over what she showed him. She'd always chosen very carefully what she wanted to show us. If by chance she'd gotten the ability to block power from Bella, perhaps she could edit which thoughts she wanted to him to see. Though even if she could, I doubt she would have kept anything from him. She would have shown him anything and everything that would protect the family that she loved.

When Remy dropped her hand and leaned away, she had a very proud expression on her face. She wrapped her arms around Edward's neck and laid her head against his shoulder.

"Good job," he said quietly. Aro had turned back to his brothers and Remy was buried deep in his jacket, so I was the only one who could see the fear in Edward's face. He was staring into space with a very tight jaw. I could tell that someone was projecting thoughts that he would rather not be able to hear. He caught me looking, but neither of us turned away.

I noticed suddenly how quiet it had become. Taking my eyes away from Edward's annoyingly tortured soul, I saw that about a third of the bloodsuckers that the Volturi had brought were gone. The ones left were eying the trees. I could feel the tension in my pack as some of the vampires passed by just a little too close as they left.

Easy guys, I told them.

Do you see how those filthy leeches are looking at us? Disgusting! Embry was using all of his concentration fighting the urge to attack.

Seth, go after 'em. Make sure they don't hunt in town.

Got it.

Don't fight if you can avoid it. Just scare them off.

Seth left us to follow the vampire's snow tracks.

I turned back to the field. The moment he had my attention, Edward mouthed the word, "soon."

How soon?

He didn't answer. Instead, he tightened his arms around Remy and buried his face in her curls. The end was coming and he knew that this was the last time that he would hold his daughter.

By the time Aro had finished with his brothers, a dozen more vamps had left. That didn't bother me in the slightest. It was better odds, but thirty to fifty four was still less than ideal.

As Aro approached, Edward's eyes shot open.

"Come here, Jacob," he said. His voice was steady but there was fear in his expression. Something bad was about to go down and I wanted Remy out of there just as much as he did. I'd almost reached him when he suddenly threw a hand out my way and cried, "Wait!"

A boulder slammed into me and I felt my shoulder crack. I cursed and howled at the same time. I should have heard the bastard coming at me. The vampire hit me hard enough that he bounced backward and fell to the white ground. I recovered first and jumped on him before he could get to his feet.

I'd never had the pleasure of taking down a leech so completely on my own. It was disturbingly easy. While fifteen voices yelled their outrage in my head, another two dozen protested in my ears.

I sank my teeth into the vampire's neck, My jaws broke through the granite skin, ripping it apart like it was made of wood. Within moments, I'd bitten through the last sinew of his esophagus and his head rolled to the side. I took the head in my teeth and with a snap of my neck, threw it far into the woods then abandoned the body- someone else would have to take care of it. I needed to get to Remy.