I climbed into bed after my awkward moment with Daniel. Morgan was on the top part of my bunk. When she heard me climb into bed, she came down her ladder and instantly questioned me about what happened between me and Daniel.
"What were you and Daniel doing outside?" She whispered, winking at me playfully.
"It…it was nothing." I replied.
"Please tell me?" She begged.
"H-he tried to kiss me." I stuttered.
"And?" Morgan said, suddenly more excited.
I sighed at her enthusiasm and gulped before admitting my humiliation. "I pulled away." I said quietly.
She paused for a moment and studied my face. "And are you glad or upset about this?" She questioned.
"I-I'm not sure…I only met the guy 12 hours ago! Plus, didn't you say he's a bit of a player? I don't need my heart broken my first week of camp. I just don't think I'm ready for this…" I sniffled once and snuggled under my sheets. Morgan got the message. She nodded at me and quietly climbed back up the ladder and into her bed.
I woke up the next day thinking that what had happened the previous night had, perhaps been a nightmare. And unfortunately enough, it was real. I tried to go back to sleep, but Morgan started shaking my arm.
"Come on Sarah! Time to wake up!" She pulled my pillow out from under my head.
I groaned and pulled the sheets over my head to avoid all of the sunlight coming in through the cabin's window.
"Come on sleepy head." She sighed, before yanking my covers off of me.
I almost screamed because of how cold it was without my covers! I glared at Morgan before attempting to sit up in the bed. I failed at this attempt. And the next one. And the one after that. After laughing at me a few times, Morgan grabbed my legs and dragged me off of the bed. I cursed at her under my breath and stood up from the HARD WOODEN FLOOR THAT SHE HAD DRAGGED ME ONTO.
"Yes?" I asked, mid-yawn.
"Come on- it's time for you to get your schedule and go to your first class." Morgan explained.
"Class? But I thought this wasn't supposed to be like school!" I complained, feeling the urge to climb back into bed and not wake up until next September.
She laughed at me while I grabbed my clothes out of my bag and headed to the showers.
"Hurry up!" She called after me. I yawned again while changing.
It's a good thing there's a small mirror in the showers, because if I hadn't seen my reflection, I would have gone out looking like HELL.
I realized that my pants were on backwards, my shirt was inside out, and most importantly- my bra was on top of my shirt. I gasped at my horrid outfit and quickly readjusted myself.
Ten minutes later I was walking out of the showers with all of my clothes in the correct positions and my hair slightly more tame. Morgan didn't notice me coming, and she was sitting by our bunk with her arms crossed tapping her foot. Just as I was about to speak, she noticed me.
"Finally!" She exclaimed. "That sure did take a while!"
"A girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do." I smiled at her. She grabbed my arm and pulled me out of the cabin, as if to ensure that I was distracted enough to not attempt to climb back in bed. I gave one last groan of protest, but by the time I could really complain (as she was starting to hurt my arm) we arrived at the Big House.
"We'll go and see Chiron for your schedules." Morgan beckoned for me to follow her. When we went in, I saw Briana and Darcy sitting by Chiron. I smiled- it seemed like it had been forever since we had seen each other! Chiron was babbling about something, so I walked up behind the two of them.
"Did you get your schedule yet?" I whispered. They both shook their heads.
"He just sort of looked at the floor and started talking to himself. We have no idea what's wrong with him…" Darcy said awkwardly.
"AND THAT'S WHY I THINK BANANAS TASTE NASTY!" Chiron exclaimed, seeming to have finally awoken from his trance. When he realized we were crowded around him, he looked at the ground. After about 5 minutes of awkward silence between us and Chiron, he finally spoke.
"So did you girls need something?" He asked.
"Um…Yes. We're here to pick up our camp schedules." Briana said.
"Ah yes, of course ladies! Here you are." He pulled 3 scrolls out of his pocket and handed one to each of us.
Darcy, Briana, and I opened the scrolls quickly, examining what we had to go to today and comparing schedules.
My schedule was:
8:00-9:00= Breakfast and Cabin Inspection
9:00-10:30= Ancient Greek
10:30-11:00= Lunch Preparation
11:00-12:00= Archery
12:00-12:30= Greek Mythology
12:30-13:30= Lunch
13:30-15:30= Weapon making
15:30-17:00= Letters home
17:00-18:00= Free Time
18:00-19:00= Dinner
19:00-21:00= Volleyball League
21:00-22:00= Campfire Singalong
And all of that was just for Mondays. I sighed. It turned out that we all had the same classes except for Lunch Preparation, Archery, and Volleyball League. I'm not even into volleyball- to be honest I'm rather bad at it…
Morgan looked over my shoulder; Until I felt her warm breath on my skin, I completely forgot she was even there with me! She smiled at me once she had finished reading.
"Same thing!" She grinned.
I smiled back at her. Darcy and Briana were still chatting away about their schedules, so Morgan and I decided to head for breakfast without them.
We sat at the Athena table: I had my back facing the Apollo table to try and avoid Daniel's gaze. I grabbed a box of Cinnamon Toast Crunch and chocolate milk for breakfast. Two of my favorite things- sugary cereal and chocolate!
Morgan reached over the table and pretended to be getting the salt when she whispered, "He's looking at you." I felt my shoulders tense up and I could feel his stare on my back. I was trying to decide if I should ignore him or if I should turn around and talk to him and pretend like last night never happened. Then again, I can't just ignore the cutest guy at camp! So I turned around to find Amy sitting next to Daniel. When she noticed me, she waved and gave me a huge smile. I smiled back and then looked at Daniel. His bright blue eyes were looking straight back at mine, and it reminded me of the first time we had ever really looked at each other. I gave him a warm smile and he returned it, seeming to be relieved that things weren't as awkward between us anymore. And I was very relieved myself!