She walked in so silently I didn't even notice. She looked so shy and fragile. She was looking to the ground. "Class I would like to welcome our newest student," Sensei looked at me and smiled. I lifted my head and smiled. "Hello, I am Cho." She bowed to the class and Sensei and walked to a seat behind me and next to Tohru. She hide behind her red hair. Not red like Kyo's no it's red red. Like a red shirt. Her blue eyes shown bright like diamonds.

"We will need a guide for Miss. Chi to show her around." Everyones hands but mine and Kyo's hand went up.

"Well let's see-"

"I choose Tohru Honda."

"What?" The teacher looked back at her so did everyone else in the class.

"I would like if Tohru would show me around. She does seem friendly." How did this girl know Tohru's name?

"Well okay, Tohru do you mind?" Tohru won't mind she never minds anything.

"No not at all." She smiled and waved at Cho."

"Yuki," I turned to the cat, "Don't you think it is odd she knows Tohru?"

"It is odd. I can not sense waves from her. As if the were hidden." Hana appeared at Yuki's desk. She looked down and smiled.

The last bell rang and Tohru was talking to a red haired girl with bright blue eyes. The Yuki was standing by Tohru and next to him was Kyo.

"Guys we need to go! " The turned to me, Tohru smiled as usual and The boys just looked blankly at me.

"See ya Cho!" Tohru waved and raced up to me. "Where are we going Shiregure?"

"Akito wants to have dinner with to guys tonight." Tohru's smile was gone, Yuki shook his head in disagreement.

"There is no DAM way we are going to see him. I Won't allow it."

"Kyo not like you will even be going. He doesn't even like you."


"actually you all are going."

"W-what? Where are we going?"

"Just to the main house as usual."

"Just to the main house as usual." I grabbed my bag and ran out the door. I will meet them there.

I Jumped up on the wall and bounded off onto the other one jumping from each until I reached the roof. I ran jumping from roof to roof. The city below me blurred as I gained speed. One last leap and I was standing one the highest tower at the Sohma estate. I set my bag down it slid until the gutter caught it. I slid down beside it taking in the sight. Mapping out the place. It was filled with cherry trees and oak trees. Their leaves made a thick hiding place. I grabbed my bag and jumped into the thickest cherry tree.

"Hatori, our guest should be here soon. Is everything ready?"

"Yes, Akito."

"We have an uninvited guest." I froze. Holding my breath and started at Akito and Hatori.

"Where? How could someone get in here? It is impossible." Hatori, the Dragon. The reason I am here looked around looking for me.

"I do not know. But she means no harm. She is looking for you." He looked up in the tree. "Come down and we will welcome you." I guess my compulsion. Is easier to use on humans then I thought. I jumped down landing on my feet.

"The name is Cho Chi. I know your secret but you don't know mine." I smiled at the two men in front of me. "I have friends coming over. Lets enjoy dinner." I pushed past them smiling to myself. Plan One is in position.