A/N: Hello there! So this a neeew story. You can disregard most important things from the 6th book (including a certain DEATH :O) and just accept that this is a FANfic (= I can have it my way, KAY!) :D

Disclaimer: Harry Potter belongs to J.K Rowling… Meaning I own NOTHING! –sobsob–


Hermione is announced Head Girl. She would have been ecstatic if it wasn't for one tiny problem… Draco's the new Head Boy… Now they will not only have to share a dorm for the rest of the year, they are also in for a big surprise when a potion-gone-wrong forces them to see life from a little different POV.


Chapter 1: The new Head Students

It was a beautiful day in the end of summer. The sun was shining from a perfectly blue sky and it was very hot outside. The Hogwarts Express stood steaming and ready at the secret platform 9¾ at Kings Cross station in London. Onboard the train sat our favorite trio, Harry Potter, Ronald Weasley and Hermione Granger together in a small compartment. They had just gotten on the train after a rather busy morning, trying their best not to be late as usual. They had all spent their summer at Ron's place and had been in quite the hurry to get here.

"All this stress and we're still here early" Ron had hissed when they boarded the train a couple of minutes earlier.

"Well doesn't it feel great to be in good time for once?" Hermione had asked him where upon Ron had just grunted for an answer.

They had now settled down a bit in their compartment and were growing impatient for the train to leave. Ginny had gone off to find some of her 6th year friends, much to Harry's discontent. Therefore Harry and Ron had just plunged head first into a heated conversation about quidditch and whatnot. Hermione couldn't really care less… Crookshanks was lying in her lap, purring with content as she scratched his head gently. She smiled down at him as she did so, thinking how much had happened in the last couple of months.

Professor Dumbledore and Harry had had their suspiciously secret lessons all throughout 6th year without anyone knowing that they had really been out hunting horcruxes together. Not even Ron and Hermione (Ron had been sure to scold Harry for not telling them about it… Oh the drama) Anyway, they had managed to find and destroy all of the horcruxes that Voldemort had made and finally bring peace to the world after a tough battle between Dumbledore and Voldemort. Now everyone could finally live life without fear again.

A rumble made Hermione snap out of her thoughts and look out the window. The train was finally moving. Harry and Ron were still babbling like crazy about something Hermione didn't quite understand. She sighed and tried to catch their attention.

"Uhm, you guys." She said and smiled when she saw their annoyed expressions.

"Yeah?" Ron said

"What's up? I'm sorry we're being boring Hermione." Harry said and looked really guilty.

"No, No don't worry. You two go ahead and talk about whatever you want. I was just going to tell you that I'll have to go to the heads compartment soon." Hermione said and clutched the piece of paper she had tucked into her pocket. It was a letter from Hogwarts, informing her she'd been named Head Girl this year. She remember squealing like a silly little girl when she received it a couple of weeks earlier.

"Oh right" The two boys said simultaneously. Hermione laughed at them.

"Good luck with that 'Mione" Ron said and smiled awkwardly.

"Yeah, you go get 'em!" Harry cheered, making her smile even wider at them.

"Thank you very much. I suppose I'll come back here later then." She said and walked out of the safety of their compartment.

The corridors were pretty empty right now since most of the students had found themselves a compartment to sit in and it hadn't gone more than like two minutes since the train left the station. No one really felt the need to walk around just yet. When Hermione reached the Head's compartment she found it empty. She sighed in relief as she didn't feel quite ready to meet the Head Boy just yet. She didn't know who it was yet and the nerves were killing her. She'd have to share a dorm with this person, remember? She sat down in the corner of the compartment, flipping open a book she had brought with her (Just in case)

"Looks like I've been tricked." A low voice drawled from the other side of the compartment, startling Hermione. She obviously hadn't heard him come in. Her eyes shot up and there he stood; Draco Malfoy... He was tall, handsome and lean with blonde hair and icy blue eyes. Or yeah, he WOULD have been handsome if it weren't for his very unpleasant snarl that indicated he'd spotted something that displeased him. Which in this case, was Hermione. She looked down into her book again.

"This is the Head's compartment Malfoy." She emphasized his name in disgust. "I'd suggest you leave this instant."

"Sorry to break it to you, mudblood, but I'M the Head Boy." He hissed and sat down across from her. "And seeing as YOU'RE apparently Head GIRL I believe someone must've made some kind of horrible mistake." He didn't sound very pleasant at all. Hermione didn't look up at him.

"Horrible mistake indeed… Who would make YOU Head?" She said and licked her finger before turning page. She could almost hear the anger boiling within Draco's blonde head.

"Who would make a know-it-all mudblood like YOU head?" He snarled.

Hermione looked up from behind her book and sent him a heated glare. She was just about to give him a witty comment when the door slid open once again, revealing Professor McGonagall. Hermione closed her mouth and looked up at the witch.

"I see you have made each other's acquaintance." She said, probably feeling the tension between the both of them.

"Professor, there must have been some kind of mistake." Hermione said.

"Totally! Who in their right mind would pair US up as heads?" Draco exclaimed.

"We are certainly NOT compatible, Professor. Trust me when I say we'll never ever be able to come to any kind of agreement, ever." Hermione almost pleaded.

"Never EVER!" Draco continued.

The professor just smiled at the two of them and crossed her arms. "Sounds like you both agree with each other on this." She said smugly.

Hermione and Draco looked at each other in terror.

"NO!" They both said.

"Professor Dumbledore always has a reason to everything he does so I am sure you'll be able to work very well together despite your history." She said calmly and looked from Draco to Hermione.

The both of them kept quiet for the rest of the session with McGonagall. She explained the rules to them. They'd have to patrol the corridors after curfew every night together with the prefects (They'd have to fix a schedule as soon as possible), they could give detention to any student they found breaking the rules and as heads they were also allowed to take house points from students (but they were told never to abuse this power), they were responsible for the prefects and the two of them would be sharing a dorm together this year. Hermione begged McGonagall that they'd at least get to skip the part where they had to live together but were refused this.

"It is a privilege to be able to use the Heads dorm. It is very luxurious and gives more freedom than living together with everyone else. It is also a good way of bringing the heads together since they are partners that has to learn to work together and respect one another. I will hear no more about this from you. Instead you should get ready to meet the Prefects." McGonagall said and left the compartment.

Hermione and Draco both groaned loudly and glared at each other. Malfoy seemed just as mortified a Hermione felt right now.

"So… any thought about what to say to the Prefects?" Hermione asked after a few moments of silence.

"None whatsoever..." Malfoy said absently without looking up. Hermione sighed.

"Well, I have a few points I would like to bring up if you don't mind." She tried. No reaction. "Whatever, I'm going now. You should come with me." She said as she got up from her seat and headed out of the compartment. After a few steps in the corridor she heard the door slide open once again, he seemed to be coming after all.

"So the first meeting is this Wednesday evening at 8pm. Don't forget it please." Hermione ended her speech 20 minutes later in the prefects' compartment. Draco hadn't said a thing the entire time except giving a few small grunts and sighs at her words. The prefects this year looked promising, well except for the Slytherin ones. It was Pansy Parkinson and Blaise Zabini, two of Malfoy's closest friends. At least Ginny was there from Gryffindor to save Hermione from them.

"Any questions?" She asked. No one said a thing; of course, she hadn't expected any questions right now. "Well, if anyone happens to have a question later on, don't hesitate about asking either me or Mr Malfoy and we'll gladly answer it. Until then, have a good school start." She said and smiled warmly at them. She then turned around and walked out of the compartment, Draco following slowly.

"Do you think we're allowed to go back to our own company now? I'm getting really sick of having to be so close to you, Granger." Draco drawled from behind her. She sighed and turned around.

"I believe we are allowed to go back to civilization now, yes. See you later, Malfoy." She hissed and stormed off to the compartment where Harry and Ron sat.

"How'd it go 'Mione?" Ron asked her when she came in. He was stuffing his face with candy so it sounded more like "Houff iff gow 'Ione?" but she'd gotten used to his habit of speak with his mouth full so she understood him quite well.

"Horrible…" She said and crashed down next to Crookshanks who was sleeping.

"How come?" Harry asked her.

"Malfoy's Head Boy…" was all she had to say. The boys gave her an understanding look.

"I'm sorry to hear that. I can't believe they actually made HIM head!" Harry exclaimed.

"YEAH!" Ron agreed, probably not sure what to say.

"At least I know he's just as angry and disappointed as I am." Hermione said with a sigh and looked out the window once more.


In a completely different part of the train Draco Malfoy was sitting together with his Slytherin buddies. Pansy was trying to make him lay his head in her lap but he refused, as always.

"Oh god, like, I can't believe Mudblood Granger actually made it head girl!" Pansy said all of a sudden.

"Really?" Blaise asked, sounding amused. "Is it REALLY that big of a surprise to you?" He crossed his arms. "…Even though she's a mudblood that doesn't hide the fact that she actually KNOWS-IT-ALL."

Draco grunted and looked at his Italian friend. "No, I can't say I was surprised really, but it still sucks. How am I supposed to survive her for an entire year?"

"Make the best out of it. She's just a girl after all and with some fixing of her attitude, she's actually a pretty fine one at that." Blaise winked at Draco. He knew very well that Granger had been one of Draco's secret desires ever since third year. Not that he'd ever admit it to anyone but Draco though Hermione was damn HOT.

"Like hell I would ever touch a mudblood know-it-all like her!" Draco growled at Blaise who just laughed.

"Ew, that's right Blaise, my Drakie would never ever lay hands on such an ugly mudblood whore!" Pansy whined and hugged Draco's arm.

"Granger might be a lot of bad things, but the only whore here would be you Pans." Blaise said with a laugh. "And Draco, if you're not going to take your chance I might become a pretty frequent visitor in your dorm." He finished with a sly smirk. Draco couldn't quite decide if the Italian was being serious or just joking to piss Draco off.

"Just shut up." Draco grunted and pulled his arm out of Pansy's grasp. "This whole thing sucks."


A few hours later the train stopped at the small station in Hogsmeade. Hermione had just finished changing into her robes together with Ginny. They had been talking about how much Hermione's 7th year was going to suck for the past couple of hours now.

"So I say just ignore him and suffer through it. At least he's nice to look at." Ginny finished and grabbed her bags from the shelf.

"I don't know about that, but I suppose I can always give it a shot." Hermione sighed and slid the door open.

They both jumped off the train and met up with Harry and Ron. They were in a hurry to get to the carriages that would take them to the school. Hermione caught a glimpse of Draco when she entered the carriage. He didn't see her, thank god.

The feast this year was if possible even more magnificent than ever. After all, the war was over, Voldemort dead and peace had finally come to them all. The 1st years all looked cute, hopeful and nervous as the hat was going to sort them. Dumbledore's speech was wonderful and the food tasted great. Yes, everything would have been perfect if it wasn't for Hermione's feeling of impending doom.

When the feast was over they slowly got up from their seats and Hermione said good night to her friends as they followed the stream of Gryffindors up to the 7th floor. She started walking up towards the 5th floor, slowly. This was not good for her mental health at all. When she finally reached the portrait hole where the Heads' dorm lay she hesitated. Wait, she didn't have the password. How annoying. The portrait was one of a rather beautiful white stallion on a big field of grass. It looked up at her expectantly.

"Uhm, I don't have the password…" She told it. It just tilted its head and kept looking.

"Are you going to stand there all day Granger?" Draco appeared around a corner and glared at her. "We're supposed to decide on the password together. Just tell him our names and the password we're going to use. I couldn't care less what you choose." He said as he walked up to her.

Hermione smirked. "Fine! I'm Hermione Granger and this is Draco Malfoy. The password is 'Lioness'" The stallion nodded and the portrait swung open in front of them. Draco grunted and entered before Hermione. He was clearly discontent with her choice of password.

The common room was big and fancy with a cozy fire crackling in the hearth. Hermione stared at the beautiful walls and castle-ish details of the room. The colors were a mix between Slytherin and Gryffindor colors. (Surprisingly tastefully mixed) The room had three doors leading somewhere else. One said "D.M" and another "H.G" indicating those lead to their respective bedrooms. The third seemed to be the shared bathroom. Hermione opened the door to look, her jaw dropping to the floor at the sight. It looked amazing. It was exactly like a small version of the prefects' bathroom, except the colors were a bit different and the stained glass windows had stunning pictures of lions and snakes. Hermione almost squealed. There were no stalls with toilets like in the big bathroom but only one toilet and two sinks where all Draco's and Hermione's bath and toilet things had already been placed. This was a toilet which was to be used by one person at a time. Oh god…

When Hermione got out into the common room again Malfoy had already gone into his bedroom it seemed so Hermione decided it was time for her to check out her own. When she opened the door that said "H.G" she gasped. It was PERFECT! It wasn't too much but still pretty fancy the way she liked it. The colors where Gryffindor, of course, and along one of the walls stood a huge bookshelf filled with books. She also had a huge walk-in closet (like she'd EVER need that one eh?) and a cozy chair next to the window. When she looked out of it she could see the lake and the forbidden forest clearly. It was on the completely other side of the school than the Gryffindor dorms.

She then crashed down on her big bed and smiled happily. Okay, so this was great! If she'd have to live with Malfoy for the rest of the year at least this was the way to live. She quickly got ready for bed and crawled under the blankets. Yep, she might be able to get used to this. She though, and fell asleep.


A/N: So, first chapter up. What did you think? Hate? Love? Review please!