A/N: Yay an update for this ol' story! This is a little...mmm...creepy. Maybe. Only for a little bit- then its Shulesy goodness!

Disclaimer: I don't own Psych.

Love does not envy.

Rating: K+

Note: No dating action between Shawn and Juliet in this chapter! Think before the 5th season!

"Well, Juliet if you think about it, this whole thing really wasn't my fault-"

"Shawn!" Juliet's grip on Shawn's wrist tightened as she hissed at him, pulling him into a nearby closet.

They were in a hotel, and, by the musty smell of the dark hole they were apparently cramped in know, it was quite an old one at that.

It had all started with a case, of course. A boring run-of-the-mill extortion case that had somehow become more interesting when Shawn was involved...

Shawn was wrenched back to the present with a clicking sound, and Juliet exhaled angrily at his lack of attention.

"Explain. Right. Now." Juliet's tone left no room for argument.

Shawn was confused at her anger. "It wasn't a big deal..." But then, the little bit of Juliet's face Shawn could see through the dark convinced him to elaborate.

The woman, Ginger, led him into the dilapidated room, her delicate hand wrapped around Shawn's. The sickly sweet smell of her perfume pervaded the air, but it was not enough to cover up the stench of the dirty motel room.

"So...tell me about yourself.." the woman purred, sitting down on the creaky bed and pulling Shawn with her. Ginger's hand, with its perfectly manicured nails, was still grasping Shawn's. "...what do you do for a living?"

Shawn smiled through clenched teeth, knowing he had to tread carefully if he wanted information. "Well you know...a little of this...little of that." He shrugged and, revolted by what he had to do, by what, for some reason, the Chief had told him to do, he let his other hand rest on her knee. "But I didn't pay you to bore you with my life..." he swallowed with regret, "..did I?"

A girlish giggle that raised the hairs on the back of his neck. "Of course not, hot stuff."

And suddenly, she lunged, her lips spontaneously pressing to his, one hand in his hair, one on his thigh.

The disgusting smell she wore was clouding his senses, and as the kiss lingered on, Shawn grew more and more nauseous.

It's for the case.

But it grew harder to understand the importance of what he had been ordered to do, and soon, Shawn was pulling away.

"What's wrong, baby?" Ginger asked innocently, the devilish expression on her face clashing with her voice.

Shawn turned away, scrubbing at his face, sickened. And in turning, he saw it- the little video camera, stacks of DVDs labeled with names and dates, stacks of notepads. Here was the evidence they needed to close the case.

And suddenly, there was a loud crash. Whipping around, Shawn saw the door on the floor, and an angry looking Juliet.

"Shawn! Get over here!"

And Juliet grabbed him before he could do anything else, and Ginger was left to deal with Lassiter.

"...So you see? It wasn't my fault at all Jules! She attacked me!" Shawn finished explaining. Upon seeing Juliet's skeptical expression, he went further. "And you know it was the on the Chief's orders that I even went undercover anyway!"

Juliet sighed, finally nodding. "I know that Shawn..."

"-it's not like I wanted to kiss her; she's a creepy prostitute that extorts the men she sleeps with! You think I would-"

Shawn was still arguing, his voice actually rising, until Juliet stopped him.

"It's okay Shawn...I overreacted."

He nodded sarcastically. "You think?" Then, his expression turned devious. "Say, Juliet. Why did you react like that, anyway?" A grin was forming on his face.

"I-I- what do you mean? You just said yourself-! I was just worried for the case!" The words tumbled out of Jules's mouth faster than she could finish them, scrambling to justify herself.

Shawn merely stood there, beaming. "Jul-i-et likes me! Jul-i-et likes me!" He exclaimed in a sing-song voice.

And before she could react beyond red-faced silence, he left the room grinning.