Well Here's the first Chapter Hope you like it!

I don't own Naruto or FullMetal Alchemist.

Thanks to my beta: HinaRukiMione Who edited this chapter!

Lavender Alchemist

Chapter 1: Introduction to Lavender Alchemist.

It was a beautiful night; the stars were so bright and shining tonight. That's right; if you stared at them you would have guessed that they were dancing. Such a beautiful sight, yet tonight, Hinata had to work. That's right she worked for the military, so for now she had to try and find the ex-military Isaac McDougall, he's also known by the name of the Ice Alchemist for his ability to control water and transform it into ice. McDougall had dropped the job of being in the military after the war on Ishbal. Hinata didn't know about it since she didn't work in here back then. But she was curious about it, not that she wanted to be in an actual war since no one wants to see people dying in front of their eyes, right? Well with some exceptions because evil still existed in this world, that's one of the reason Hinata had joined the military and didn't complain much so she could fight evil. Well there were other reasons too but they didn't quite matter right now.

"Sir" Hinata started talking to the strong man in front of her. He was really intimidating, and the young girl admired him for that. He reminded her of her father, respected and powerful, just as she wanted to be. "We found the Ice alchemist tonight, sir." Hinata explained.

"Is that so?" Bradley replied back, not looking at her and still working on some papers.

"But apparently, after fighting with Fullmetal he somehow managed to escape." Boy she didn't want her boss angry. She heard that the man was really frightening when he was angry, and she really didn't want to be the one his bad side. She stood there for a while fidgeting a little as the air became tense, his ego was so enormous! It crushed her tiny one.

He finally broke the tenseness in the air as he spoke. "Good job Hyuuga, you might want go to talk with Mustang because from now on I want you to work with him."

"May I know why sir?" Now she was worried. Had she done something wrong? Was her work not satisfactory? Could she do better?

"Don't worry, I thought that maybe you could do some work with him…but if I need you once more… I'll make sure to call you back." Bradley says looking up from his work with a smile.

"Yes Sir…may I know how Selim-kun is?" Hinata asked her superior. Selim was Bradley adoptive son, he is cute indeed and in the past months she went to visit him to talk to him for awhile, mostly letting him doing all the talking. The girl had to admit that the boy was really smart and sometimes he scared her with some comments a child his age shouldn't be saying.

"He's doing fine…he asked when you were going to visit him." Bradley said in an offhanded tone.

"Oh it's been a while… I should be going soon." She replied in a soft voice.

"He'll be happy to hear that...I'll make sure to tell him…now you may take your leave." He said in a dismissive tone.

"Yes Sir… Have a good night." I said and with a small bow I exited the room.

"You too." she heard him reply as she closed the door.

And with that, Hinata left the man alone in his office.


Knock knock

There were a soft noise on the other side of the door, but no one replied to the knock, So she just opened the door softly.

"Excuse me?" Hinata called out into the office in her small, soft voice.

"You'll return your bodies to their original-" Mustang stopped talking when he saw Hinata. "Oh… Hyuuga. What are you doing here?"

"I'm s-sorry for interrupt your meeting sir." She tried to excuse herself.

"Not to worry." Mustang didn't mind her presence. She had a peaceful aura; he really liked it, not that he would admit it though. She also smelled very much like lavender, probably the cause of her nickname.

"I'm sorry for intruding so suddenly but Mr. Bradley told me that I'll be working under your command sir." Her voice… was so soft and sweet, that even the Elric brothers were amazed that someone like that even existed in the military. Well it was suggested that all soldiers were rude and obviously had killed at least one person in their life. But she looked so innocent, delicate, so fragile that with a touch you could break her, she didn't look fit for the military at all. But she had to be in the military for a reason right?

"Really?...that's great because actually…you could help Fullmetal on this mission so he won't let the target escape again." Mustang said with an amused tone. 'Yeah that's a great idea since they are young maybe working together will do them good.'

"Yes sir, I would be glad to help." Hinata replied bowing to Mustang. She then turned to the Elric brothers, more so to Alphonse. "It's a pleasure to meet you" She bowed low with respect. "I'm Hyuuga…Hinata Hyuuga" When she lifted her head she smiled. If Al had a heart it would have beaten very fast right now and he would have a dark blush spread across his face. She was so sweet and innocent, obviously a person like that shouldn't belong here.

"It's nice t-to meet you too" Al was embarrassed. "I'm Alphonse" 'Stop that. Don't stutter.'

"You must be fullmetal…right? Your nickname applies to you so well….I mean really you have this huge, shiny armor and-"

Before she could actually continue with compliments she felt an evil aura sweep into the room, when she turned to find the source her eyes landed on Edward who had a very terrifying look, she tensed and fidgeted nervously.

"I'm Edward…Elric….the older brother and I'm Fullmetal!" He said harshly, wanting to make it crystal clear. He was the older… he was the Fullmetal Alchemist. So he wanted the respect he deserved. 'Why can't anyone for once assume that I'm fullmetal? Was it too much to ask?'

"Oh…I'm s-sorry…I never thought…Fullmetal was so… so..." Hinata tried to find the correct word.

'Don't say small, short, midget or anything like that. She better not say short. She better not say short. She better not say short.' Those words were eating Edward's brain. He didn't want another too obvious insult.

"…so young." The Hyuuga finished. "I always imagined Fullmetal a lot older so that's why I thought Alphonse-san was Fullmetal so my apologies, I was wrong." She said with a low bow

"No worries." The older Elric said trying to act smooth, like the thought of her calling him short didn't bother him. At least she didn't call him a shrimp or midget.

"Well I guess there's no need for an introduction." Mustang commented; getting in the way. "You may leave now."


Currently she was with the Elric brothers. It seems that the 'Ice Alchemist' had killed a poor soldier.

"Poor guy." Hinata commented shivering while looking at his frozen solid body. No one would want to die like that right? Freezing to death? Even worse being froze to death by someone else power. How awful.

"Let's hurry… we need to find him before he hurts anyone else." Edward say giving his back to Hinata.

"Um…well actually-"She was cut off.

"What?" Edward asked turning his gaze to her. She didn't notice before, but the older Elric had something in his eyes…not like and object that would definitely be weird…something like an emotion and Hinata couldn't get a hold of which one. His eyes also reminded her of someone. Those eyes... reminded her of 'him' but at the same time they were different.

"M-maybe it'll be better to go this way." The Hyuuga says pointing to her left.

"Why?" Edward asked skeptically.

"Just a feeling." Hinata said with a small shrug and smile.

"Well I can't go that way." He argued back. He wanted to go this way, because he was older and she should just follow him and never complain, but it seemed she was as stubborn as a horse.

"W-well I-I really…think we should go this way...b-because we h-have a better chance to-" Before she could finish her sentence Edward already started walking, completely ignoring her. She stood there watching him walk the wrong way with her mouth hanging open. How dare he just ignore her! Who did he think he was? Just because he was the 'Fullmetal Alchemist' it didn't mean he should act that way. After all he was just a Kid. "I-I'm talking to you. T-this is a serious matter!" she said strictly, well as strict as Hyuuga Hinata could be. But once again he ignored her and kept on walking. Alphonse bowed quickly to her muttering apologies and then ran to catch up with his brother. She just stood there annoyed and shocked. Brat. Shorty. Shrimp. Midget. All of the nicknames she could think she wanted to shout at him knowing the type of person he was and knowing just as well it would most definitely bother him. But of course she would never say it aloud. She would never offend anyone. It was just plain rude. So whatever, forget him, she'll just go her way.


It was night already. Hinata was still searching by herself.

"How could he just ignore me? That was so rude." She was still mad at what had happened earlier with Fullmetal. Well it wasn't so bad actually; she had found Bradley and talked with him. It seemed he wasn't too happy that Isaac was still untouched. He told her that he would take care of it himself, that she didn't have to worry about anything and that she could return and help the brothers.

How am I supposed to help them if they don't listen to my ideas?...Well maybe I was wrong after all.

When the young Hyuuga kept walking a huge wall of ice appeared.

"Wha-"She said surprised.

Definitely that had to be a work of Ice Alchemist. What could she do? Did they find him yet? Or maybe-

Before she could process any other thought, Hinata saw the Elric brothers fighting with The Ice Alchemist.

"It's the Elric brothers!" Hinata yelled looking at her surroundings. "I need to do something useful." 'something useful, something useful, something useful.' "I know!" She said aloud to herself.

Hinata began running towards one of the many ice walls, principally to the main wall where the ice alchemist had been causing all this trouble was over. She saw that the Elric brothers were already on the floor but where was their enemy? Well it doesn't matter… she needed to destroy the wall. The young Hyuuga clapped her hand and touched the wall. With blue electricity it turned into million or maybe billions, obviously couldn't be counted, of lavender petals leaving a sweet and pleasant smell.

"T-that should do it." 'Maybe I need to destroy a couple of more-'

The girl couldn't finish her thought before the ice walls began to disappear. Had they defeated the Ice Alchemist? Probably.

"Maybe I should go to Central" Was the last thing she says before heading to the main building.


Morning, the best time of the day, well, that's what Hinata thought. It was nice and fresh; the beginning of a new day, the beginning, of maybe, another day of disaster. She sighed to herself, and took the flowers she had bought earlier, it was 9 am. With everything she needed she hurried off to Fullmetal's hospital room. With a soft knock she entered the room.

"Good morning." Hinata greeted with a nervous smile.

"Good morning" Alphonse greeted back brightly. Edward rolled his eyes, it was more than obvious to him that his brother liked her. Well Al was nice on normal circumstances, but somehow he could tell that that was a different case with her. Ed didn't greet her instead he averted his eyes to the wall in front of him. He scowled at his own obviously rude behavior. Why was he acting this way towards her? Was he upset or something? No, it wasn't that, it was just that when this girl came close to him he felt… angry? No. Upset? No. delighted?...Maybe. He really didn't know and it scared the shit out of him. She reminded him of someone and it brought peace to himself, but he was too scared to get close to it.

"I bought flowers. Lavenders to be exact, they're my favorites. I thought maybe you'd like them and make you feel better." She said with a smile setting them in a vase on the nightstand next to his bed.

"Thank you." Edward thanked her. It was a nice detail and thought.

"And I… I wanted to apologize… for taking my own way back then… We'll be working together… so we need to… to be on good terms." She said to him apologizing for her actions.

"True." He replied skeptically; she wasn't going to follow them everywhere, right? Not that he actually minded… He just didn't want to be troubled by someone who maybe by the looks of it is kind hearted but weak, that wouldn't help on their battles. But her presence was nice; it could bring peace to even a serial killer that would probably kill her as well just to see her nice and 'peaceful' blood run over the floor.

"So we're go-"

"Greetings Edward Elric," Alex Louis Armstrong greeted entering the room with some roses. He then started to say some nonsenses stuff that Hinata couldn't catch. Then he took his shirt off saying that it would make Edward feel 'better'. Hinata then blushed, her face turning into a tomato and covered her eyes. 'This guy may be crazy but god lord he has a nice body!' She thought embarrassed.

"Gaaahhhh!" The Elric brothers screamed together.

"P-p-please sir p-put some s-s-shirt on!" Hinata said completely embarrassed.

"Oh it's Lavender Alchemist." Alex greeted slowly picking up his shirt off the floor and putting it on.

"Lavender alchemist?" Ed and Al asked at the same time, curious.

"I hear that the Lavender Alchemist was the youngest of all the people to join the military" Alphonse said in awe. "That she joined just a few months before nii-san did. Also that she was pretty strong but I didn't quite know where the Alchemist was."

"Well she is Lavender Alchemist." Louis Armstrong answered with his shirt finally on.

Now the poor girl was even more red. It wasn't that she was hiding the fact that she was Lavender Alchemist, it just the name was unusual.

"I-it's n-n-nothing guys… re-really… I-I think...I gotta go… I'll v-visit you later Elric-san!" And with that she just left in a flash.

"Why the unusual name?" Ed simply asked to Alex. If she didn't want to tell then he'll just have to ask someone else.

"Well supposedly every time she uses her alchemy it smells like lavenders… I once saw her and it was beautiful, the colors and smell it really reminds you of lavender… but she rarely use her alchemy." He explained.

"I bought flowers. Lavenders to be exact, they're my favorites. I thought maybe you'll like them and make you feel better" so that's why. And back then with Mustang when she entered she smelled like lavenders."

Alex explained very clearly. "She use her families special taijutsu to fight most of the time, so you won't get to see her using her alchemy. It's very rare for her." He further explained.

"Well I'll be working with her for a while. Maybe I'll see it." Edward say with a smirk. 'Maybe I'll tease her till she uses it.'

"What a nice guy you are! You have fallen in love!" Alex said exited as always with his spark for teasing the brothers.

"As if!" The older Elric protested getting all flustered.

"Don't be shy!" Louis Armstrong said slyly.

And with that he kept teasing him with no end.