Well.. The final chapter is finally here. Thanks for all of you who stuck around and read the story ^_^

Just A Crush: Take A Guess

I was nervous. I felt like I was about to break up with the guy that meant the world to me. He did mean so much to me, but the position he had me in was one I really hated. I opened my mouth, I tried to tell him, but nothing came out.

I tried to move away from his grasp bit by bit, but he held on to me tightly. I had a headache, this was going to be more difficult than I thought. His hands went from my hips to my stomach, and his lips were already in my neck. He gave me little kisses that made me weak, weaker than I had ever been.

Seriously, whoever decided that love had to be difficult before you found the right one truly sucked. I was getting tired of the chase, of getting broken. Even if right now a million girls would kill to be in my position, being held by James Diamond, I would trade it to be held by the right guy. That person seriously loved chasing, he probably never committed, he just wanted to play around, yeah, that's it.

My willpower was leaving me by the second. I had mentally prepared myself for this today and now, its like the plan never existed in my head.

"What are you thinking about?" He whispered in my ear.

"How tough I used to be." And it was true. I usually had complete control of myself.

"Yeah, I remember how you used to distance yourself from me when I was coming on to you, but I'm glad you don't anymore." That makes one of us. He looked even better back then, but now is when my strong teenage me decides to leave my brain alone and lets me go along with his plan.

"Me too." Lies, so many lies.

There was silence for a while. I was disappointed at myself, why couldn't I just fight for myself? We were now back inside the car, the night got colder. He sat straight while my head rested in his lap. He caressed my cheek while I just looked at his eyes, those amazing hazel eyes. But sadly, they would never be mine. They never were, they were always someone else's. I needed to feel like I belong, and this was the closest thing I ever had to that but I should've realized sooner that this is what it was all about.

"James." I said closing my eyes.

"Yes?" He asked.

"Why do you like me?" I asked.

"Because you're sweet and smart. I've liked you for a long time."

"But back then you didn't know I was sweet and smart, you only saw my physical change." I said trying not to sound annoyed.

"But I could tell you were." What a freaking liar!

"How? Everybody always saw me quiet, or pissed off. Nobody knew me, nobody could tell anything about me." I ranted, I couldn't take it anymore. I was so stupid. I actually thought he liked me, he only liked how I looked. I should've just let this be this unfulfilled crush that it was always meant to be.

"Hey hey, calm down." He said with a peaceful voice placing his hand in my stomach.

"James, you're not gonna leave your girlfriend are you?" I asked. He stayed quiet, but Claire was right, I needed to voice how I felt.

"Say something!" I yelled.

"What do you want me to say?" He asked.

"Why wont you leave her?"

"I.." He sighed. "I love her."

"If you love her so much why did you even started this with me? Do you think it would be fun to have an affair with me?" I asked pissed off.

"Hey, I wouldn't hurt you and you know that."

"No, I don't because right now that's exactly what you're doing. You keep feeding me with hope. What were you gonna so if we kept this going long enough? Look, just take me home." I said and stayed silent the whole ride. He kept trying to reach my hand but I couldn't let him. I had let this go too far.

Why do I just have to be such a masochist. I knew this would happen all along deep inside, but no, I just have to think these things wont happen to me or that I'm just imagining things.

The worst thing is how I had to lie to so many people. How I had to pretend to not be seeing anyone and pretend I had other reasons to smile when I truly didn't.

He left me right in front of my house. I didn't text my mom I was on my way over so she wouldn't notice who dropped me off. I got inside and locked myself inside my room. I got on my computer and put my iTunes on shuffle. It's stupid though, when you put it on shuffle but then you keep skipping songs until you find one that fits your mood at the moment.

Skip.. Skip.. Okay, this one might do for now.

(Britt Nicole- Safe)

You keep tryin to get inside my head,

While I keep trying to lose the words you said

Can't you see I'm hangin by a thread,

To my life what I know, yeah I'm losing control and

Oh no, my walls are gonna break

So close, its more than I can take

I'm so tired of turning and running away

When love ju-st isn't safe

(your not safe, mmm-mm)

I'm strong enough, I've always told myself

I never want to need somebody else

But I've already fallen from that hill,

So I'm droppin that guard here's your chance at my heart and

Oh no, my walls are gonna break

So close, its more than I can take

I'm so tired of turning and running away

When love ju-st isn't

Everything you want, but its everything you need

Its not always happy endings but its hap-py in betweeen

Its taken so long, so long to finally see

The other isn't worth the risk

Oh no, my walls are gonna breeeaakk

Oh no, my walls are gonna break

So close, its more than I can take

So tired of turning and running away

When love ju-st isn't safe

Oh no, my walls are gonna break

So close, its more than I can take

So tired of turning and running away

When love just isn't safe

Your not safe

And that's okay


Two weeks after that I decided to go back to Florida. I needed a change of air, I needed to get away from home. It was never the place for me to begin with and ever since I left Florida I felt like I wasn't home anymore.

I moved in with Dak. He's been a great friend lately. I know, I left Claire behind but I needed to. She was happy with her soon-to-be husband and I just need to be away from anyone in a relationship because it made me want one too and it was something I truly didn't need right now.

My plans? Work this semester and next semester I go back to college as a transfer student, I decided to finish my bachelor's in Florida.

"Come on, turn that frown upside down." Said Dak from the kitchen. I looked at him and saw him with both of his hands behind his back.

"What are you hiding?" I asked, he came over and showed two bowls. "Chocolate ice cream, strawberries, almonds and whip cream?" I asked in shock.

"Your favorite."

We watched The Fast and The Furious in silence. But right in the middle I got a text.

From: James

To: Katie

Can I see you?

From: Katie

To: James

I'm not 'home' anymore.

From: James

To: Katie

Why did you leave?

From: Katie

To: James

Take a guess.

"Hey, are you okay?" Dak asked putting his hand in my shoulder.

"Yeah, I'm fine, lets just keep watching the movie."

The End