Hey! This is a Jatie story, I know, too many of those but it was the only way it would fit. Anyways it kinda has to do with my life so yeah, mostly getting my anger out here.

Just A Crush: An Excuse To Talk To You

I was sitting in my bedroom procrastinating. It was the week of finals but I didn't want to start studying for history, my most hated class, too bad I had no choice but to take it. Also it happened to be the week of hatred towards me, sort of. I had finished things with this guy I had just started to date and he started to say plenty of things about me, non positive of course, mostly horrible. He reminded me so much about my ex-boyfriend, especially with the last phrase he told me before I blocked him on Facebook. Lately any guy that I date and leave just has to think the worst of me.

Still I was thinking why I even started to date him. Maybe because he had already thought we were together and I felt bad to just tell him that it wasn't like he thought. I should have from the beginning but what's done its done. I couldn't remember the last time a guy wanted to just be friends with me. A girl can be just friends with a guy, it is possible, but lately it seems that just because a girl and a guy talk to each other they have to at least date once.

I missed having guy friends, but most of them didn't talk to me anymore because their girlfriends told them they couldn't talk to me. Some of them just got too caught up in the relationships and just forgot to call me back. But my thought mostly came back to think about just one of them. I remember us having long conversations every night. Most of the times it was me comforting him because his girlfriend at the moment was a total bitch to him and mistreated him.

I couldn't help but get online on Facebook. I saw his page, a really hot profile picture of him, of course. Status: in a relationship with the same girl I saw him last. I remember that day, it was the precise day that I stopped hearing about him. I knew he had started dating someone and that was the reason we didn't talk as often, but we still texted once every couple of days. After singing lessons I went with a couple of friends from the institute to the movies, where I ran into him.

"Hey Katie, haven't seen you in a while. How have you been?" he said while coming over to hug me.

"I've been okay, just like last time." I said trying to contain myself from showing the plenty of emotions I had at the moment.

"Oh Katie this is Lillian Stella, Lils this is Katie, my best friend's little sister." He said and we both waved at each other. I was trying not to kill him this time, just his best friend's little sister, how about your friend a couple of months ago, the one you met under a tree, or your friend two days ago over a text message.

"Nice to meet you, and nice to see you James. I gotta go, my friends are waiting for me." I said waving one last time and going inside the movie.

I noticed he was online. Last time I saw him was just a couple of seconds outside of T.G.I. Fridays and he looked like he wanted to talk to me, or at least I thought so about how eagerly he said hi.

It was the day before Kendall left for the Air Force. His high school friends invited him to dinner as a farewell. I wasn't told by Kendall, mom had told me we had to drive him there. I dressed in black board shorts and a purple t-shirt with my gray converse. When she pulled up in front of T.G.I. Fridays I remembered how we used to do it constantly when he was in high school and I was in Junior High. He got out and every single one of his friends started greeting him. Only the one's closest to him also greeted mom and me. Logan first greeted mom and then made his way over to me, Carlos doing the same. I saw him in the distance sitting in the bench.

"Hey Katie." He said waving as he got up.

I waved and said "hey James, see ya" as I got back into the car again this time in the passenger's seat. After that mom drove away. I was glad we didn't stay longer, first of all I wasn't even looking cute at all and I was afraid to talk to him.

I kind of regret my decision now. But I wish there was a believable excuse to get him to talk to me more than a few sentences. I wanted it to be like old times. I figured why not give it a shot, it wouldn't hurt.

-Hey James.-

-Hey Katie, how are you?-

-I'm good and you?-

-I'm good.-

-So, I heard you were joining the Army.-