In a little suburb area, where each building had the same style but not the same color, was one house that was slightly different than the rest. It was bigger, had four floors, and had an odd family living in it. The family in question wasn't odd in the usual way, where the mother would wear flashy colors, the kids went to school on unicycles, the father worked at a chocolate factory. No, they were actually quite normal, but it was the little things that made them odd. The family leaving at odd times in a hurry, pulling the kids out of school for little reasons, going on long vacations to places like Hawaii and then coming back without even a tan. Even at home, they would have many different people come to their homes. Once, it almost seemed like a high ranking government official came over to have tea. But in that little suburb area, no one wanted to ask why they were odd, and just let it pass over them, like everything else did, and ignored the oddities of the family living in the odd little house.

The family in question, was the Parr family.

The Parr's looked like a perfect family. Bob Parr was an extremely muscled man, but he had a kind face, and would always help people with hard work, often not even breaking into a sweat. Helen Parr, his wife, was a kind stay at home mother, who would always have a dimpled smile on her face, unless something caused her temper to come out in a rage. Violet, the oldest child and only daughter, was a smart young woman, top of her class, who would sometimes become very shy, her self confidence wavering when something that frustrated or scared her came up. Dash, the middle child, was energetic, always doing something, and on track and soccer at his school. Jack-Jack, the youngest child, was sweet and charming, but seemed to be always getting in trouble.

A perfect family indeed.

That is, unless you knew that the walls to their house was actually sound proofed, they had extra floors for many high tech equipment, they knew government officials because they helped them with official business, and also they were super heroes.

This is all actually true. Ever since four years ago, when a huge robot destroyed downtown, super heroes, or just supers, were allowed to come back and begin saving again. The supers that were the biggest appearance in all this was the Parr's, or more known in the public's eye as The Incredibles. Each with their own spectacular super power, they were loved by many thanks to the many spectaculars saves they did.

And so, you are now directed to this super family, who were having a normal day at their home. Of course, a normal day with superpowers…

"VIOLET, LET ME DOWN!" yelled fourteen year old Dash, who was currently suspended in mid air in a bubble like force field. His sister, standing beneath him with an irritating smirk, had one arm crossed across her chest, signaling that she had some anger in her action to her brother.

"Of course I will. As soon as I go through your room and get back what you stole."

"I didn't steal anything!"

"Want to bet?"

Dash paused, knowing full well that he did steal something from his sister, but not sure that she would find the item in question. Deciding she wouldn't, he grinned an extremely nasty grin at his sister.

"Yes. Twenty bucks says I didn't steal your wallet."

Violet grinned, and Dash had a sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach. Unintentionally, he had blurted out the item he had stolen, his personality getting the better of him and making him brag about being able to get under his sisters nose and steal something very important.

But now she knew for sure that he stole it.

"Mom! Dash stole my wallet!" Violet suddenly put Dash back on the floor, and the second his feet touched the ground, he was off, running up to his room to avoid his mother's scolding, and probably quickly forcing every known, and unknown, object in his room to block the doorway.

"Dash!" Helen Parr came out of the kitchen, frowning at his sudden disappearance into his room. "He'll come out eventually, he won't want to miss dinner."

"But I need him to give me my wallet now. I'm was going to buy a dress today with Kari," Violet complained, earning a sympathetic smile from her mom.

"Sorry honey. Here, if your brother doesn't come out by the time Kari get's here, I'll give you some money, ok?"

Violet cheered up at her mother's words. Giving her mother a quick peck on the cheek, she moved to the living room, working a project for chemistry. Jack-Jack, who was only six years old and very cute, looked up as his sister entered the living room. He was drawing a picture, crayons scattered around him. He looked back down to his picture, sticking out his tongue in concentration as his sister began scribbling in a notebook.

Helen returned to the kitchen, picked up the phone from where she left it when she heard Violet's yell.

"Sorry Edna, what were we speaking of again?"

"Darling, your mind is so up in the clouds!" Edna Mode said through the phone, her voice as usual so energetic as she spoke. "If you didn't have me, you wouldn't remember a thing!"

Helen talked with Edna for awhile, smiling slightly as the smaller woman went on and on, her 'darlings' growing more and more.

As she spoke, Bob Parr came in, through the door that led to the garage. He put a brief case on the kitchen counter top, leaning in and giving his wife a kiss on the cheek. She pointed to the phone and mouthed 'Edna', and Bob smiled, moving out of the kitchen before his wife decided that it was his turn to speak to the overly eccentric clothing designer. He walked to his study, pausing by the living room for a second. He frowned when he saw Dash wasn't in his usual place, annoying his sister, playing with Jack-Jack, or actually doing homework.

"Violet, where's your brother?"

"Dash is dead to me," she replied darkly, still annoyed at her brother even though Helen was going to give her money.

"I… see," Bob said, amused at her response. He continued to his study, taking off his suit jacket and shoes. He then turned on his computer, and began typing quickly, when a bleep came from his cell phone.

If a bleep came from your cell phone, you'd answer and ask who's calling. But Bob Parr, and everyone else in the Parr family, except Jack-Jack since he was still too young, had two cell phones. One was for their regular life, where friends and family would call. The other one, the one that made the bleep, was for calls for the Incredibles.

In a swift motion, Bob pulled out the phone and put it to his ear. He heard his family members also picking up, and they waited to hear what was happening.

"In the shopping district of downtown there's a man who is blowing up stores," a voice said, not bothering with any formalities. "We'd like you to stop him."

"On our way," Bob Parr said, and his family gave murmurs of agreement. Then he hanged up and put the phone in his pocket.

And like everyone else in the house at the moment, he quickly put on his super suit.

"Dash, stop annoying your sister."

"I'm not annoying her!"

The Parr's were now in the Incredibile, their vehicle that was used for their super assignments. Very spacious, and with blinking monitors on the screens, the Parr's, now dressed in their red Incredible suits, were speading away to the shopping district.

"You are Dash, now let her speak to Kari in peace," Helen said, frowning back at her son who was annoying Violet by speaking very loud in a country accent. He quieted down, and Violet finally managed to speak.

"I'm sorry Kari, but things came up! I know we had planned this, but my Aunt Margret is extremely sick, and we aren't sure she'll make it," Violet lied, hoping her friend wouldn't catch her ruse.

"Oh Violet, I understand. I hope you Aunt get's better!"

"Thanks Kari, I'm sure she will."

"Isn't it odd though, your family sure has a lot of emergencies."

Violet cringed at Kari's words, knowing full well that they weren't family emergencies, more saving the world emergencies. But all she did was agree with Kari, and said goodbye.

"Ok, I'm all good. Are we almost there?"

"About five minutes away from the shopping district," stated Bob, who was going full throttle on the car at the moment.

It turned out, that they didn't need to make it all the way to the shopping district. Unknown to them, a bomb was thrown neatly under their car, and when it exploaded it went twenty feet in the air, and landed in a lump of scrap metal.

The only reason was Violet's quick and shocked force field that she had created around them. They were still thrown around and roughly bruised, but they were alive. It was a miracle, because without Violet's force field, they would surely be dead.

"Is everyone alright?" Helen yelled, checking Jack-Jack and Dash for anything major. They all murmured that they were fine, and Violet finally put the force field down. Bob moved the reckage from crashing down on them, and they took hesitant steps into the middle of the street, people ducking into buildings as a way to take cover, pieces of metal everywhere, fire blooming around them.

"I see why it's so hard to kill you Incredibles," said a voice nearby, and they turned to find a man wearing what resembled a super suit, only it seemed homemade and not that well done, and had an evil air to it. "You have great luck that helps you survive."

Before they could say anything or accuse him, he lifted his hands dramatically to the air, hamming it up better then a ham could, and yelled to the heavens.

"I am Bomb Clock! And today, I will kill you all!"

Authors Note:

Hey people, this is going to be a crossover between Meet the Robinsons and The Incredibles. I already have everything planned out for this, and it'll be around thirteen chapters long. I'd like to point out a few things before the story gets really underway, just so that their isn't many questions:

This is four years after Syndrome, and now Violet is seventeen, Dash fourteen, and Jack-Jack six. They all have the same powers.

I'd also like to say, yes, I do suck at making villain names. Let's just think that this villain isn't very imaginative, ok?

And, Kari is from the movie, the girl who was the baby-sitter watching Jack-Jack. I just wanted to add her in, because I am pretty sure she's around Violet's age and they could be friends.

I hope you enjoyed this first chapter!