Author's Note!!

Thank you to everybody who reviewed!!! Because it was such a sad ending and Legolas is, sadly enough, always the bachelor of misfortune (heehee Aerlinnel), I decided I would have to write a sequel. The girl didn't die this time, and Legolas is still around for a couple thousand years, so they'd have to meet again sometime…

So, a sequel is coming! Very soon! Well, in a couple of weeks to a month. School's starting tomorrow for me, so I'm going to be quite the busybody for a time. When I do get free time, though, I will be writing as hard as I can. I've already gotten two chapters written, but ah-ah, sorry, you can't read them yet. Heehee. Sorry, I'm going to post them in weekly installments, as soon as I get finished writing more than just two chapters.

Thanks for being patient as always. ^_~

-Ellwyn Phoenix

***Oh yeah, I nearly forgot. I've got an idea for another Lego fic. This one's gonna be humorous, or as humorous as my little imagination can make it. If ur interested please check my profile from time to time where I'll be posting updates on story statuses and stuff…

Questions? Like to get to know me? Email to: [email protected]