Sorry I wasn't there.

this story is dedicated to my close friend. I am sorry it ended this way.

Disclamer I do not own the characters who appear in this story.

It was a bright normal day just like all the others. The sun shining and the sky littered with clouds. Yes a perfect day for cloud watching in the eyes of the young Nara prodigy. Ya today would be just like all those before, or so he had thought.

It came as a surprise when his best friend Choji sat next to him. Usually this wouldn't have been such a surprise. What alerted Shikamaru that something was wrong was the fact that his food loving friend wasn't eating anything. For ten minutes Choji sat there quite and solemn.

"come on Choji whats the matter?" The bigger boy turned to look at his laid back friend as he replied, "It's Ino, She died on her last mission Shikamaru." Quicker then he had ever moved in his entire life Shikamaru stood up. Slowly he turned to Choji. With a shaky voice he asks "your mistaken Choji."

the bigger boy looked up as he shook his head, tears now threatening to fall from his eyes. "I'm sorry to be the one to tell you. They place her death a few days back."

Shikamaru balled his hands into fists. "what do you mean it happened a few days ago? Did we just find out about it today?"

Choji shakes his head as he lets his tears fall streaming down his face. "I found out today about it, however it seems others knew about it with out telling us."

Shikamarus hands are squeezing so tight that his fingernails are digging into his palms. Blood drips onto the grass beneath him. Shikamaru screams as loud as he can, "how could they not tell us!" Choji lets his emotions out fully now.

Shikamaru drops to the ground as he now cries for one of his closest friends, he whispers to himself "I never even told her what she really meant to me." the two friends sit there for a bit just letting their emotions go.

After what seemed an eternity the two finally calm down enough to speak to one another again. Choji was the first to break the silence saying, "Ino's serves will be held tomorrow." Shikamaru nods as he stands and walks away.

It was another perfect day when all where lined up in the grave yard. The body had been placed and most where silent. A few whispers of regret throughout the crowd. Shikamaru looked to see how everyone was now leaving. They had asked him to speak on her behalf yet he couldn't do it. So much to be said, yet the time for all that was over now.

Everyone was gone. Shikamaru stood there alone as he looked up to the perfectly clear sky, a vision of Ino appears before him smiling. He lets his tears fall silently as he whispers "I'm sorry I wasn't there. I'm sorry I broke my promise."

From then on Shikamaru never when to watch the clouds like he always did. Many had wondered what happened but only one knew why this habit had stopped. Yes, only Choji knew that the blue sky brought Ino's image to Shikamaru's mind. That Image that would forever haunt him and all the words he wanted to say to her but now would never get the chance.


Hay guys there it is I just want to say to everyone, Live life to the fullest and never hold back what you feel. Tell those around you what they mean to you because one day they could be taken from you for good and nothing hurts more then to have a regret that can never be corrected.

Well Dominisk is signing off. Thanks for reading.