Catie: HAPPY RINGO'S BIRRRRRRRTHDAY! Why isn't this a national holiday? That's it, Obama, you're fired.

Addie: YES! HAPPY BIRTHDAY RINGOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Ha. :D It should be a national holiday. Damn you, the prime minister of Canada, whatever the hell your name is. Harper. Yeah, that's it. DAMN YOU HARPER!

Catie: For a second, I was like (in my head) "Addie, who's this Harper bitch? Obama runs the world". Haha silly American! Not ALL economies are shit!

Alright, enough of that. We need to go back and focus on more pressing matters: Today is Ringo's birthday and he is turning...umm...71! So, let's take a moment to travel back in time...when none of us were born...back when Ringo was 21 and looking fine as hell... Don't you guys fucking wish that we could have been alive back then? To celebrate Ringo-birthdays when he actually WANTED to get older?

Addie: Yes! Man, I always wish I could go back in time. I totally belong there. Anyway... yes. It would be awesome to celebrate Ringo's 21st. I can imagine how awesome that would be. Sigh. But, instead, here we are, stuck in 2011. Ooh. What a wonderful world. Sarcasm.

Catie: I just love the fact that Paul's and Ringo's birthdays are so close together, because...I dunno. It's like a giant Beatles Birthday Orgy and it makes me happy. OH YEAH! About Paul's birthday. We were totally gonna do an Extended for that, too, but then we just didn't because we're lame as hell. I spent the day on Tumblr, laughing my ass off at the Paul's Birthday Spam. Soo...happy belated 69th birthday, Paulie my love. :^)

Addie: Beatles orgy? Now that I like. I mean, there could be John and... Ha. I mean... happy birthday Ringo. And yeah, Happy Belated Paulie, Catie's love. Tumblr's awesome. Except the John and Paul getting together things I see. Eee.

Catie: Catie = slash haterrr. Honestly. Come on, guys. They were friends. Haven't you ever seen two guys, just being FRIENDS without being in love with each other? Ugh. They both had wives that they were very much in love with, and they were best friends who wrote songs together and made awesome music. It would be saying Harry and Ron were gay for each other. It's

Addie: Ew. I hate slash. Absolutely 100000000000% HATE. Especially when they write fan fictions of slash between brothers. NO PEOPLE, NO! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU? And I'm not homophobic either. I love gay people. They are awesome. BUT if two people are not really gay... don't make them gay!

Catie: Preach, girl. That's exactly how I feel. However...I feel like it does work the other way around, too. Like, if someone is gay, don't try and make them straight in your stories! But then again...this is fanfiction. So do what you fucking want, and I just won't read it. Haha deal? Okay, great.

Addie: Deal. lol. Now... we have two topics to cover, as asked for in our reviews...which by the way, thanks for reading, people! Shall we tackle this topics then?

Catie: Mhhmm. Here we go! First one?

Addie: First one is from Abbs McGee but also Kristin. She asks us to talk about our thoughts about the Beatles solo careers.

Catie: Fuck. I don't want to say what I'm thinking right now, because I'm afraid you all are gonna call me hypocritical, and then I'm just gonna cry.

Addie: Just say what you need to say about John and I won't call you hypocritical and don't cry!

Catie: Thanks for the moral support, Addie. Annnyways, I was gonna say that by far, my favorite Beatle solo artist was John. Honestly, I loved him once he broke away from the whole Beatlemania thing. Probably my favorite song of his is "Jealous Guy", which I've actually cried to for reasons that completely escape me as I am neither a guy nor have I ever been jealous of one. And we all know about the magic of "Imagine", even though that song is pretty much...I don't know. Common knowledge? No, that sounds wrong. Eh, I don't even know what I was trying to say. Fuck it, I'm done.

Addie: Anytime. No, seriously. I agree. I think he was amazing on his own and did so many great things and opened up so much more of his talent. Like you said, "Jealous Guy" and the power of "Imagine." And also "Give Peace A Chance" and all those other ones. I think, comparing everything between all four of them, he achieved the most. And not just in the way of music either. In activism and etc. He was amazing. As for the others: I don't mind them. But, I'm more into John's solo career than anyone else's. I have a few Paul song's, even fewer George and 1 Ringo.

Catie: I love Paul solo, but I don't think I've been enlightened to him enough. The only album I've really heard was Band on the Run, which is great but very limiting. And I think I should brush up, seeing as I'll be watching him live on August 1st when he comes to Chicago :D Hahaa I'm a lucky bitch, I know. As for George, the only song I've ever heard by him (solo) that has really stuck with me was "All Things Must Pass". That song...fuck. It's gotten me through a lot. As for Ringo, my awesome friend and fellow RP-member Xo actually had me listen to a few of his songs last night. Not bad, not bad. Oh, Ringo. :)

Addie: I love the song "Band On The Run." Oh and everyone, and Catie, check out this song by Paul "The Other Me." It was posted on my facebook wall by...someone. It's a great little ditty. And it's in my head right now for reasons unknown. I need to listen to more Ringo. I only know "You're Sixteen" and that's not even his song. I shall one day! Oh and as for George, I love "Got My Mind Set On You" and "My Sweet Lord."

Catie: Oh, it was posted by SOMEONE, was it? Hahaha okay, we'll all be sure to check those out. What's next on our topic list?

Addie: Uh-huh. SOMEONE. Next... by This Boy. He says we should talk about our favorite albums.

Catie: Logan3 Haha okay. My favorite album has to be Abbey Road, just because I know every single song by heart and it was the first Beatles album I ever heard and I do my best cleaning to it and most of the songs make me happy. Addie?

Addie: Hmm... Well I have three I guess. I love, love LOVE A Hard Days Night. One of the albums I can listen to straight through. And then Rubber Soul. I love it. It has great songs. It's like they were just shedding their (I SUCK WITH THESE DAMN TENSES!) old image and just on the brink of their new one. And then Let It Be. Such a great album too. Most people don't like it. But I love it. And Abbey Road too. Haha. I can listen to that one straight through too.

Catie: I guess I've always liked a Hard Days Night...but I don't really like the song. The album is great, but the song isn't my favorite. From that album, I like "Tell Me Why". Haha I have no idea why (no pun intended) but I think it's just catchy. It kind of sums up how I feel about all their old songs, you know? Catchy, cute, fun, but not really...meaningful. You're right, though. Once they get to the Rubber Soul and Revolver days, they do shed that image and become something more significant. Let It Be...ehh... I mean, I like it. I'm not going to say that I hate ANY album of theirs (though Magical Mystery Tour is pushing it), but it's not really my favorite.

What about you guys? What's YOUR favorite album? Which one has a song that really speaks to you? On Abbey Road, I've always loved Oh! Darling. Gets me going every time. :D

Addie: Yes, people, tell us your song and what it means to you. I have lots, I know I do. I'm too tired to think. But, I have to mention "Let It Be." Everytime I listen to it, it just helps. It makes me feel better when I need to. It calms me. It just gives me this...feeling. I absolutely love it.

Catie: I think that's about it for this time...this bitch needs a shower and some food. Ha so happy Ringo's birthday to ALL you Beatles fans. And don't forget to comment and tells us your favorite song and its meaning to you, and also leave us suggestions for what to talk about next time!

Addie: Yes! And I need to finish my internship work. I don't want to but... yeah. Anyway... review people, please the review whores! Thank you!