This is the last chapter! I know it was a short story, but it really didn't have a plot so yeah. I hope you like it even though I don't because it's so short and I had to write it quick.

I wake up to sounds coming inside the room. I don't open my eyes, I just listen to what's happening.

"Hurry up! We need to see what's on that tape of last night," Brandon's voice says.

They probably put a video camera in here yesterday so they can find out what is actually going on. Wait! But that would have us talking about the coronation and me and Riven getting married.

I use my powers to switch the tape they have with a tape that Helia gave me for my birthday once. It starts out with a regular video of a little girl playing with a rocking horse, but the she slowly comes up to the screen and screams really loud and she has this creepy face.

It had no effect on me because I like scary things, but my dad pissed himself!

I hear the eerie creeks of the horse and then a few moments later, I hear the loud screeching screams of the video and the guys' reaction.

I feel Riven shift and see his eyes open. He gives me a questioning look but I just motion for him to be quiet.

"Nabu! This was your idea, you probably did this to play with our minds!" Brandon accuses once it's over.

"Did you see his face? I don't think anyone could have planned this and have that reaction," Sky says.

"Then what happened?" Timmy asks.

All of a sudden I hear someone making a 'shh' noise and I motion for Riven to pretend he's asleep and we both do so.

I hear the guys come in the room and I can feel them eyeing me and Riven. "Musa?" I hear Brandon whisper, I just ignore it.

"Musa, we know you're awake!" Sky says.

All of a sudden, I feel something being thrown at me. "What the hell?" I scream, acting like I just woke up and Riven plays along.

"We know you were awake, don't play dumb," Timmy says.

"Why the hell would I be pretending to be asleep?" I ask.

"You know why!" Sky says.

"No, I don't," I say.

"Musa. You have super sonic hearing. You must have heard that scream," Brandon says trying to get tricky.

"Yes, I heard it, but that doesn't mean it woke me up. I simply heard it in my subconscious," I say.

"So, why, when you woke up, did you not ask about the scream?" Brandon asks.

"Because I was more curious why someone threw something at me," I say.

"Whatever, we know you switched the tape," Timmy tells me.

"What tape?" I ask and the boys just let out a frustrated growl.

"Maybe she doesn't know," Nabu says.

"Maybe, but who else would do it?" Sky asks.

"It's either Riven or Helia, and I doubt it's Helia," Timmy says.

"I don't even know what the hell you're talking about so just let me go back to sleep," Riven says.

"Just, let's go," Nabu says and they all leave.

"What was all that about?" Riven asks. I put a sound barrier up at the door and tell him about the tape. "Nabu said he wouldn't tell anyone," Riven says.

"Nabu is a man of his word. He decided that they need to know and that by making a tape, he wouldn't really be telling them," I say.

"Fine let's just go back to sleep," Riven says and I lay my head back on his chest.

My eyes dart around the room and when I see that the clock says one o'clock PM, I jump up. "We're late!" I say.

I jump out of bed, take the quickest shower I've ever taken, use magic to get clothes from my room and dress myself.

I run out of the bathroom and see that Riven is there waiting for me. "How long does it take to get there?" he asks.

"Just a second if I use Zoomix," I say. I transform into Believix, and then Zoomix and I teleport us to the palace meeting room where my dad should be.

And of course, when we get there, he is sitting on the couch impatiently. "Sorry dad, we over slept," I tell him.

"So you are already sleeping together?" my dad asks disapprovingly.

"Dad. We're married," I remind him.

"But still! You two are in high school!" he says.

"If I would've married the guy you picked out, you can't say that you wouldn't want us in the same bed and room," I tell him and he sighs.

"Okay, well, Musa please leave the room. I would like to talk to this young man alone. And Cynthia will be in your room to tell you about the coronation," my dad says.

I look at him skeptically before kissing Riven goodbye and going up to my room. "Musa!" a girl with medium length dirty-blonde hair and blue eyes says hugging me.

"Hey Cynthia," I say.

"Okay, so your coronation is in two weeks, so we have to hurry!" Cynthia tells me.

"Ok," I say.

"Well, first let's start with what you're going to wear..." she says and we spend about three hours discussing plans until Riven comes in with my dad.

"Musa, please come with me," my dad says and I get up and follow him out the door, leaving Riven with Cynthia.

"Musa, he's not the guy that I would deem worthy of you, but he's got what I want anyone my daughter is with should have. Love. For you. I don't know if he's great for you, but I know that he'll protect you, and love you. He'll keep you safe. And that's why I gave him my blessing," my dad says making me hug him.

"Thanks dad," I say.

"So go back in there and plan the coronation!" he says and I go back in the room. I jump on Riven and kiss him passionatley.

"What did you do?" I ask.

"I was myself. Is that bad?" Riven asks playfully.

"Not at all," I say.

"Okay, well we need to get back to the coronation!" Cynthia says.

After a few more hours of planning, its late and my dad wants us here tomorrow, so we just decide to sleep in my bed, but Cynthia goes to her own room.

The next two weeks go by smoothly, except for the others calling Riven and I non-stop. We didn't answer. Helia called my dad to keep him updated.

Today is the dad of the coronation. Add after this afternoon, Riven and I will officially be the king and queen of Melody.

I have about an hour to get ready, so I hop in the shower and then get dressed. I'm wearing the dress that I did to Stella's princess ball, and my hair is in the same style. Riven is wearing a black tux.

"Are you ready princess?" Cynthia asks.

"Yes," I say.

"Riven?" Cynthia asks.

"Yeah," he says.

"Then come on, everyone is here and the ceremony is about to start!" she says.

We go down to the garden to see that everyone is seated in white and red chars.

Riven and I walk up gracefully to the gazebo in the middle to my dad. "Musa. My daughter," my dad says and gives a long speech about me, and then a short one about Riven because he doesn't really know him.

We give our words to rule the kingdom fairly, and then we get crowns on our heads. "I now declare you Queen Musa and King Riven of Melody," my father says and everyone cheers.

The crowd then starts to mingle. That's when I see them. The winx and their boyfriends except for Helia because he was here the whole time.

I turn around and start walking quickly, but I soon feel a hand on my wrist. I turn around to see that Brandon is the one who has my hand.

"Hey guys. What are you doing here?" I ask like nothing's happening.

"Musa, why didn't you tell us that you were a princess?" Bloom asks.

"Because I didn't want you to know. I didn't want you to treat me like one," I say.

"Musa, we wouldn't have if you didn't want us to. We're your friends, we shouldn't have secrets," Sky says.

"I'm sorry," I say.

"It's okay," Flora says and we all hug.

Then Riven and Helia come to us and we raise our glasses to celebrate the new king and queen of Melody.

I know it's bad but please don't criticize. I would like reviews though.