READ THIS OR YOU WILL BE LOST: Annabeth has an older brother who she lives with. And she has ginger hair, not blonde. There are no gods or demigods in this, and there is DEFINITELY going to be OOC's. I might add some stuff from the books, but it is very unlikely. So, tell me what you think. It's only the prologue.

Full Summary: Percy Jackson has constantly torchured Annabeth Chase since the fourth grade. One day, one of his pranks go too far, causing Annabeth to switch schools. Senior year of high school, Annabeth returns, completely changed. Percy doesn't recognise her and tries to flirt. Annabeth is disgusted, and Percy doesn't know what's wrong. But, after spending some time with her, he thinks he might be falling in love with her.

INTRO: The Younger Years.


Annabeth Chase was not an idiot; she knew that. Only she couldn't help but think it while running down the 4th grade halls of Trinity Elementary School, being called that exact name. Many other names were called as well - fat, ugly, four eyes, dumb ginger, and of course, the occasional freak. Annabeth didn't know why they chose to pick on her and only her. Yet…she did. It wasn't because of her looks, or her hair, or her clothes.

It was because of him.

He was the cute, black haired, green eyed boy who always had the full table at lunch. He was the all-too-popular, young ten year old whose parents were rich and awesome. But, most of all, he was the boy who tortured was the great Percy Jackson. The one who everyone liked. The one every girl had a crush on. The one who received his enjoyment from school by calling Annabeth every mean name anyone has ever heard. By pushing her down on the school playground everyday, and the horrible thing that always seemed to make her cry - pointed out she didn't have parents. Not anymore, at least.

Yes, Annabeth had friends, of course. But they were embarrassed they were her friend. They didn't have a problem showing it, either.

At the end of the day, just like always, Annabeth ran home, wishing she was in the confines of her room where she could sulk and cry her eyes out. Then when her brother came home from his high school classes, she could tell him what a horrible day she'd had and use his shoulder to bawl. Her life was so unfair.

When she opened her front door, she was very fortunate to see her brother already there. His presence alone diminishing her heartache.

She ran to him, throwing her arms around his waist and immediately bursting into tears. Aaron was shocked. He thought things were getting better. He thought Percy learned his lesson after he was sent to the principal's office last week.

He wrapped his arms around her, picking her up and cradling her head. He was used to this, of course. It happened nearly every day. He knew what happened at school. It was sad, really. For one small boy to cause so much damage to an even smaller girl. Aaron hated it, and he hated the fact that he couldn't stop it.

"What did he do this time?" he asked, setting Annabeth down after her crying subsided.

"He said that thing about mom and dad. Got the whole class to call me names, too." Her voice cracked twice, and more tears fell.

Aaron did his best to make the tears vanish, but they continued to fall. What ten year old would be cruel enough to do something so horrible to a girl like Annabeth?

Perseus Jackson.


Nothing changed, except for Annabeth. According to Percy, the braces made her look uglier, and all the acne she had on her face made him want to try and play connect the dots. But she still had her square shaped glasses with the thick rims, the same ginger hair that everyone liked to point out, and (of course) the same ugly - yet larger - grey eyes.

However, Annabeth made a friend. A best friend, actually. She was the only one who would talk to Annabeth after her old friends' discarded her in fifth grade. She was the only one who still called her pretty and ignored everything that Percy said, (despite the fact he was VERY hard to ignore.) Her name was Thalia Grace, and Annabeth couldn't have dreamed of a better friend.

The funny thing was, Thalia was Percy's cousin, and she lived across the street from him. How was it possible to ignore THAT? Annabeth always thought.

Thalia had to admit it was difficult. Percy often tried to talk to her and get her to stop being friends with Annabeth. But she managed. She thought Annabeth was nice and pretty. Her brother was cool, too. Thalia would never walk away from that, even though her cousin was very persuasive, even though she only knew Annabeth for a little less than a year, she would never walk away from her.

On the first day of sixth grade, Annabeth soon discovered Percy was in her homeroom. Just my luck, she thought to herself.

Even though Percy was always so cruel to her, Annabeth couldn't help but catch her breath whenever she saw him. Percy was popular for a reason. He was the person that every guy in the grade wanted to be. He always looked hot, no matter what he wore to school. His hair was a messy, jet-black mop that seemed impossible to fix. And his eyes were a beautiful, piercing sea-green color that would take every girls breath away.

Annabeth quickly looked away before Percy could notice her and sat in a random seat that was farthest away from everyone.

Of course he noticed her eventually. It was like he could sense her presence. Or her 'ugliness.'

"How was your summer, Annie?" He asked her. Oh, he knew her real name, he simply chose to mix it up with her mother's. Just because it bothered her.

Annabeth wouldn't answer him. She never answered him anymore, unless it was absolutely necessary, and it never was. He just always called her random and hurtful names, nothing too serious.

"Hello! I'm talking to you!" He spoke again, but was given no reply.

"You bitchy freak." That's what did it. Percy never cussed, but that's what middle school did to kid's, Annabeth guessed.

"What do you want?" Annabeth nearly screamed, causing everyone in the classroom to look at her.

Percy didn't speak, but his eyes did. They were giving her that look. The look that always said "You say anything, you DIE." That's what scared her. If she said anything, he would bring his army of followers into this, and Annabeth never wanted that.

At lunch, Thalia and Annabeth sat alone in the back of the cafeteria. Annabeth searched through the tables and, of course, Percy's table was surrounded by most of the students. It always was.

"If you want to sit with them, you can." Annabeth said, looking over at the group of girls who were begging Thalia to sit with them with their eyes.

"Are you crazy? Those girls are too nasty for me." Thalia replied, "One of them just started talking to me during homeroom about her new skirt or something."

Annabeth didn't answer. She couldn't stop thinking about the way Percy cussed at her. He'd never done that before, and it shocked her. After all this time, she thought he would actually learn to grow up.

"Hey," she heard Thalia say, but didn't reply. "are you okay?"

Annabeth shrugged, "I would be if Percy hadn't called me a bitchy freak during homeroom. Or, better yet, if he wasn't in my homeroom altogether would probably make my day."

Thalia grinned at her sarcastic tone, but her eyes showed pity. Why did Percy have to be such a jerk?

The day continued with nothing out of the ordinary. Percy teased Annabeth constantly, cussing at her occasionally in front of his friends. When she returned home, she was not expecting Aaron to be waiting for her. He usually stayed out for his college classes, especially since his second year seemed to be harder than his first. But he was there, standing near the door with his arms crossed.

"How was school today?" He asked with the read-less expression he always used.

"It was fine…"

He glared at her. She knew he didn't believe her. He never believed her whenever she gave him a short answer.

"Are you going to tell me the truth?" He asked. She simply shrugged, giving him a clue that she really didn't want to talk about it. Aaron never pushed.

But Percy needed to stop.