Harry Potter / Chobits Crossover
Brought back to life with a mix of magic and science, how can Harry make a place for himself in this new world when everyone thinks he's just a soulless Persocom?
Mechanical Rebirth
Harry opened his eyes.
How odd it was, the effort that single action took, it was like his lashes were made of lead. He reached up one hand to rub his eyes only to stop short. There are cables on my arms, he thought, no, they're in my arms.
He convulsed in his restraints as though to throw up but there was no bile in his mouth, no taste whatsoever, like his tongue had shut down. Harry thrashed against the cables and leather restraints, lashing him to a circular harness that stood him upright in a room scattered with computer equipment that he vaguely recognised from muggle school, though it was far more advanced than anything he had seen before. He pulled against the straps, feeling them stretch and buckle but hold, some of the cables popped from the... sockets in his arms and legs, sending them flying in an ark so they settled on the cold floor like struck snakes: discontent and hissing, wanting to sink their teeth into him again.
The corners of his vision bled green but the surge that accompanied it shuddered to a halt as a hand (small, warm, and weathered) touched his arm.
"Harry, it's going to be okay, stay calm, just take deep br- stay calm, Harry." A woman wearing a lab coat, oval glasses and her brown hair tied in a bun was in front of him, both hands grasping his shoulders so she could meet his eyes. Harry flinched from her touch but couldn't pull away from her gaze. "What's the last thing you remember?" She asked gently, her brown eyes softening as she smiled, revealing lines and grooves carved into her face over years of laughter and tears.
"Burning, every thing's burning, everyone, everyone's-"
"Dead? Yes, I know, Harry. We're the only two left after all." The woman's eyes brimmed with tears and Harry froze, remembering eyes like hers held in the face of one of his dearest friends.
"...'Mione?" He choked, falling limp in the restraints. Hermione: bright, sensible, passionate Hermione, the girl who cowered against the troll in first year but grew up to go toe to toe with Death Eaters, Hermione who argued with Ron but still fixed his tie when it was squint, Hermione who bullied Harry into eating something before following him willingly on another hero-complex escapade. 'Mione's...older, so much older. Was all Harry could think, over and over, as he stared at the woman in front of him who could be no younger than forty at best.
Hermione nodded, smiling sadly before suddenly breaking into tears. Harry hung, his mind numb as he reached out to hold her. Hermione fell into his weak embrace and cried into his chest. It was at that moment that Harry realised that he knew the rate of Hermione's pulse, exactly how many tears landed on his skin and that he didn't have a heartbeat. "'Mione, what did you do?"
Hermione only sobbed harder.
Not high on my to-do list. This is the prologue to a largely plotness story. Scientist!Hermione would be interesting if I planned to keep her alive more than a couple of chapters. Only cameos from most of the Chobits cast though I planned on Harry being paired with an older Minoru.
This was intended as a study in what it means to be human as I wanted to examine some of the darker themes that emerge in Chobits. Frankly, some of the things that happen in the series are appalling but justified or brushed off because the victims are machines. Then there was that whole thing with Harry being ousted as a 'true Chobit' and maybe hunted down by the wizarding world...
Like I said, not high on my to-do list.
On a slightly related note: only one review? Come on guys, considering how many have alerted this, that's cold.