Story: A Thorn in Time

Chapter 1: Ringing bell

Word Count: 2,013

Warnings: OCCness, slight cussing

Main Paring: AmericaXRussia


"But..." Alfred said, looking hurt, "This can't be right! I'm the hero, I can't die, take him instead!" Alfred said, pointing at Russia, Ivan smiled back, dark aura slipping out and a slight chat of 'kolkolkol' which Alfred promptly ignored.

It should have been a normal day, just a day at home, relaxing, peaceful, boring. However, it did not end up like that in the slightest and it hardly did when one expected it to be so. To say the least, when Alfred woke up he expected a normal day, which meant doing some paper work , hang out with Matthew and do other heroic things to keep the world safe from evil. After getting ready Alfred pulled on a white t shirt, blue jeans and his trademark boomer jacket. He walked into the kitchen, he was on vacation at Matthews place, so he expected to see his brother there, but instead saw nothing out of the ordinary. Alfred's eyes landed on a note.

Dear Alfred,

Sorry, you were still asleep so I didn't wake you up, Gilbert's here and he's dragging me out for a bit. I'll be back before too much longer. Feel free to anything in the fridge, try not to eat everything though. By the way Ivan's coming over, hopefully I'll be back before then, but if not, try and be nice.



Alfred picked up a pen and wrote a note back.

Dear Mattie,

Why are you hanging out with Gilbert again? If he does anything, I'll kill him, seriously. Thanks for the food! You should really have more hamburgers though, they are so awesome! I don't know why you invited that communist bastard over, I'll let him in but he's usually the one to pick the fights, not me. Talk to you later then.

Your Heroic Brother,

Alfred f. Jones

Alfred didn't know why he and his brother sometimes wrote notes back in forth, even if they were in the same house, it was fun though, so Alfred didn't really mind. Alfred grabbed a Coke out of the fridge (some days he preferred Coke with other days he preferred Pepsi, it depended on his mood) and started drinking it. Alfred started going to turn on the T.V to see if there was anything good on when the doorbell rang. Alfred looked on cell phone for the time, past noon, seemed like Alfred slept in again. Alfred sighed, wishing he had time to relax before Russia came over, he assumed it was Ivan anyway. Alfred went to the door, opening it to see none other the Ivan, assumption proven correct, "Hey bastard, come in." Alfred said, flashing Ivan his usually big smile. Sure, technically they weren't fighting anymore, but they did banter...a lot, "How've you been?

"I am good, thank you. Though I do not know why a pig such as you is here." Ivan said, same innocent smile there, "And if you would pay attention once and a while you would know that I am not communist."

"Whatever, Mattie's out, I don't know when he'll be back, you can come on in though." Alfred said lazily as he took another gulp of soda.

"I would feel touched if I didn't think that Matthew talked to you beforehand." Ivan said, steeping inside, Alfred closed the door behind him.

"Whatever." Alfred repeated, walking towards the kitchen, Ivan following, "Do you want anything? Matthew said that we could have anything."

"I am good, I have vodka." Ivan said simply. "Figures." Alfred thought silently to himself, "When does Ivan not have vodka on his person?"

"You should be dead from alcohol poisoning."

"Nyet, I have a much higher tolerance then you."

"If that thing was poisoned you wouldn't even notice." Alfred said, sitting down in one of the chairs at the table in the kitchen, "Hey Ivan." Ivan's smile twitched ever so slightly, but Alfred didn't see because Ivan was behind him. Ivan had found out long ago that Alfred only said his name when the younger wanted something.

"What America?" Ivan asked anyway.

"You should make yourself food." Alfred said smiling innocently at Ivan.

"That is nice of you comrade, thank you." Ivan said, knowing that Alfred wanted Ivan to make him food, being the lazy person he was he probably didn't want to make anything himself. Ivan was not going to do such a thing and Alfred was a fool if he thought otherwise. Ivan looked through the fridge, finding enough ingredients to make a good dish, it would take a little bit of time, but it would be delicious and he could rub it into America's face. That thought alone was enough to make him perfectly happy. Ivan started setting out all the ingredients, taking off his coat and hanging it up so the sleeves wouldn't get in the way or stained, it was warm anyway. The doorbell rang again, making Alfred sigh, Matthew certainly seemed popular today, too bad he wasn't here to really appreciate it.

Ivan didn't much care that Alfred had left the kitchen, somewhat thankful actually. Ivan did vaguely wonder who else was here, but brushed it off, he'd probably find out if it was important. A few moments Alfred reentered with the Italy brothers, which was curious to say the least. What were they doing here?

"Hello Italy." Ivan said pleasantly at the two, which caused them to shiver slightly, but they sat down at the chairs offered.

"So what brings you guys here?" Alfred asked happily, Romano looked at Ivan, "Oh, don't worry about him, he's waiting for Mattie for some sort of business. What brings you two here though?"

"Ve~" North Italy said happily, "We came to get you Alfred."

"Um, okay." Alfred said, a little confused, "I guess I don't have anything planned today, where are we going?"

"Idiot! That's not what he meant!" Romano growled. Alfred tilted his head to the side, confused causing Romano to sigh heavily in annoyance, "Look, you being an arrogant dumb ass probably won't believe us, but we're the representation of death." If Alfred was confused before, he was definitely beyond confused now.

"I'm sorry, what?" Alfred asked.

"The Italian brothers are definitely unique." Ivan said, cutting in, "As they are the embodiment of Italy, they are also death. Nobody knows why this is, most aren't even aware of this fact, da?" Ivan explained, not even looking away from what he was doing, "But why would you be telling now?"

"B-because Alfred comes with us now..." Italy said.

"What do you mean?" Alfred asked, looking in between Russia and the Italys.

"Isn't it obvious, you're dead!" Romano said.

"Well not yet." Italy corrected quietly.

"But I feel perfectly fine. I'm not dead!" Alfred said, confused, the Italys were the embodiment of death? How in the hell did that make any sense? Besides, if he was really dying wouldn't he be sick in bed...Alfred would have thought it a trick if it wasn't for the fact it was Italy, he definitely did not have a reputation for being a good liar, "Wait, why does Russia know?" Alfred asked.

"Oh please, I have avoided death many times." Ivan said, brushing it off.

"This still doesn't make any sense!" Alfred said, frustrated.

"Stop complaining bastard, you were suppose to die a long time ago! You're lucky you lived this long!" Romano said.

"But..." Alfred said, looking hurt, "This can't be right! I'm the hero, I can't die, take him instead!" Alfred said, pointing at Russia, Ivan smiled back, dark aura slipping out and a slight chat of 'kolkolkol' which Alfred promptly ignored.

"We can't just grab another person just because you don't feel like dying!" Romano bristled.

"Please understand Alfred, we can't break certain rules." Feli said almost pleadingly.

"But I feel fine. I can't just die." Alfred said, this was just way too much, "Can't we make some sort of deal or something?"

"Ve~ Okay!" Feli said instantly, causing Romano to start strangling him.

"You complete idiot! You can't go around making deals with every dimwitted person who offers! You don't even know what the deal is and your already agreeing!" Romano yelled furiously, the Italy brothers went on for a while before Romano finally calmed down somewhat, he glared daggers at Alfred, as if it was his fault, and in his view it was, "So what deal do you want to make?" Romano snarled.

"I don't know, anything that ends up with me not dying." Alfred said, nodding in agreement with himself. There was a moment of silence in which Feli decided that it was best for him not to talk and make his brother even angrier at him and Romano glared at Alfred.

"Fine, but you better listen to me, you bastard." Romano said, standing up, hands on the table, "We will make it so you live for as long as your country does, but you have to do something for us!"

"Like what?" Alfred asked suspiciously.

"All you have to do is go to another world and basically stop it from self destructing." Romano said.

"So basically save the world?" Romano rolled his eyes but nodded, "I can do that!" Alfred said, laughing obnoxiously. Ivan just shook his head in exasperation as he pictured Alfred striking the heroic pose that he was indeed striking at that time.

"So you agree?" Feli asked hopefully.

"Hell yes, who am I to refuse people in help anyway?" Alfred asked, Feli jumped up and down happily.

"You're both idiots." Romano grumbled, "Alright, fine, but there's no going back on this deal, if this doesn't work, you're dead and that's it. No second deals, no nothing. You fix everything, you come back to the spot you appeared in and say your full name and you'll come back here, got it?"

"Yeah, I already got it." Alfred said confidently.

"Um...Alfred, I must warn you that-" Ivan started, turning around, but never did get to finish before Alfred literally disappeared. Ivan blinked a few times at where Alfred had been. Romano sighed.

"Come on Feli, let's go." Romano said, honestly he didn't want to be around Ivan any longer than necessary. They were out of the house quick too, thanks to the fact that they could run away quick. Ivan looked after them, then back at where Alfred had disappeared. What had that idiot done this time?

Alfred looked around him, he was outside, the sun was shining warmly on his skin. Well...something had definitely happened. He was in an alleyway as far as he could tell, close to a street, which was helpful, if he could see the street's name then that might help so he could find his way back. He might have been an idiot, but he had to be able to navigate though cities, something he learned in New York mostly. He was in America, he could tell that, though the connection was fuzzy. Before Alfred could take even a single step forward, somebody rounded the corner, nearly running into Alfred and Alfred was face to face with the stranger. Alfred was about to apologize, laugh it off and go on his way when he realized that the stranger was...himself.

Alright, so I know what you're thinking if you're a subscriber: 'What the hell is this? I didn't subscribe for this crap! Where's your other story?' Well to bad, hahahaha *shot*

Anyway, I do have 'I'll be you're villain' But I wanted to do this story and it is shorter then IBYV, so I figured, why not? Don't worry, I will still work on my other one. But this one seems fun and well...better. I was going to post this Monday, but what with me working a lot T.T this seemed like the best time.

Anywho, have commentary!

Alfred: Why the hell is Italy and Romano death?

Me: Well I had a lot of ideas but this one seemed more fun.

Ivan: I seem confused.

Me: Just wait until the third chapter, I shatter your world ^.^

Ivan: ...tell me now.

Alfred: That doesn't matter! Why am I dead?

Me: Look, you get to save a world, aren't you happy?

Alfred: ...maybe just a little.

Ivan: He is thrilled~

Me: Yes!

Alfred: Shut up! You are cruel to me.

Me: Shows next chapter.

Alfred: I'm disowning you, move to Russia for all I care!

Me: *sniffle*

Ivan: I like this~

Alfred: Want another cold war?

Me: Remember kids, hate sex is what ended the cold war ^.-

Ivan: Da~

Alfred: *leaves* I have no words for either of you.

Me: hehe, see you all next time! Tell me what you think so far, da? Or not I guess...I suppose you don't have to and I could just sit here all lonely and sad that nobody likes the awesome me.

Gilbert: Hey, I'm mentioned in this one!

Me: Yeah, you get to lau- wait, that's next chapter, never mind. I actually thought about you being death.

Gilbert: Me, a main character in one of your stories? Hell no.

Me: heheh :3