Hi, Everyone! It's here! *drum rolls* The final chapter! For all my lovely readers who had been following and reviewing this story, THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR SUPPORTING ME 'TILL THE END! Enjoy! As always, positive feedback are greatly appreciated.
Editor: Gwen Truong
Warnings: AU, yaoi, lemon, mpreg, fluff
Disclaimer: I own nothing but the plot
Life 14: Kaname and Zero Plus Eleven and Still Counting
Zero was leaning over the sink, one hand gripping the edge of the sink and the other pressing against his stomach. For the third time in thirty minutes he was throwing up until nothing was left in his gut. After freshening up his face with warm water the hunter looked up, lavender orbs caught a reflection of his own pale face and a set of warm red-wine orbs looking at his reflection sympathetically.
Zero gave a weak smile when strong arms embraced his waist; he turned around and returned the hug, resting his forehead on the pureblood's chest. Kaname kissed the mop of silver hair and caressed his beloved's head affectionately.
"It's been a week, isn't it?"
The hunter nodded. "Ne, Kaname, you never forgot to wear condoms, did you?"
"No, you knew I always wear them when we make love."
"Then why am I having the same symptom as when I were pregnant?" asked Zero with a worried tone. "I know it's not food poisoning. Could it be that I am..." Zero gulped, "Pregnant... again...?"
"Let's call Aido and find out."
Still hugging his beloved wife tightly, Kaname fished out his cellphone from his pants' pocket and speed-dialed Aido's number.
"Aido speaking."
"Aido, can you check on Zero now? He'd been throwing up for a week. I think he is pregnant."
Kaname chuckled, he could imagine the blond's surprised face. The genius physician must have never expected that his solution for the Kuran's family planning would fail. After all ten years had passed without 'incident'.
"Yes... I'll be there in twenty minutes..." he said hurriedly.
"We'll be waiting for you in the guest room."
Kaname hung up and put his phone back in his pocket. He grinned and picked up his beloved wife, carrying him bridal style, though he knew the silverette detested it.
"Hey! Put me down!" Zero was frowning and kicking. "I am not a woman!"
"I know," Kaname gave Zero a quick peck on the lips. "Just for today let me spoil you... Please...?" Red-wine orbs were looking at lavender ones with puppy eyes.
Zero's heart melt; he could never say 'No' to those puppy eyes. Kaname was really taking advantage of his weakness.
"Okay..." he gave Kaname a playful look and wrapped his arms around the brunette's neck, pulling himself closer until his face was an inch away from his ears.
"Spoil me in bed once everyone is asleep..." he whispered seductively and licked Kaname's earlobe, causing the pureblood to feel tightness in his pants.
"Actually... You are so naughty I will spoil you in bed now."
"But Aido will be here soon..."
"We still have 15 minutes and I'm sure he wouldn't mind waiting a little bit more."
"Yes, Baby! Hurry!"
Kaname held Zero tightly and teleported to the guest room, both landing not too gently on the bed. They eagerly took each other's clothes off while kissing hungrily. Once in their birthday suit the couple embraced each other and rubbed their erections together. Hips rocking in sync, the tips of their manhood were leaking with pre-cum.
"Aaahhh..." a moan escaped Zero's lips.
"Zero..." Kaname called his beloved's name with passion.
He laid Zero on the bed and took out a condom from his pocket - he always carried a condom in his pocket so they would always be ready to make love anywhere in the house whenever they got a chance or were in the mood - ripping the packet and sliding it along his shaft. Zero, who had been watching Kaname with anticipation, spread his legs and wrapped them around the pureblood's waist, pushing him forward until the tip of Kaname's shaft met his entrance.
A scream filled the air when Kaname thrusted in without restrain, Zero arched his back and embraced Kaname tightly, his face contorted in pain mixed with pleasure. Though he liked Kaname's gentle love making, the rare time Kaname took him raw always brought him to ecstasy. He enjoyed the pain in the midst of pleasure, it satisfied his inner beast. His eyes turned red; he watched a pair of crimson orbs above him and licked his lips, seducing his mate to move faster and deeper.
Kaname groaned and pushed deeper, hitting Zero's most sensitive spot. The silverette whimpered and the muscle around his anal cavity tightened, squeezing the hard length inside of him, causing Kaname to lose control over his inner beast. The brunette pulled out and thrusted back in hard, hitting Zero's prostate very deep and released his semen inside.
"Aaaaahhhh..." Zero screamed from the top of his lungs as a deep pressure hit his prostate, clutching Kaname's back and releasing his cum to his stomach.
The couple continued to embrace each other, savoring the aftermath of their mind-blowing intimacy. Crimson orbs gradually changed back to their original colors, gazing at each other with so much love.
"I love you," Kaname said with all his heart.
"Love you too," replied Zero with the same passion.
"Aido is here, let's wash up quickly." Kaname suggested, removing the cum-filled condom and discarding it in the trash bin next to the bed.
Without waiting for Zero's reply and not leaving room for the silverette to be embarrassed, Kaname carried his beloved to the adjacent bathroom and cleaned the evidence of their passion from his mate's stomach, then wrapped him up in a silk robe so it would be easy for Aido to examine his belly.
"Good afternoon, Aido-san." The butler bowed as he opened the door.
"Good afternoon, Sebastian." Aido nodded and entered the mansion, carrying his portable ultrasound equipment. "Are Kaname-sama and Zero-sama in the guest room?"
"Yes. Kuran-sama said you can just come in." Sebastian gave a mysterious smile, making Aido wonder what the butler was thinking. However, he dismissed his curiosity and went straight ahead toward the hallway leading to the guest room.
Aido took his time walking along the quiet hallway; at this time of day the Kuran children were at school and no servants were working in the main residence. As he was nearing the guest room his vampire hearing picked up the sound of groaning, whimpering, and pounding of flesh against flesh.
Zero's unrestrained scream made his heart stopped beating; Aido was so shocked that he stopped on his track, the equipment slid from his hand. Thanks to his fast reaction, he caught it just before it met the ground.
"Phew..." Aido wiped the imaginary sweat from his forehead. "That was some thousands of dollars equipment."
Just when he felt relieved his nose picked up the smell of sex, forcing his mind to think of perverted images of him writhing under a grown up Akatsuki.
"Ack! What am I thinking? He is still a young boy!"
He shook his head and pinched his nose before it bled.
"Kaname-sama will kill me if he knew what I was thinking..."
He placed his equipment on the floor next to the door and sat against the wall, covering his ears to block unwanted sounds that would cause more indecent images running in his head. After waiting for what seemed like an eternity the door finally opened, revealing a grinning Kaname.
"Hi Aido, didn't the butler tell you to just come in?" teased the brunette.
Aido was blushing furiously. He couldn't say 'I couldn't come in because I heard groaning, whimpering, and flesh pounding; then Zero-sama screamed and the smell of sex followed, and I almost got a nosebleed because it made me think of Akatsuki and me', could he? Kaname-sama would definitely kill him.
Kaname laughed out loud.
"You can come in now."
Aido sighed, 'I guess not...'
The blond picked up his equipment and stood up, walking toward the queen-sized bed where Zero was sitting, and giving his usual charming smile as if he didn't just hear the couple's wild sex.
"Hi, Aido," Zero greeted with a smile.
"Hi, Zero-sama," Aido set up his equipment. "Kaname-sama told me you had been throwing up for a week. Let's find out what's going on."
The genius blond spread cold jelly on Zero's abdomen and scanned it with his transducer probe. Blue orbs were observing the monitor, looking for a sign of life. Zero was anxious, he loved babies but he wasn't sure if he wanted to start over again. Kaname was nervous even though his face didn't show it, he was very aware of what would happen to him if the monitor showed a sign of life.
"You are having octuplets!" Aido said excitedly. "Congratula..." He turned around and saw the couple's unenthusiastic face. "...tions." His congratulation ended with a whisper.
Kaname's face was as pale as a sheet of white paper, and Zero was looking at the screen as if he was seeing a ghost. The room was painfully silent.
Aido quickly wiped the gel from Zero's abdomen and the transducer probe, then packed up his equipment.
"So..." Zero said quietly, his eyes were still glued to the screen. "How did I get pregnant again? Kaname never forget to wear condoms. Right, Honey?"
"Then it's very strange!" said Aido. "Because condoms absolutely is a reliable method for birth control. If you have always used them and carefully checked each of them..."
"Check what?" Kaname asked.
"Eh, the condoms... as I said, before using it, you must check it to make sure it isn't defective..."
"You've NEVER said!" Zero screamed, his lavender orbs were looking at Aido murderously and his right hand sneaked under the pillow behind his back.
"I'm sorry! I gotta go!"
Aido grabbed his equipment and ran for his life, closing the door at the same time Zero fired his Bloody Rose.
The bullet left a hole on the door where Aido's leg would have been if he hadn't closed the door in time.
Zero put his gun on the nightstand and looked at Kaname with a twisted smile on his face.
"Do you remember what I told you if you impregnated me again?"
"Yes, you would castrate me."
"I am glad you remember."
"You are not serious, are you?"
"I am dead serious."
Zero was no longer smiling.
"But Zero, I can't help it. It's not my fault that there's only 1 hole in the condom but eight of them could get through. I came from a vampire-wolf clan, so it's not unusual that our puppies are instinctively not coming alone."
"Are you calling my kids PUPPIES?"
"No! I was just saying since you married a wolf, just like a mommy wolf you are capable of carrying eight babies at the same time."
"Are you calling ME Mommy Wolf?"
"Yes! Ah! NO!"
"You. Are. So. Dead."
Zero sat up and grabbed his hunter blade from the drawer.
Kaname quickly 'opened' the door by his mind power and fled to save his precious manhood. He made a sharp left turn at the end of the hallway and bumped into a display table, knocking down their wedding picture and the children's baby pictures, their crystal frames broke to pieces.
"Oh no! Our wedding picture!"
He carefully picked it up, admiring Zero's beauty in his white wedding suit and reminiscing their very special day.
"KANAME! Come back here!"
Zero's scream brought him back to reality; his fast footsteps were approaching. Kaname dropped the picture to the ground and resumed running.
Zero stepped on the broken crystal pieces, fortunately he was wearing slippers so his feet were protected. His eyes widened upon seeing the scattered baby pictures; his rage fueled higher as he had worked so hard organizing those pictures.
"That bastard! I am so castrating him!"
Zero ran at vampire speed, using Kaname's scent and their bond to track him down. He passed the living room and knocked down a golden vase. The vase shattered, water spilled, and red roses were scattered all over.
Zero felt bad for breaking Kaname's invaluable vase; the pureblood had paid a lot of money to acquire it at an antique auction in France. He promised himself he would compensate it for Kaname one day, but right now another pressing matter needed to be taken care of. He followed his husband's scent to the dining room.
The pureblood had already left and was running through the courtyard garden connecting the dining room and his office. In normal situation, he would walk around the small pond for fresh air and sat on the bench reading a book. But right now saving his manhood was his number one priority. He chastely cut through the ornamental grass and accidentally stepped on Zero's favorite white lilies; they were squashed flat to the ground.
"Oh no!"
He stopped and turned around, looking nervously at his running wife at a distance. Kaname was feeling really, really, bad for killing the lilies. Zero had nurtured them since they were married, they were like Zero's adopted children. Nothing and no compensation could ever replace those lilies, even if he would plant a thousand of new lilies for Zero the sentiment would be different.
Zero was catching up with him so Kaname made a dash to his office and closed the door. Through the dark window he saw the hunter stopped by the ruined lilies, his facial expression clearly showed that he was in deep shock.
"My lilies..." Zero whispered and kneeled, caressing the lilies with love. He was completely furious now. Sixteen years of nurturing was gone in a second! He finally had it! However, he realized there was no way he could outrun Kaname in his pregnant condition, so he did the only thing that he knew would make Kaname voluntarily come to him. He gathered up tears in his eyes; a few droplets wet his beautiful face.
Kaname was confused. 'Why did Zero's attitude change so suddenly and easily?' he thought. 'Perhaps it was due to his pregnancy.'
Kaname suddenly heard his beloved, pregnant hunter's loud painful groan. Zero was kneeling and holding his stomach, his facial expression showed that he was in severe pain. Feeling guilty for causing such pain to his wife, Kaname immediately ran out to Zero and held out his hand. Zero swiftly took it and looked up with a mischievous smile.
He froze Kaname with a hunter charm. The pureblood was not happy that he had been tricked, but he masked it with his trademark charming smile.
"Zero, Darling. I love you. Please spare me?" He used his puppy eyes that would surely melt Zero's heart.
"Sorry, Love. Your puppy eyes did not work this time."
The hunter fondled his pureblood husband's belt, then lowered his hand and wrapped his fingers around the hidden accused manhood.
*Pants ripping*
"NO! NO! NO! You love little Kaname, don't you? It has always satisfied you. It has given you a lot of pleasure. It still wants to please you more. It will stop making puppies." The tense pureblood stuttered.
"Definitely not! Say goodbye to your puppies maker!"
Oops... Poor Kaname! It seems Zero's mission is successfully accomplished! But no worries, if Kaname's hands could regrow/restore in the manga, then his other body parts should too :)