Hi everyone! It's been three plus weeks since I updated 'Brunettes'. I was sick for a week and on vacation for another week. I managed to write this during my vacation, please enjoy this while you are waiting for the next chapter of 'Brunettes'.

Warnings: yaoi, mpreg

Disclaimer: VK and its characters belong to Matsuri Hino

Life 1

Kaname came home from work an hour ago and had just finished shower. He was standing in front of his vanity mirror with a white towel wrapped around his waist and drying his wet brown locks with a hand towel when a pair of arms wrapped around his six-pack stomach gently, his bare back rested against a warm chest.

"Kaname…" his silver haired wife called him seductively.

The brunette dropped the towel in his hands to the tile floor, he held both Zero's hands and brought one of them to his lips, kissing the back of the hand gently. With their hands still intertwined he turned around and smiled, red-wine and lavender orbs exchanged a loving look. He opened his mouth to greet his spouse but his lips were sealed with a passionate kiss before he could say anything. Zero's arms were wrapped around his neck, his lower part of the body was pressed against him. He eagerly returned the embrace and kiss, their covered crotch rubbing against each other.

Zero was the first to break their intimate kiss, his amethyst eyes reflected deep affection for his husband.

"I miss you, Kaname."

"I miss you too, Zero."

Zero moved his hands from Kaname's neck down to caress his back, earning a moan from the brunette, and to his waist and untangled the white towel around it, dropping it to the ground. His lips traced his lover's neck, chest, stomach, and finally stopped on his lover's erection, slipping it inside his mouth. He closed his eyes as he bopped his head, skillful tongue licked the hard shaft. Kaname leaned his back against the vanity when Zero brought one hand to stroke his manhood and another rubbing his scrotum together. His eyes were closed and a moan escaped his lips. He rocked his hips forward and back in sync with the speed of his spouse's ministration, he moved faster as his pleasure got more intense, head thrown back as he shot his cum into his lover's mouth.


The hunter swallowed all of the white juice and smiled. He stood up and caressed the brunette's bare chest, his lips touching his partner's for another passionate kiss.

"Why Zero….. You are so passionate today."

"Mmm…. Can't I show you that I love you?" Zero faked a pout.

"Of course you can, dear." Kaname chuckled. "It's just that you rarely initiate display of affection, let alone oral sex."

Zero looked down to hide his flushed face, earning a laugh from his husband. When he looked up his lavender eyes were filled with worry.



"I think I did it this time."

"What did you do?"

"Don't get angry with me, please." Lavender orbs were pleading.

"I won't. I promise." Kaname gave his most comforting smile.

"Well… your laptop crashed. I think it got some viruses."

The brunette was too stunned to say anything. Russet eyes reflected a 'you are hopeless, what am I going to do with you' look. Silence filled the room for a long minute.





"Two weeks ago you soaked my iphone in the washer, three days later you accidentally shot my limo with your Bloody Rose, just two days ago you dropped an iron on my ipod, and now you crashed my laptop?"

Desperate red-wine orbs met guilty lavender ones.

"I'm sorry…" Zero kissed Kaname's lips and looked at him with puppy eyes.


"What am I going to do with you?" Kaname resigned to his fate. Who knows what Zero will break next time.

"Mmmm….. make love to me?" lavender orbs lit up, pink full lips smiled.

Kaname smiled back and poked the tip of Zero's nose.

"You are too cute for your own good. I can never get angry at you."

The brunette scooped his beloved wife in his arms and transferred them to bed to fulfill the wish of his most beloved person.

End of Family Live 1