Yugi Motou: First Sergeant of the United States Army. (Just an FYI, in this story, Yugi grew quite a bit, he is taller than Tea, but not as tall as Joey or Tristan, and hes more muscular.)

Tea Gardner: Ballet Dance Teacher

Joey Wheeler: Domino Police Officer (Ironically)

Tristan Taylor: Teacher at Domino Jr. High

**In this story, Yugi and the gang have graduated high school and bought a house together.**

*Dont own Yu-Gi-Oh...*

Talk of a possible Deployment

/click, click, click…/ Tea was lounging on the couch, flipping through channels, she stopped on the news to listen to nationwide and local events. "On today's news, a soldier, from Domino was killed this morning, PFC Hiriku Sakamoto. A roadside bomb hit the hummer he was driving and flipped the truck…." Tea tuned out /I'm so glad Yugi is there right now…/ "Tea, you're up early. Any reason why?" Tea turned to see Yugi in his ACUs, and Barrett, ready to head out the door. She tried to hide a blush as she said, "No Yugi, no reason, I just decided to get up early and see you and Joey off to work. That's all…" she walked over and gave Yugi a hug because of the news report she saw a few minutes earlier, which caused Yugi to blush as well. "Be careful Yugi, okay?" Yugi couldn't help but snicker a little bit, "Don't worry Tea, ill be fine, and…ill be late if I don't hurry, ill see you tonight. See you soon okay?" Tea didn't want to let Yugi go, but she did slowly, "Okay Yugi, we all love you ya know…" Yugi raised an eye brow at Tea's strange and sudden behavior, "Tea, don't worry so much, I'll be okay, I promise. Bye Tea!" Yugi sprinted towards his car and took off.

"You saw that headline dis morning to huh?" Came a distinct Brooklyn accent from a blonde man standing behind Tea in a blue police uniform. "Yeah I did, he could be shipped off tomorrow for all we know and hes acting like nothing is wrong!" Joey put a hand on her shoulder to comfort her, "Yeah, but maybe hes tryin to conserve the time he as wit us as a happy memory, making the most of it, than sulking for somethin that could come months or years from now…ya know wud I mean?" Tea wiped a tear away with a smile, "Your right Joey, you're absolutely right! Thanks!" Joey smiled, "No problem Tea, ill catch'a lata." Then he also left for work.

Tristan and Tea did their usual, go to breakfast – walk to work- together thing. "So, I heard that the government might be sending more troops overseas.." Tristan commented as he walked Tea to work.

She froze.

"They what?..." Tristan looked her and saw she had tears in her eyes. "Tea, we knew he'd be deployed at some point…" Tristan said solemnly. Tea snapped, "DO YOU EVEN CARE FOR YUGI AT ALL? YOU'RE ACTING TOTALLY TRANQIL ABOUT IT!" Tristan taken back a bit by her outburst, "Of course I care Tea but, you have to accept the inevitable, I don't like it either but, it IS going to happen sooner or later, be prepared.." Tristan ended their discussion and headed to work himself.

Tea stood on the stairs of her dance studio as she watched Tristan march off. "Tristan is right, Yugi will be leaving us sooner or later, maybe I do need to come to terms with it." Tea looked at the stairs sadly as she walked into the studio, "But no matter what, we're with you, and you'll be in our hearts no matter what happens…" She entered the studio with a smile.

Thanks for reading, this one is going to be interesting, I actually have ideas for this story, unlike the others…unfortunately, but please. Criticism and praises welcomed, always helps me to be a better writer. Thanks!