This was written for the "I'm about to die challenge" my character was Bellatrix Lestrange.

They say that in the few seconds before you die, your life flashes brightly before your eyes. It does, believe me.

I waltzed carefully through the battlefield, the sight of death brought a familiar smile to my face.

Just as I was positive that we on the side of the Dark Lord would reign victorious, I noticed, a small red-headed blood-traitor advancing on Dawlish.

"Interested in dying just like darling brother Freddy?" I called out to her, my voice filled with malice.

The girl turned and I saw the mixture of nervousness and anger that shined through her determined brown eyes.

I chuckled darkly, before casting my fist spell.

"Crucio!" I screamed shrilly, laughing maniacally as she withered in pain at my feet.

Seconds passed, and with each moment I gradually became tired with her worthless life.

"Avada-" I began, ready to graciously end her life, when I was interrupted by a plump woman I recognized from my childhood days as Molly Weasley.

"NOT MY DAUGHTER YOU BITCH!" The woman called with a fury burning in her voice.

Time seemed to slow in those last seconds I heard the Blood-traitor say the two words I had repeated many times in my life. However, I didn't see her. A flurry of images were rushing past my eyes: Picking on Cissy as a child, Andy leaving us, Sirius running away, being inducted into the Dark Lord's followers, hearing of the Dark Lord's disappearance, torturing the Longbottoms, rotting in Azkaban, and finally watching Albus Dumbledore fall from the astronomy tower.

A million other images accompanied these, but they seemed insignificant, compared to the others.

I reached down to my stomach, as my final act and felt my unborn child's distress. In that moment, I truly felt remorse.

Then everything went black, and I fell into infinite nothingness.

So, what did you think? Remember this was un-beta read, so I'm sorry for any errors in grammar or spelling! Reviews and critics are appreciated!