Don't Jump

This is for all the gorgeous people who reviewed, enjoy the new chapter :D

Somewhere out there, you lost yourself in your pain. You dream of the end, to start all over again"-'Don't Jump' by Tokio Hotel

Chapter 2:

"Welcome, Uchiha Sasuke," Sasuke looked at Iruka who had a big silly grin plastered on his face. Sasuke grunted in acknowledgement, not really caring as he made his way to the back of the class. Girls pushed boys, even girls to the floor and patted next to them, much to their disappointment he kept on trudging to the back. Until he stopped to the blond girl with the bandaged face, she looked at him with childish curiosity before looking back to the deep scratches that embedded the desk, "Can I sit here?" He asked; the girl nodded slowly, not meeting his gaze before tensing as he sat down. "So what's your name, my name's Uchiha Sasuke, but you probably already know that…" Sasuke chuckled. The girl said nothing, and pursed her lips. Sasuke raised an eyebrow, "So uhm…what's your name?" He said after clearing his throat. She murmured something that was incoherent. "Uhm…could you speak up?"

"W-why are y-you t-talking t-to me…?" Sasuke was a bit surprised to hear this. He thought everyone would be ecstatic to talk to the last survivor of the Uchiha clan. (A/N: Egoistic much…? Sorry, I told you OOC! XD)

"Uhm…excuse me?" Sasuke said; she looked over, one eye filled to the brim with tears.

Why is he talking to me? Doesn't he know I'm the Kyuubi container? An outcast? A loser? Doesn't know he could be hurt for even looking at me? That's what happened to Hinata…speaking of her...I should probably visit her today… She clentched her teeth together before going back to scratching the table under her palms. "D-Don't talk to me, ever. Y-you hear me now, duck-butt? Never." Sasuke looked at her with surprise then scowled.

"Why not, blondie?" Sasuke seethed, trying to keep his politeness in check.

He maybe a egoistical bastard sometimes, but he keeps his politness in check, espically around women, his mother did teach him that.

Mother... Memories fluttered back, making Sasuke furrow his eyebrows when an image of Itachi suddenly popped up in his head. I will avenge you and father... He looked back to the girl, who was glaring at him, with a tear-filled eye. "B-because, I might hurt you..." He didn't completely register the words she just spoke out, and looked at her completely dumb-struck, which he didn't like very much.


"Okay, class over," Iruka announced and the children quickly filed out, the girl tried to leave but Sasuke grabbed her wrist before she ran out. She looked back, a malice-filled smile creased in her lips.

"What is it, teme?" Sasuke scowled at the name.

"What's your name?" Sasuke asked for maybe the umpth time they started talking.

"Call me Akuma,"


"Everyone calls me that, maybe you didn't get the memo or the glances we got shot, everyone hates me." The girl murmured soberly, looking at the floor.

"Why?" The girl looked up, and glared angrily before snatching her hand back.

"I heard you were smart...U-CHI-HA-SAMA, study some books, maybe you'll figure out." She quickly stomped her way out, and Iruka sent a small smile toward her and a tiny 'goodbye' not wanting to anger her more. Sasuke sat there awe-struck...

That girl...was she seriously doubting my smartness? I'm the last survivor, dammit! I'll find it out! Quicker than she can figure out an algebra question! With that, the fuming Uchiha, left stomping as well.

Iruka chuckled, Naruko could be a loose-cannon at times, and a bit irritating. But he only had one thought for the Uchiha.

Good luck, are gonna need it...