It had happened; her mouth took over producing the one thing that could destroy her from the inside out. As soon as it tumbled out she wished she could grab it and mush it back in. She wished she could hide it in the deepest darkest part of her soul. She wished she could contain it in a part of herself where soon she herself would forget about it. She soon realized it didn't matter what she wished and or wanted to do. She had already done it, it had already happened. Her deep blue eyes began to fill with tears as she realized the repercussions' of her actions. Her body ran cold and Goosebumps appeared all over her small frame. Her throat felt as if she had swallowed marbles and tears seamed to be climbing up her larynx and sat on her tongue she was aware of the fact she couldn't cry, not here not now.

She looked around the board room locating the small Zephyrhills water station and slowly made her way over. She grabbed a paper cone cup her hand shaking so much she couldn't fill the cup up even half way afraid it might spill. A hand landed on her shoulder and her fear was confirmed. She turned quickly on her heal spilling the water down the man's shirt.

McKenna gasped taking a step back waiting for the man to yell and or hit her. But what the man did surprised her. He knelt down bringing himself to about her height and reached his hands out to touch her shoulders. He then pulled the girl into a hug. At first McKenna just stood not knowing how to react, soon she as well clung to the man in a hug.

"You are not angry." She whispered into his ear.

"For you being scared, But you have to understand you are going help these people put away a very bad man." He said and his tone sounded familiar despite the fact the eight year old was positive she had never met the man before. His tone was settling clam, as if he was trying to calm her breathing down by the tone of his voice. She remembered Doctor. Spencer Reid or Reid as he had tried to convince her to call him had used the same tone. As did the other members of the B.A.U team, except Garcia, she guessed that was because she was never actually in the field with the team.

She took a deep breath and wiped her eyes with her small fist. A tear had not yet fallen but she knew it was ready two. The man still kneeling grabbed another thing of water for the eight year old. The girl just smiled and thanked him for his kindness while slowly downing the drink. Then the man stood leading her over to the table.

"McKenna am I right." He asked as he helped her into the chair.

"Yes sir," the child commented weekly.

"My name is Gideon, Jason Gideon and I am going to help you prepare what you are going to tell the judge about your uncle alright."