AN: So this must be a surprise! This story was finished a long time ago but I was so motivated yesterday when I was working on my stories that I decided to write a final chapter for 'But I Like Chocolate Too.' Hopefully it gives you all what you wanted… I tried to include as many of the ideas my faithful readers emailed me requesting but I just couldn't get everything in without it sounding like trash.

It's only short, so don't get too excited! Let me know what you think because I'm very proud of this story and would like to know what others think.

Ellé xox

"Rachel! Hurry up… We're going to be late," Noah whined as he sat on Rachel's bed and waited for her to finish her hair.

"I'm coming," she laughed, running her fingers though her hair one last time, "Do I look okay?"

"You look amazing. Just beautiful," he replied sincerely, standing and crossing the room in seconds to wrap his arm around her waist. Rachel stood on her toes to kiss him gently. "I brought you something," he told her in a whisper. Rachel's eyes showed her surprise as he handed her a long thin box.

She just grinned her special smile as she opened the box to reveal a beautiful gold necklace with a small diamond pendant shaped like a star, "It's beautiful, thank you… I'm sorry we can't go out on our own for our anniversary."

"That's all good, babe," he chuckled, "Glee club is kinda important… but we can still do something after the show… I'm staying here tonight… Remember."

"I remember… I can't believe my parents are letting you stay over on a school night," she smiled, "They warned when you first started sleeping over that that wasn't going to happen. They trust you."

Noah beamed at hearing that. It was no big secret that he and Rachel slept together. That had happened several months ago. Rachel had spoken to her parents about that before the pair had become that intimate. She had completely surprised him while they were lounging around at her house one afternoon a couple of months after they had officially begun dating. He had been fiddling with his guitar and she had been lying on her bed finishing homework when she suddenly declared that she was ready to take things further. Noah hadn't been expecting it at all and his eyes practically bulged out of his head but Rachel had been determined and explained that she was ready and her parents wouldn't be home until late. She stood as she was speaking and moved in front of him, taking the guitar from his hands and leading him to her bed. He had been so loving and gentle. For Rachel it had been the special moment she had always dreamed of and for Noah, it was perfect.

"Hey Rach?" he brushed the hair away from her face, "You know I love you, right?"

Rachel smiled lovingly up at him, "I know Noah… and I love you too." A year ago today, the pair had decided to make their relationship official and they were still going strong. Of course, according to everyone else, their anniversary was actually a few weeks ago, but Noah and Rachel liked the fact they had a special day all to themselves that no one else knew about.

"Lets go before they have to start the show without us," he smiled, taking her hand and leading her downstairs.

"By Dad, Daddy!" Rachel called as they made their way to the front door, "We'll see you after the performance."

They drove to the school in a comfortable silence. Noah's hand rested on her thigh as she played absentmindedly with his fingers. As they walked through the doors to the choir room, Mr Schuester sighed in relief upon spotting them. Rachel ran off to the girls across the room but Noah stayed to talk to the teacher.

"Sorry we're late, Mr Schue," he apologised, "Rachel had to check her hair like a million times," he said with fake annoyance but the older man saw right through it and knew that Puck would wait for forever for his girlfriend if that's what it took to keep her happy. As always, Rachel had nailed her performance. Noah was still in awe every time he heard her sing, only this time, he was the one singing with her.

"You were fantastic, Noah!" his mom gushed after seeing her son perform, "and Rachel! Just brilliant as always," she kissed her son's girlfriend on the forehead, "You'll make sure Noah's up for school on time tomorrow, won't you?"

"Don't worry Rebekah, I'll make sure he's there," Rachel laughed, knowing from experience that Noah was hard to wake in the mornings. The couple made their way over to her parents who also congratulated the pair on their outstanding performances.

"Now, I know we said it's okay for you to go out tonight… but please don't be too late, you both have school in the morning," Ben warned.

"I know daddy," Rachel smiled, "We're just going for ice cream with the others and then we'll be home."

The Glee kids all met in the parking lot, all still on a high from their successful show. They split up to car pool to their favourite ice cream hide out. Noah gave Rachel a quick kiss as she was pulled across to Kurt's car by Santana and Tina.

"What's with you and Puckerman being all 'sucky face' tonight?" Santana said as the girls piled into the car, "You're not normally this public with your PDA."

"No reason," Rachel smiled to herself, "I just love him."

"Yeah well… He is totally in love with you too… I don't know how you did it," the Latina and other glee kids chuckled.

"I didn't do anything," Rachel told them, "He's just an amazing person. I know he acts all rough at school but he has the biggest heart and is so gentle." Everyone sighed as the girl spoke dreamily about her boyfriend.

The boys arrived first and Rachel grinned when she saw Noah leaning up against his car waiting for her. They walked hand in hand inside to order their ice creams. Noah got a double chocolate scoop that practically had Rachel drooling. She had ordered a sorbet for herself but was going after his instead.

"You've got your own, Rach!" he laughed.

"I know, but yours looks good," she whined playfully.

Noah took a big lick of his ice cream, making a teasing moaning sound, "Mmm," he said, "it is good… Really good!" Rachel shot him a pout and it was clear to everyone that she was just playing around with him but Noah rolled his eyes, took her sorbet from her hands and replaced it with his own ice cream, "better?" he asked, happily switching to the pink treat in front of him.

Rachel nodded eagerly, "it might even count as you giving me your chocolate."

Noah snorted as he realised what she was referring to. Everyone else had just been confused so the pair gave a brief explanation of that conversation with Hannah a year before hand. After finishing their treats and staying to chat with the others for a while longer, Noah grabbed Rachel's hand and pulled her out to his car to head home. They crept in the door to her house quietly, not wanting to wake up her dad's and got themselves ready for bed. Noah was laying down waiting for Rachel to join him. He smiled as she walked back into the room wearing one of his t-shirts and a pair of panties.

"I'm never getting that shirt back, am I baby?" he chuckled as she climbed into bed next to him.

"Not if I can help it," she smirked and snuggled into his chest. Noah's hand trailed up her back and finally rested in her hair, keeping her close.

"s'okay with me," he murmured, "looks hot on you anyway."

"Hey Noah?" she whispered, "I love you."

"I love you too, babe," he replied, a little smirk growing on his face, "but I like chocolate too." Rachel couldn't help but burst out laughing at his words- Sitting up to kiss him deeply.

"Lets just agree to love each other and chocolate equally… how does that sound?" she smiled, resting herself down on his chest completely content as she listened to his heartbeat.

"Perfect. You, me and chocolate… forever and always."

THE END! What did you think?