"You foolish girl!"

"After I used fear toxin on you?"

"B-But Iracebeth!"

Red raised a brow, hands on her hips. "Iracebeth?"

The Hatter wrung his hands, looking from the side to side and biting his lip. "The name of the Queen of Hearts—That's YOU, My Dear. Oh, my. Oh, my, my, my. Absolum? What are we to do?

Riddler glared at Red, then to Hatter. "Stop calling me Absolum, you twit." His sharp gaze re-focused on Red quickly, scowling. "If you leave Arkham, there is no way you are going to be safe!"

"Well, that's MY business!" Red stuck out her tongue childishly, eyebrows furrowed.

"It isn't, you small insolent creature!" Scarecrow was looming over Red, and her eyes widened incredulously.

"Crane?" Hatter squeaked, trembling behind his hat.

Crane was silent for a moment, before she heard him swallow behind his mask and he growled in an unsure voice. "I am NOT finished with my experiments on you, Little Red. I have studying to do."

Red stepped back from him, a scowl twisting onto her lips. "Never again will you speak of my fears, Crow-face."

"Keep it down, you two!" Everyone turned to see Poison sitting alone at her table, smooth voice agitated and green eyes glinting. "The guards are looking."

Red looked out of the corner of her eye to see Frank pointing at them, looking suspicious.

"Sit down!" Ivy urged again, and Scarecrow obeyed, followed by Red as they both plopped down at their own table.

Riddler sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose to concentrate. "So then, let me get this straight. Batman is allowing Penguin to get you out of here, if you continue taking therapy at his ice berg or cave or whatever he lives in?"

Red nodded, refusing to look at Scarecrow with her chin held high.

"You are making it incredibly hard for me to outsmart that clown…" Riddler growled slightly, frowning quizzically.

"Outsmart him?"

"He betrayed some of us at that mansion. It ruined his plans, having some of the others see them assaulting you. He thought it would be simple and you would still be asleep, if my facts are correct." Riddler looked at Scarecrow for the briefest of moments, then back at the table to think. "I only like playing fair puzzles, you see."

Red was silent, busy glaring at Scarecrow. "I can only imagine what everyone thought of the people who attacked me."

Scarecrow looked like he was about to protest, but then Red stood and turned her back on him. "Anyways, I have to go. Robin said he would be waiting for me, because Penguins caught up with Batman trying to find Joker."

"Don't go!" Hatter was shaking his head furiously, clutching the brim of his hat. "What'll we do without a Queen?"

Riddler just shook his head, looking beaten and pissed about it. Red cleared her throat and he looked up to glare at her expectantly for an apology, but then a big hand roughly grabbed her shoulder.

"Frank." Scarecrow growled from behind his mask. "How is your wife?"

"Shut it, or we've have you put in solitary confinement!" Frank barked at him, before turning Red and around and marching her from the room.

On the way out, Red caught Ivy's eyes, and saw interest in them. Then she was shoved from the room and the doors slammed behind her.

"After all the trouble you caused, you should be in solitary right now…" Frank grumbled, poking Red along with a handgun.

"Oh, boo-hoo." Red snapped, hardly in the mood to deal with Frank. She was still pondering Scarecrows reaction to her telling them about her leaving. He had said that he still wanted to see her fears. He had been so angry.

She wanted to punch him in the face.

"Hey, Frank? Can I run back to the lunch room?"

Frank raised a brow, tone skeptical. "Why?

"To punch Crane." She shrugged indifferently, crossing her arms.

Unbelievably, Frank began to chuckle. "Why is that?"

"I don't feel like explaining!"

"Explaining what?" Red turned to see a pair of bright blue eyes focused on her.

Red crossed her arms again, raising her chin into a pout. "Robin."

Robin sighed, scratching his head and frowning. "O-Okay then Frank, I can take her from here."

Frank nodded gruffly, and then turned to rush back to the cafeteria before the end of the lunch time. Red watched him squirm along with disgust for a moment before shaking her head and turning back to Robin—Just in time for him to slap some kind of device around her neck, locking it before she had time to react.

"W-What the hell?" She clawed at the abject, trying to pry it off, but only ended up choking herself and let go.

"Sorry, Rou- I mean, Red." Tim frowned, not looking too pleased. "Batman's orders. In case you try and escape, it'll give you a shock."

Red just stomped past him, only to realize she didn't really know where she was going and stopping, scarlet faced with embarrassment as Robin walked up and chuckled at her, patting her on the head before taking the lead.

They walked for several minutes in silence before Robin finally cleared his throat and spoke up. "So… How's… therapy going?"


"Doesn't sound too peachy."

Red sarcastically clapped her hands in awe. "Well GEE detective, you don't say!"

"What's wrong with you, Red?"

"You know what's wrong, ROBIN." Red shot him an ice cold glare, and then Robin was silent until they stepped out of the Arkham building into the large sniper infested yard. However, instead of going to the therapy buildings they made their way to the huge black iron gate to the North of Arkham institute.

It was crazy how they just let Robin waltz past with Red behind him; no security bothered them or anything.

Robin opened the Bat mobile door for her, but she just shook her head until he got in the front seat. Then she stepped in herself, scowling.

It was silent in the car, and Red took several quick glances at Robin when he wasn't paying attention.

He was staring straight ahead, deep in thought, eyebrows furrowed and hands clutching the wheels. He was frowning, which was weird. Red had only seen him really frown a couple times.

"Why are you angry with me?" His blue eyes snapped over just as Red's tried to sneak a peek, meeting.

"You lied to me." She didn't hesitate, voice a growl. "Then you turned me in."

"You lied to me too." Robin's voice was raised slightly, but not quite a yell. Urgent, really. "And Scarecrow was attacking you. I didn't know what was happening. Batman said we bring you to Arkham, and they could help you there."

Red paused for a moment, taken back by his counter-accusations. "Crow-face wasn't attacking me, he's just an idiot."

"Oh, so you're all buddy-buddy with the crime in Gotham now?"

"Tim, I AM-"

He stopped at a stop light and then turned his eyes on her with all of their intensity. She couldn't meet them, even if she tried, and kept avoiding his gaze. "We're going to help you!"

Red stopped mid-insult to think about what he had said, and it was silent again for a long time. Red watched buildings and trees slip by her window, touching the glass gently.

"We're almost there." Robin sighed, sounding wary. "The Iceberg Lounge is just up ahead."

Red looked up and nonetheless a huge building made to look like a huge chunk of arctic ice loomed over the street, casting a shadow down the road and making it several degrees cooler. "Godfather Penguin lives HERE?"

"It's a nightclub as well. Enjoy sleeping in THAT." Red heard a sliver of humor return to Robin's voice as he turned the car off, and the engine shuddered to a heaving stop.

Another long silence as they both just sat in their seats, unsure and lost.

Then, Robin broke the silence yet again. "Red?"


"Batman said that if you had known that I was Robin, you would have killed me…" He scratched his head, before turning to her with troubled eyes. "That isn't true, is it?"

Red was very still, eyes wide and shocked. The question had taken her off-guard.

*Yes! Say yes, you insolent child!* The voice in her head hissed, but she just sat there, like a deer in headlights.

Why couldn't she just answer? What was making this so difficult?

"I... I, Uhm…"

There was a crisp knocking on the window, and Red nearly jumped out of her skin when she turned to see Batman just outside of the glass, face impassive. "Come on Red, time to get inside."

The door opened for her, and Red stepped outside shakily. She could feel Robin looking at her, even now as she stepped past Batman.

"Penguin!" Her spirits lifted all at once to see the round man standing there expectantly, smoking a cigar.

"Wuagh! Wuagh! Wuagh!" He laughed throatily, embracing the girl as she skipped to his side. However, then Batman stepped forwards and he was all business. "So then, you will be surveying the club?"

"Yes. You can't let her leave, take that collar off, or skip a therapy session, or it's back to Arkham. Understand?"

"Wuagh! Don't insult me Batman; I hear everything correctly the first time." Penguin fiddled with his cigar before turning away from the Bat mobile. "Come, dear. Let's get you inside and situated. There's an underground soundproof room that I…" His voice trailed off as he led Red into the iceberg lounge, leaving Robin to just stare.

"Robin." Batman frowned to him, voice stern. "I'm driving."

"O-Oh, right…"



"Don't let your feelings get in front of your job." He buckled in and shut the door beside him, turning the key and letting the car rumble and purr to life. "You're a hero, remember that. She's a villain."

Robin sighed deeply and buckled into the passenger seat, staring out the windshield. "Yeah Batman… I know."