Chapter One:

She ran, as fast and far as she could. With every thud of her feet on the soft ground below her heart beat faster as her hair flailed behind her in a big heaping wet mess. The towel surrounding her body made her feel conscious but at the same time there was something bigger to worry about as she ducked from an oncoming branch and ran faster.

'Why didn't I just listen to Sango and bathe closer, no I just had to have a hot spring and I just had to stumble upon Inuyasha and Kikyo.' She thought bitterly to her self as she jumped over a log; the towel currently supporting her body was growing loose with every leap as she turned back to face a truly unpleasant sight.

'Dumb dumb dumb Kagome!' She frantically scolded her self as she tripped over a large rock and fell forward. The wind whipped around her furiously causing goose flesh to rise up her slender arms as her skin began to tingle at the sudden coldness surrounding the area.

"Pretty little miko why do you choose to run?" The voices made the hairs on her body stand up as she tried her best to get away only to wince in pain as she noticed the deep cuts located under her feet, and palms.

"I'll purify you back from where you came from if you don't get away from me." A low chuckle emitted from the creature as it stared down at her with white eyes making the thing seem possessed as it stalked her.

"Pretty little miko are you afraid?" It questioned her as it barred its teeth. Four rows of sharp, pointy weapons that made Kagome turn pale. The creature seemed to enjoy her fear as it continued to take in her delectable scent.

"You smell divine pretty little one." He sneered as she closed her eyes and sucked in a deep breath. If she was going to die tonight she may as well scream out her frustrations as well as call for help.

"You choose to spill blood on my lands demon?" A silky yet deep voice questioned causing Kagome to look up and stare as a tall, handsome male stood behind the dark figure.

"No need to be so possessive Lord Kaname, I simply wanted a taste of this human girl." The demon replied only to yell out a cry of pain as sharp claws ripped through its body leaving nothing in his wake but dust. Kagome watched in fascination and horror as the handsome stranger took the creatures heart and suck it dry before crushing it in his hand. Crimson eyes turned towards her with a predatory gleam.

"Th..thank you I'll be going now." Kagome practically stuttered as she turned to the side and took a step forward only as he stood in front of her. They stared at each other for a few minutes before he lifted her hand up to his mouth and ran his tongue across her palm successfully cleaning the wound and patching it up until it was nothing but a pale scar that blended nicely with her skin. She admired his handy work before looking up in to his now bloody red eyes.

"You are not a demon are you?" She questioned knowingly as his eyes seemed to pull her in.

"That I am not." He replied calmly before looking down at the cut her other hand received and repeating his ministrations.

"Are you….a vampire?" She questioned softly before taking her hand and wiping away the dried up blood around his mouth.

"Yes how accurate of you little miko." His eyes gleamed under the moonlight as he closed his eyes and took in her scent once more.

"I never thought they existed, but being in this time makes me think that a lot of things exist." Her blue eyes gleamed like sapphire gems as he opened his own to look down at the beauty currently caressing his cheek. She was unlike any other female he had come across since his return to Japan. She was different, especially for a human, her beauty was extraordinary in his eyes as well as her scent; New bloomed roses with a hint of fresh rain and purity.

"Where are you from little one?" He questioned in a gentle tone causing her to fidget under his gaze as she pulled away. He missed her warmth almost immediately as she looked up at him with apologetic blue orbs.

"I'm sorry, I can't say." She replied causing his suspicion to stir within, he brushed off the feeling before turning his head up and narrowing his eyes as a red clad figure burst through the forestry.

"Kagome! Get the fuck away from that blood sucker!" The girl in front of him seemed to grow uneasy as the half breed tried to snatch her up only to be pushed back by an imaginary force. Kagome stared at him with wide eyes before putting a hand up to his chest in protest.

"He is my friend Kaname-sama, please spare him." She pleaded knowing all too well what it meant for them to trespass on a lord's grounds, not to mention the lord of all vampires.

"A friend that bad mouths you my little miko? What a pity." He replied smoothly before grabbing her around the waist and jumping in to the air. Kagome buried her face in to his chest before poking her head up at the sound of her friend's voices.

"Take her monk and keep her safe." Kaname ordered before turning towards a pissed off Inuyasha who seemed to be throwing out a colorful array of words.

"Miroku, he saved me." Kagome stated as the monk took a step towards the tall lord.

"I humbly thank you for saving my friend Lord Kaname of the Kuran lineage." And with that said he bowed low.

"Stand monk, no need for formalities. Keep the girl safe and I shall take my leave. The hanyou, subdue him before I do." Not another word was said as the great lord disappeared from their sight, a single red rose lying down on the ground where he once stood. Kagome stared at it for a few moments before blinking her eyes and bending over to pick it up.

"Keh, Stupid leech, who does that bastard think he is anyway." Inuyasha mumbled under his breath as he stepped on the flower, Kagome's face formed in to a scowl at his carelessness before standing up and poking him in the chest.

"You we're so rude Inuyasha! He was the lord of these lands not to mention he saved me from being eaten by another one of those damned shadow demons." Kagome growled out. Inuyasha raised an eyebrow down at her before taking a whiff of her scent and frowning.

"Take another bath you have the bastard's scent all over you. It's disgusting, Kikyo never let another man touch her yet you let him run through you." Kagome was taken back by his comment before taking in a deep breath and walking away. Sango glared in his direction before following after her friend.

"You shouldn't point fingers when your own hands are unclean." Miroku stated before bopping him on the head harshly and walking off in the direction the two women went to.

"You're such a jerk Inuyasha!" Shippo added before sticking his tongue out at him and running off with Kirara by his side.

[Three days later]

The sting of his words we're still fresh in her mind as she let her feet wade in the clear water below. She was always at peace during the night, something about the moon beaming down on her, the stars shining brightly, and the mysterious feeling the darkness brought as she reminisced about her adventures.

"You seem lost in thought my little miko." A familiar voice called out causing her to dart her eyes up as the familiar face revealed it's self from the darkness. He was so breath taking to her as he stood there in all his glory, his chocolate brown hair shining in the moonlight as his eyes looked upon her with unwavering loneliness. Something in her wanted to make the morose mood surrounding him go away as she patted the seat beside her. His normally cool mask fell a little at her offer before placing its self back on as he glided towards her and sat down.

"I guess I was." She spoke softly as she watched the small fish swim around her feet before swimming away as she moved slightly.

"What ails you little one?" She could feel his gaze fall on her as she let out a sigh and looked up at the moon.

"Love, it's such a funny thing isn't it? It makes you act in such foolish ways." She stated gaining his attention as he watched the way her long raven colored hair cascaded down her back in wavy tendrils that to an untrained eye could seem like black silk. He looked up and caught the look of sadness in her bright blue eyes as he heard the slow rhythmic beating of her heart. She let out a breath before letting her luscious pink lips curl in to a small yet sad smile.

"I'm a fool aren't I? To continue to stay in love with someone I know could never feel the same way. Each time I see him my heart dies a bit inside, it's not fully broken but small cracks appear every time he looks at me and I know he sees her." A small tear slid down her face as she continued on with her story. He couldn't help but feel the sudden pull on his heart as he felt the bright light in her slowly dim. An instant need to kill seeped in to his veins.

"If that is so why do you choose to let him harm you in such a way?" Kaname questioned causing her to turn her attention from the sky above to him. A weak smiled appeared on her face before hot tears made their way downwards.

"Because no matter how many times he shatters my heart I'll still be there to pick up the mess he created. I'm a fool for love." Kaname had enough as he took the small woman in to his arms and held her. She cried openly to him as she let out every single pent up emotion she had inside. Anger, betrayal, frustration, hart break, she didn't know which one hurt most. Him leaving to go to her or him bringing her with him, was it on purpose that he was displaying her or was he that oblivious to her affections?

"What if another came along to help you pick up those broken pieces?" His question comforted her for some reason as she lifted her head up from his shoulder and looked at him.

"Why would they be dumb enough to cut themselves in order to help someone like me?" She retorted.

"Than why would you be foolish enough to keep picking them up, that kind of love is like broken glass my dear. It is better to let it be than to keep cutting yourself with trying to fix something that is not rectifiable." His words cut through her like a knife. He was absolutely right, why should she be the one who was stuck with the broken heart? Why was she the one left with nothing in the end after everything that happened between them? No, she wouldn't be the last this time.

"You are precious." He whispered in her ear before tilting her chin up and capturing her lips. He didn't know what possessed him to do it but the moment his lips met hers his senses went wild. She tasted like an unknown sweetness, it made him crave more. Her scent mixed in with her taste was enough to make him yearn as she pulled away shyly.

"Oh my." She whispered breathlessly as she saw the warmth in his eyes.

"How could someone so beautiful want to help a human like me?" She questioned as doubt clouded her mind. He was just too beautiful; his looks near perfection, his power great and vast yet, why was he here with her?

"You're light; it was so bright when I first saw you yet over the past few days it's dimmed significantly. I wish to hone it and help you rekindle the fire that use to burn so strongly within you." His words seemed to stir something within her that she hadn't felt in a while. Wanted.

"I think this is the start of a new friendship." She replied in a happy tone. His lips curled in to a small smile as he felt the sudden uplift of her spirit. Her light shined brighter than before as she let him go and jumped in to the water, splashing him with the clear liquid before letting out the most beautiful sound he had ever heard her laughter.

"I believe so." He replied as he stood by the banks and watched her as she played, completely carefree, completely renewed. That night he promised himself that he would keep her that way, damn him to hell and back he would die first before he watched sadness surround her again.

I'll show you a sweet dream...

Next night...


A/N: I just don't see enough of this couple out there. Hope this is as popular as Sweet Memories :)