A/N: I've had this little story in my head for a while. I've always wanted to do a crack fic ever since my Gaara's teddy bear fiasco. Anyway, I hope you like this.

Disclaimer: I don't own Gundam Wing or make any profit from this.

Sally was sure that Wufei was behind this.

"Sally, we saw someone spying on you again!" one of Sally's fellow rebels called out as Sally exited the showers. Sally's hair was down, and she tied it into a quick ponytail, glancing around. "Thank you for notifying me, I appreciate it. "

Out of the corner of her eye she caught a glimpse of white clothing, and there was only one person anywhere near camp who wore white.

"Wufei Chang!" Sally stalked after him, she could already see where this was going. "Wufei Chang, you get back here right now, I swear to God, I will-"

"You'll what, woman?" The white clothes that Wufei wore only betrayed the slight blush creeping across his cheeks. "You can't kill me."

"Were you spying on me? Tell the truth." Sally grabbed Wufei's wrist so he couldn't run.

"No." The blush slid across his face in waves, darkening with every passing moment.

"Swear to God?" Sally pressed.

Wufei debated for a moment before answering. "Yes."

"Swear to Nataku?" She pointed to the Gundam that Wufei's wife had died in nearly a year ago.

Wufei swallowed hard. He couldn't lie, not if he had to swear on Nataku.

"Just fess up." Sally held his wrist up and patted his hand lovingly. "You know me, I wouldn't hurt you."

"I wasn't spying." Wufei figured he could white lie his way out of it, especially if he could get out of swearing on Nataku. "I was researching."

"Right." Sally rolled her eyes. "Don't do it again."

"Sorry." Wufei mumbled, but he was sure he could still get away with it.

Sally was taking her daily shower nearly a month later when she spotted white at the open window. Smirking to herself, she threw a handful of soap at him before he could move.

Soothed by Wufei's screams of pain, she finished her shower, dressed, and returned to her everyday routine.

A/N: This is short, but I wanted it to try to be funny. Anyway, how did I do? Drop me a comment if you will, I'd love to hear from my readers. Thank you for reading!