Thanks for all the reviews and alerts since I have come back to life, it means a lot!

Chapter Seven…

Cali woke up the next morning feeling slightly confused. As she looked around the room, she remembered the events of the day before. She still couldn't believe that her mum had lied to her after all these years but at least Brax and Casey were there for her now, especially Brax. It had felt so good to finally tell someone about the way her dad treated her after all these years. When he had told her to leave she was heartbroken but now, for the first time in her life, things were starting to look up for her.

It was till early, only about seven, so she decided to get dressed and go for a walk on the beach. She left a note in case the others woke up looking for her.

As she walked along the beach, sand among her toes, sea air in her hair, she felt at home as she always did at the beach. She sat down and looked out to the sea. There were a few early morning surfers out and she longed to be out there with them. Like her brothers, she lived for the surf and wished her board wasn't all the way back in Ireland. A voice interrupted her from her thoughts and looked up to see Brax emerging from the water.

"Hey, what's got you up so early, everything ok?"

"Yeah, I'm fine, just fancied a walk that's all. The surf looks good."

"It is. You should go out; you said Dad taught you right?"

She nodded. "I would to get out there but my boards back in Ireland, too big to bring."

"Well in that case, we will go home and get some breakfast then head into Reefton Lakes with Case and buy you one."

"Oh no, I couldn't ask you to do that Brax, it's too much."

"Well then isn't it a good thing you aren't asking and I am telling." He stood up, picked up his board and held out his hand. "Now let's go, it's time you tried the diner." She took his hand and they headed off to the diner both looking incredibly happy.

After a quick breakfast in the diner and picking up Casey, the trio spent the morning looking at surf gear until they found the perfect one for their sister, despite her protests about the price. Just as they were finishing up Brax got a call and his caller ID told him it was his mother so he sent his brother and sister to wait outside for him.

Casey and Cali leant against a fence overlooking the beach and the ocean. They stood in comfortable silence for a few moments before Casey spoke.

"What's your favourite colour?"

"What?" Cali was surprised by the sudden random question.

"You're my twin sister and I don't know anything about you, so I am going to change that. What's your favourite colour?"

"Orange. Not the most common of favourite colours but I love it, it's just so bright and happy, but not too bright like yellow, cause sometimes that's just too much. So what about you?"

"Blue, colour of the sea, lame I know but what can I say, I grew up in the ocean, what would you expect? Favourite food?"

"Lasagne, though after last night, I could get used to Brax's pizzas."

"You will LOVE the lasagne in Angelo's then, it is to die for! Personally, I don't think you beat a nice big plate of chips, nothing cheers me up like them."

"I know what you mean. Back in Ireland, it is tradition to get chips and eat them by the sea, they always taste nicest then. You haven't had chips 'till you have eaten Irish chips in a paper bag with the sea air blowing in your face. Favourite film?"

"Oh, that's a toughie… Any Fast and Furious Film or Shawshank, you can't beat a bit of Morgan Freeman."

"Oh, I like your choices. Mines Inside Man , not very girlie I know, but I just think it is such a clever film."

"emm, I don't think I have ever heard of it."

"WHAT! Well in that case we need a DVD day with Inside Man top of the bill cause there is no way you are calling yourself my twin until you have seen it!"

"Okay okay, before the week is over, we will do just that, just us Braxtons"

Brax had been standing behind the pair for a moment or two and was so happy to see them getting along so well and easily. Seeing this after the conversation with his mother telling him she was ready to put things right somehow made him think that everything would be ok.

"Right you two, sorry to break this up but it's time we headed home. Now Cali, there is something I need to ask you. Mum phoned and she wants to see you, but you have to know it's your decision, whatever you want to do is fine."

She looked back and forth between her brothers before speaking. "I want to see her, I have waited long enough to talk to her face to face. Is that ok?"

"Of course. How about we all go out for a big family dinner in Angelo's? It will be nice and relaxed and we will all be there so if at any point you want to stop talking to her, there will be plenty of other people to talk to."

"Yeah, that sounds nice… eh…. Do you… eh… think Heath will go?" she was trying to sound calm but it was clear she really wanted him to be there.

"Don't worry, we will make that beef head go!" Casey said touching her hand reassuringly.

That evening Cali, Casey, Brax, Charlie and Ruby were all sat at a table in Angelo's. Cheryl Braxton walked in looking nervous. Brax and Casey had sat either side of Cali in case she decided at any point she didn't want to talk to her mother. She stood for a moment just taking in her daughter, something she had forgotten to do last night. She didn't speak to either of her sons, just her little girl.

"Hey sweetheart, thanks for seeing me, I really am sorry for last night you just took me by surprise that's all, I wasn't expecting to see you."

"Yeah well she expected that we would all know who she was, Mum." From Brax's hiss it was clear he was still angry with his mother.

"It's alright Brax, just drop it. That's ok, you're my mother, I would have had to see you eventually."

As Cheryl took her seat, the final member of the family walked in. Cali looked up hopefully, seeing her final brother for the first time in the flesh.

"Well, well, well. Isn't this just a nice little family reunion?" He looked at Cali, "Oh, hey sis, long time no see. Oh wait, long time never see! Thanks for that one Mum, real nice of ya!"

Brax jumped up. "Heath just shut up and sit down. Please be nice, for Cali's sake!" he whispered in his brother's ear before going off to get them all something to drink. He returned quickly, not wanting to leave them alone for very long.

"So Cali, how did that big History test you were telling me about go? Like I really need to ask, you have always been brilliant at History!"

"Yeah, I got 90%, I guess I am just good with dates."

"You sure you really are a Braxton cause you must have got all the smart DNA, and I didn't even know there was any in our family! Definitely the greedy twin."

Cali slapped Casey's arm playfully. "And the good looking one, don't you ever forget that!"

The laughter was interrupted by a fist hitting the table. "how can you do this? We don't even know her and here you are cracking jokes about being the 'greedy twin'. Case two days ago you didn't know she even existed, your own twin. This is so twisted." Heath's final comment was directed to his mother. "I always knew you were a crappy mother but I didn't think even you would sink as low to lie about something like this!"

With the Heath Braxton stormed out of the restaurant leaving six faces behind showing a mix of shock, upset and anger.

So there you go, chapter seven. I hope you all liked it. I didn't want to stop there but it was becoming long and I wanted to get it up tonight. For all of you wanting, there will be proper Heath-Cali interaction in the next chapter. Please drop me a line to tell me what you think. Storylines are always accepted! xo