Chapter One….

It was mid-afternoon, the lunch time stragglers where just finishing up. At last Brax was going to get a break, he hadn't stopped all day. That was all about to change.

A girl, aged about Casey's age walked in to the restaurant, carrying two suitcases behind her. Brax looked up and saw her; she was smiling at him as if she knew him.

"Sorry, do I know you?"

"Very funny, Brax!" The confusion didn't leave his face. "Brax it's me, Cali, your sister."

"What? I'm sorry you must have got the wrong person." Brax turned to walk away. As he did so she reached into one of her bags and pulled out a picture.

"Unless you have an uncanny resemblance to this guy then you are exactly who I am looking for." She handed him the picture and sure enough it was him, with Casey and Heath. It had been taken only a couple of months ago.

"Where did you get this?"

"Mum sent it with one of her letters."

"Look I don't know how you got this but I don't have a sister, just two brothers…"

"…Casey and Heath."

"How do you know all this?"

"I told you, I'm your sister, Casey's twin." She realised Brax really didn't know who she was. "I have my birth certificate in one of this bags." Before Brax knew it she was on the floor rooting though her bags. She pulled out the piece of paper and handed it to him. He started reading it and sure enough it said she was born on the same day as Casey and his mum and dad had both signed as the parents. He turned to Cali. She was looking at him like a lost puppy but there was a hope in her eyes; eyes that he now realised looked a lot like his mum's. This really was his sister.

"Cali this isn't the place to talk about this, come on and I'll take you back to my place."