JJ walked back into the office a half hour later. The entire team was sitting around Derek's desk. When JJ walked in and they all jumped up when they saw her. Hotch reached her first. "Where the hell have you been?" he demanded, his usual stoic mask was gone, replaced by worry and anger. JJ felt a twinge of guilt for not telling anyone anything, but it was gone as soon as he continued talking. "JJ if you need time off to deal with things then take it, but don't just leave without telling someone where your going."

She looked at Hotch who seemed to think she was a child. She thought about just walking away but the past couple months finally caught up with her. "Hotch, frankly its none of your business where I go during my lunch break."

The rest of the team were standing a few foot from them, eyeing JJ with surprise that she would talk to Hotch like that. Somehow that just made her madder. "I'm going to my office, if you have any other thoughts on how to run my life, shove em'." she moved past him and went into her office, slamming the door behind her.

Reid stared in shock. "JJ has never slammed a door.

Emily and Derek nodded, Garcia looked worried. "Hotch where has she been?"

Hotch shook his head, "She didn't say. I didn't mean for her to think I was trying to run her life, but she should have told someone where she was going."

Everyone agreed then split up, all going back to their work places, worrying about their blonde friend., hoping she was ok.

Rossi went back to his office and sat down at his desk. He was about to pick up a file and look over it when he heard JJ talking to someone. He sat back in his chair and listened, knowing it was wrong but not caring. They needed to know what was up with JJ and she obviously wasn't going to share with them anytime soon.

JJ was pacing her office and trying to vent her anger, without breaking something else. Her work phone started ringing and JJ snatched it up before the second ring. "Agent Jareau."

"Agent Jareau this is Pamela Greer. Chief Strauss has asked for me to call you and inform you that you have a meeting with her in an hour."

"Oh ok. Well thank you. Do you know what the meeting is in regards to?" JJ asked, hoping Hotch hadn't turned her in.

" No ma'am, I don't."

"Ok well thanks." JJ said, hanging up the phone.

Groaning JJ sat down at her desk, trying to think of a reason Erin Strauss would need to see her. Her eyes shifted to her door when she heard a light knock. "Come in."

Hotch walked in, looking uncertain, and apologetic. "JJ, I'm sorry about earlier."

JJ shook her head slowly, closing her eyes. "No you were right, I was out of line. You guys have all been supportive and I appreciate it. I overreacted."

"JJ why did you leave?" Hotch asked, taking a seat on the small couch.

"I had a doctors appointment. I didn't know about it till five minutes before I left, and didn't have time to explain everything then. I was going to when I got back but then you questioned me and I flipped."

"Doctors appointment?" Hotch asked, concern written on his face. "Are you ok?"

"I'm pregnant." JJ said.

Hotch was speechless. JJ was smiling so he took it as a good thing. "Congratulations right?"

JJ nodded slowly. "Yeah I'm happy, I just wish the circumstances were a lot different."

Hotch nodded, somberly remembering what JJ was referring to. "So it is" He searched for the right word. "his."

JJ shook her head. "Its not his. It's mine. He may be the sperm donor but that's it."

Hotch nodded thoughtfully. "JJ congratulations again. I'm sorry for me downing you in front of the team. Speaking of team, what are you going to tell them?"

JJ shrugged her shoulders. "Honestly I'm hoping they'll assume it's Wills."

"JJ you need to tell them. They'll understand. They won't-"

JJ stood up quickly. "No. If I tell them it's his then they'll ask what happened. Then It will come out about the deal, and I won't do that to Spencer."

Hotch knew that JJ felt guilty about Reid being hurt before. "JJ when are you going to realize that it's not your fault that Reid was hurt with Tobias. You didn't owe him for what happened. It was a mistake. People make them. Besides." he continued, "The team knows something happened. We are profilers. Eventually there going to realize it. Wouldn't you rather tell them now than them find out and have to explain later?"

"Hotch. I told you out of courtesy. You asked what was wrong and I told you. Not so you could grill me and try to make decisions for me. I'll tell them, just not right now. And as for them knowing something happened.. They don't know what right?" She was talking about the deal she had made.

Hotch shook his head. "Not a clue. I won't say anything until you do. So when are you going to tell them?"

"After I get the ultrasound done. So within the next week."

Hotch nodded and stood. "If you need anything, time off, anything, you let me know."

JJ nodded, then remembered her earlier phone call. "Did you call Strauss on me?"

"No." He answered, seeming as confused as she had been. "Why?"

"She wants to see me." glancing at her clock she realized she had to go. "I'm going to be late, so I have to go. I'll be back in an hour."

She walked quickly out of her office, Hotch followed, him going to his office and her to the elevator.

Rossi sat in his office. Slightly bewildered at what he had heard. JJ was pregnant, the outcome of the compound case. He had known something had happened in there that had changed her but wasn't exactly sure what until know. She had made some deal ,and because of that deal, she didn't want the team to know that she was pregnant yet. Rossi stood up, trying to process everything. It was a lot for him, he wondered how JJ was doing it. He thought about confronting her, but knew she would be upset if she knew he had listened to a private conversation. Especially one that was that important. Sitting back down he wondered if he could use this news to his advantage. He had been trying to think of a way to tell JJ how he felt about her since he had stayed that night with her in the hospital. It always seemed like the wrong time, and now he learned she was pregnant. Not that that was a bad thing, if she was happy he was. But now knowing what he did, he realized it didn't change anything. He still cared for her, even more so now, hearing how she had handled everything. She could be yelling, blaming so one else, or trying to get rid of the baby. Instead she loved it already, smiling as he remembering her voice when she had corrected Aaron's response about the father. Knowing he would have to tell her soon.

Sooo? Please Read and Review. Thanks for reading! Sorry it took so long. School exams were this week and I've been busy with them, and trying to think of what happens next in the story. Any ideas? Let me know!:D Oh and in this story Haley was never killed and her and Hotch are still married.