A/N: Wow it's been so long... I ended up going through all of my Rob/Karen scenes on my iPod and realised how much I missed them. Then I decided I had to finish this. It's the last chapter, I'm sorry if it seems a little rushed. This is how I was always going to end it. Thank you to everyone that has read, reviewed, but this on their alert... Everyone! Thank you!

Flesh Not Stone

The music was playing faintly in the background - loud enough to be heard, but not loud enough to disrupt conversation. It was one of the few up-market bars in the town that would not house younger adults and their over-indulgent drinking on a Saturday night. There was a combination of larger and smaller tables around the large space, but Karen and Rob were sat content on the stools by the bar. Rob had joked that Karen only wanted to be closer to the bar to make alcohol purchases easier, but she had simply swatted him with her right hand and sat down.

Now they both nursed a glass of red wine each, just sipping at a delightful pace and enjoying the company they held. But Rob had been watching her for the past hour, making aimless conversation revolving around the topics he knew she did not care about, and he knew she was hiding something from him. He had been surprised when she had proposed going out for drinks tonight, Karen was usually the kind of woman to curl up on the sofa on a Saturday night and watch the tiresome television shows that were on air. It was when Karen mentioned and enquired about the football results earlier that day that Rob definitely knew something else was on her mind.

He stopped her here. "Karen..."

She ignored him momentarily, instead deciding to continue. "You mentioned that they won, didn't you? At least that was the impression I got earlier when you were jumping around in the kitchen..."

"Karen," he spoke a little louder, getting her full attention.


He watched her for a couple of moments, but even her sweet smile did nothing to dissuade him from asking what was really on her mind. He could see the mask, he always could. He was perfectly certain that nothing was seriously wrong, but from the expression she held within her eyes he knew that the matter was serious.

"What's wrong, Karen?" he asked firmly, but his voice was laced with a gentler tone that warmed her insides, as they had done during their entire relationship. When Karen made no motion to answer, Rob firmly asked her again. "I know you, and I know something's wrong. Why don't you just tell me? Is this why you wanted to come out tonight?"

"Yes," she swallowed, taking a rather large sip of her wine. Noticing that she had then finished her glass, she gestured for the bar man to bring her another. It came in record time, and she took another grateful sip before looking around at Rob. "I have something important to tell you. And before you argue, and try and talk me out of it..."

"You don't know I'll do that," he defended himself, wondering what the matter may be.

Karen laughed a little, throwing her head back and revealing more of her neck. "I know you, Rob. You will do your best to try and stop me."

Rob just looked at her, confused. "Stop you from doing what, Karen?"

The headmistress took another deep breath, placed her wine glass down on the bar top and then exhaled. She studied Rob and his face, and she could evidently see the worry etched across his features. It was now that she decided she could not hide this from him any longer.

"I've decided to leave Waterloo Road." If Rob had been drinking, he would have spat the liquid out in shock. Instead, he just stared at her as though she had sprouted another head. His mouth opened, attempting to digest the shocking information she had just given. Moments passed, and he did not say a thing. "Well say something..."

"Why? I mean... Why?"

"It's for the best," she cooly replied, clearly having practiced her speech and counter-arguments beforehand.

"You love your job."

"I love you more."

Now Rob really did look confused. "What has our relationship got to do with your job? What goes on between me and you doesn't effect your work, and you know that Karen. I don't understand."

"But it does, Rob," Rob was about to retort, but Karen held up her hand, pleading with him. "Please Rob, just listen to me. I know that our relationship is good at the moment... Not good, fantastic even. But I can't just think short-term, I'm always thinking about the future. Working in the same place isn't always going to be healthy for us. And we're bound to effect the people we work with."

"It's not just us, is it?"

Karen looked away.

"Karen, I know this has been a difficult year. But listen to me, you do not have to walk away. You are a damn good headmistress, and the school would miss you. Heck, I would miss you. What would I do on a lunchtime?"

Karen laughed as he playfully winked at her. She could always rely on him to lighten the mood in a serious situation. But then she sighed, and looked down at her interwoven fingers lying in her lap. "I've already made my decision, Rob. I've handed in my notice."

Rob shook his head in disbelief, but then noticed her expression. She was worried, and instinctively he reached out his hand. Taking hold of her own, he caressed the back with his thumb until she looked up, and then they both smiled. "I might not agree completely with what you're doing," he teased her with his tone. "But I'm with you, Karen. Always."

Karen shot him a smile of gratitude, and then leant across to kiss him tenderly.

When Karen had revealed to the staff her decision, it was not popular. Chris and Tom especially had argued and attempted to persuade her otherwise, but her decision was final. She had found another school just over twelve miles away from Waterloo Road, and there she had the opportunity to teach in English Literature and Language, with the opportunity of being promoted to the head of department in the next couple of years after their current was due for retirement. She had applied for the job, and received a positive response. Karen was due to begin after the Easter holidays, and today was her last day at her current school.

As she looked around her office, her mind began to wander and recall the amount of problems that had been witnessed by this room, and those that had been solved too. She smiled fondly at the memories, and leant back against her desk. All of her things were packed away in boxes near to the old, battered sofa and all that remained were the set of keys lying on the desk. Karen began to turn instinctively, still consuming the room with her eyes.

There came a knock at the door; she turned to see Tom stood there with his usual smile.

"Knock knock," he spoke, entering. "I thought I'd just come and say a proper goodbye. You've made a real difference to this school."

"Tom..." Karen attempted to refuse his flattery. She turned red.

"When you've been here the years I have..."

He trailed off, and they both broke into light laughter.

"Anyway, cheers Karen."

He held out his hand for her to shake, but Karen shook her head and proceeded in wrapping her arms around him. She embraced him tightly, and thanked him for all the hard work he had done. When they let go, he gave her another smile and said he would see her later. After all, the staff would never let her go without a party down at the pub. However, just as Karen was going to sit back against her desk again, another voice sounded from the doorway.

"If that had been Grantly, I'd be jealous."

His humour caused her to laugh out loud, she knew he was referring to the hug between herself and Tom. "Tell me why I'm with you, it's clearly not for your humour." She responded sarcastically, rolling her eyes and motioning for him to join her.

"Because I buy you dinner," he offered her the alternative. He gladly joined her side, and kissed her lightly on the lips. "And because you love me."

"Mmm," Karen murmured, kissing him back. She then stopped, and pulled away. "You brought me dinner?"

"I noticed you'd skipped it again," he gave her a disapproving look. He brought out a bag from behind him. "So I went and bought us fish and chips."

"You bought us fish and chips?"

Her reaction prompted yet more sarcasm from Rob.

"I did. But if you don't want it, I can just go and eat it on my own..." He trailed off, knowing the reaction he would get, fully aware of Karen's love for fish and chips.

"Don't you dare," she hissed, grabbing his arm and pulling him back as he made to leave. Rob just smirked, and then came to sit beside her. Deciding he was uncomfortable just leaning against the desk, he jumped up and kept his legs dangling across the side. Karen looked at him disapprovingly, but then decided to join him, instead crossing her legs across the desk. As she began to indulge in the chips, she murmured her thanks. "You know me too well," she complimented.

"I do," Rob nodded, tucking into his own meal.

Karen dropped her head subconsciously onto his shoulder, revelling in the warmth his body radiated.

"You are sure about this?" Rob questioned cautiously.

At this, Karen lifted her head and her eyes to look at him. "I'm sure."

And she was, because she knew that wherever she worked, she would be coming home to him. As her lips met those of her partners, she knew that she was making the right decision. Her heart and mind had grown to trust him completely. She had grown to realise that, since Charlie, she was not made of stone like some of her colleagues and family would comment. She was flesh, she was capable of being broken as she was being mended, and that was all because of Rob.
