Hi Everyone.

I just wanted to let my wonderful readers know I've signed with The Writer's Coffee Shop Publishing House, and my reworked fan fiction story, A Forbidden Love, will be published on December 17th. Yay! It's new title will be Innocence. My first original story, also a historical romance but with a slight 'Beauty and the Beast' feel, will be published soon after. My author name is Elise de Sallier, a reworking of my much loved grandmother's maiden name. You can find out a little more about me and my publishing endeavors at .com or by following me on twitter at ESallier or facebook as Elise de Sallier.

Thank you so much for all the support I've received. I'm doing a little better on the health front now I have a diagnosis (or five...these darn illnesses seem to accumulate!) and am happily writing full time now I can no longer work as a counsellor. To those who are wondering, I'll definitely be leaving my other two stories up...for as long as FFn lets me as they are rather lemony!

Thanks so much for all the prayer, best wishes, and support. It's great to be a part of such a wonderful fandom.

xx Elise (LOL! I'm getting used to a name change!)