I know this chapter is really short. But I figured I should give you SOMETHING after making you wait so long.

I do apologize for the long wait. I've had a slight case of writer's block with ALL my stories... I know where I want to go with this, I just had to come up with HOW to get there.

So yeah. Here's the chapter.

Chapter Two: Planting the Idea

Kendall felt a tap on his shoulder as he gathered his things for first period. He turned to the person and smiled. "Hey, Charlie."

"Hi. Where's Logan?"

Kendall shut his locker then leaned against it. "He's meeting with his guidance counselor about college."

"Oh? Are you worried at all?"

Kendall scrunched up his eyebrows in confusion. "About what?"

"Logan leaving state for college."

Kendall chuckled. "Logan would never do that," he said with confidence. "He doesn't care where he goes as long as it's near me."

"You sure about that?"

"Positive. We discussed it a lot."

Charlie nodded slowly. "Are-"

"Hello, Green Eyes," Logan said as he walked up to them.

Kendall grinned widely and kissed him. "Hi, Sweetheart. How'd it go?"

Logan shrugged. "She just helped me fill out some applications." He turned to Charlie. "How's it going?"

"Good," Charlie said. "Just chit chatting with Kendall."

"That's always fun." The bell rang and the three went to their History class.

Logan felt like Charlie was up to something. Actually, he was pretty sure Charlie had been up to something all week. Every time Logan was away from Kendall, Charlie swooped in. And he always looked guilty when Logan returned. Logan was just thankful that Kendall appeared clueless. He had no idea Charlie wanted to steal him from Logan.

Logan stopped taking notes and looked at Kendall. He didn't want anyone taking his Green Eyes away from him. It would rip him apart. He would die seeing Kendall with anyone else. Life would feel so wrong if he wasn't with Kendall.

Kendall must've felt Logan's eyes on him because he turned. He looked at Logan and smiled lovingly at him. He blew Logan a quick kiss and they both giggled.

"Hush!" their teacher snapped.

That just made the giggles increase.


After school, Logan, Kendall, and Katie went to Logan's house. Katie and Mrs. Mitchell were going to go over plans for Mrs. Knight's wedding shower. So, Kendall went with Logan to his room.

Logan shut and locked the door then sat on the bed. Kendall did the same.

"I need help with my Math homework," Kendall said.

"Alright." Logan was sure to touch Kendall as much as possible during their little review.

"Are you OK?" Kendall eventually asked.


"You sure?"

"Yes. Just. You know i love you, right?"

Kendall smiled at Logan. "I know. And I love you too, Sweetheart."

Logan caressed Kendall's cheek with his fingertips then leaned in for a kiss. As Kendall kissed back, they slowly laid on the bed, knocking books onto the floor in the process. Kendall ended up on top. He kissed his way across Logan's jaw before moving to his neck. He bit and sucked, making sure to leave a mark. Or five. He carefully took off Logan's shirt, then spent time marking up Logan's chest and stomach. Next, he undid Logan's pants. Finally, he freed Logan of the rest of his clothes. Then he took Logan's member into his mouth.

"Oh, Kendall," Logan moaned, hands going to Kendall's hair. He arched his back as he came.

Kendall squealed when Logan pushed him down. In a flash, his clothes were torn off and Logan was going down on him. Kendall barely had time to register the pleasure before releasing.

They both laid breathless for a moment. Then Logan snuggled against Kendall. He sighed happily s Kendall ran a hand up and down his back. "I want to stay like this forever."

"Yeah," Kendall agreed. "Me too. Nothing else in the world compares to it."


"So what exactly is it that you see in Logan?" Charlie asked Kendall a few days later in their Lit class.

Kendall sighed happily. "He's just wonderful."


"When I felt like no one cared, Logan managed to prove that he did. And he helped me finally admit who I am. He was there for me during a huge rough patch in my life. He's the reason I'm better now. He's just... everything."

"What rough patch?" Charlie wanted to know.

Kendall sighed. "I don't know if I'm ready to tell you about that. Sorry. But we don't know each other that well yet."

"Oh. OK," Charlie said with disappointment.

"It's just... Logan found out by accident, I eventually told Carlos and James after awhile, and Logan's ex found out because he just happened to be around." Kendall paused for a minute. "You may hear rumors at some point. Just ask me about them, and I'll tell the truth."

Charlie nodded. "Alright." They were silent for a bit. "So Logan is the only guy you've ever been with?"


"And you haven't dated anyone else at all?"

"Nope. I mean, I fucked a lot of girls, but Logan is the only person I've ever dated."

"Then how do you know he's 'The One?' His only purpose could just be the first guy you're with."

"...No. I've never wanted anyone else."

"Because no one else has shown interest."

"Not true."

Their teacher yelled at them to be quiet.

"Just think about it," Charlie whispered.

Later, Kendall took his seat next to Carlos in their Physics class. "Can I ask you something?"

"Sure," Carlos said.

"Were you with anyone before James?"

"Uh. Yeah. One guy."

"And before you, James-"

"Dated Logan then had some flings before me. What's this about?"

"Charlie wants to know how I'm sure Logan is The One when he's the only guy I've been with."

Carlos sighed. " We worried about this."


"Charlie's trying to cause problems between you and Logan."

"Why would he do that?"

"Because he's into you, Kendall."

This shocked Kendall. The idea never crossed his mind. Yes, plenty of girls had wanted him before. But that was because of how he was in bed. So far, Logan had been the only guy to want him. Until Charlie. Kendall didn't know how to feel about it.

"You're not thinking of getting with Charlie are you?" Carlos asked.

"No. Why would I?"

"Because you like that someone else is into you. Kendall. Logan loves you more than anything. It would kill him if you left him."

"And leaving him would kill me. I won't do that, Carlos. I swear."


James caught Logan before he could get to his locker. "Carlos texted me."

"Wow. Shocker." Logan tried to walk, but James stopped him.

"Charlie is trying to plant ideas in Kendall's head."

"What kind of ideas?" Logan asked, a sick feeling in his stomach.

"He's trying to make Kendall think he can't possibly be in love with you since you're the only guy he's been with."

"That fucker! I'll kick his ass!"

"Don't! You'll get in trouble. I'll talk to him if you want."

Logan took some calming breaths. "OK. I'm gonna go to my locker. See you at lunch."

Logan hurried to his locker. Kendall was waiting there. He smiled when he saw Logan. Logan walked up to him and kissed him. Kendall squeaked a little in surprise at the intensity of it.

"What was that for?" Kendall asked.

"I just love you."

Kendall's smile widened. "I love you too."

Logan kissed him again. "And I'll never stop loving you."

"Good." Kendall took Logan's hand. "Ready for lunch?"


Logan made sure Kendall didn't sit next to Charlie.

Sorry this isn't a great chapter, but it's better than nothing right?