I thank you all who voted on my poll. As such, characters from my stories will make an appearance in my other stories as well. This decision will not affect them plot-wise, but will affect which character meets who.

Review time!

Tam007: The time-line was to shown some important events in history that passed while Lucas slept. Those don't give hints on any part of this story at all.

NanoCarp: 1. Same as above. 2 & 3. Sorry, got a little ahead of myself when it came to publishing it.

Cyberfire22: Thanks and I probably will.

Tanon: Man, sorry about the past/present tense. And Lucas does have a few flaws. I'm just not sure what they are yet...=P

Addie Marie Jones: Thanks.

Lets go!

Disclaimer: I do not own Pokemon, or any major company brands. I only own the story and my OC's.

Beta-Reader: NanaCarp:


V is for Victory

Chapter 1: A New Time

Third Person POV:

New York City Central Park, July 3, 2012

The city that never sleeps was in the middle of a thunderstorm. Despite the weather, people still traveled on the sidewalks, although with umbrellas. Those without would often use newspapers as makeshift umbrellas. Traffic was congested as always, mainly with taxis ferrying people to their destinations. There were a few people in the park during the storm, mainly running to try and get to dry spots in the area.

One person, however, was close to a stone cliff in the park. His black hair was wet from the rain, same as his clothes, as he was in a black tank-top with red sweatpants along with black Nike shoes as well. A boombox sat nearby – with some plastic covering it to shield it from the rain, as well as a CD case and the boombox's bag underneath – that was playing some music that he was going in tune with. However, he wasn't dancing to it, he was using it to keep a rhythm going. He was doing quick jabs, followed by a swift kick in the air every three jabs. He was not only exercising, but practicing some close combat techniques as well. He kept this routine up until the song on the boombox ended.

The teen walked to the boombox and lifted the plastic then reached for the CD case. He held it in his hand before opening it, showing a CD that was made after he became famous. The title of the CD; Marcus: Staying Fit, was written on the front, with a picture of him doing a right jab. He made this fitness disc shortly after becoming famous, mainly to not only have him and everyone else stay in shape, but to try and teach a bit of self-defense as well. He was on a form of vacation in New York, but over the course of his stay, he signed at least forty of his CD's for fans.

"Heh, been a while since I listened to this." he muttered under his breath.

The teen, Marcus, opened the case while under the plastic sheet. Popping the CD out of its holder, he pressed the open button on the boombox, taking out the current disc to put his disc in. He puts the CD in and closes the lid. Hitting the play button, he lowers the plastic back down and returns to his spot. The disc started up and Marcus went to following what he put on it. He started doing swift jabs like the last song, but done a little sweeping kick after a few. About half a minute in, he closed his eyes, and let himself go with the music. He was adding some swinging kicks, as well as hooks, along with a kick outwards.

He didn't, however, notice that he was getting closer to the cliff he was exercising around. It was until after an outward kick that he noticed, his foot connecting with a spot on the wall. The wall shattered from the force of the kick, sending a cloud of dust everywhere. Marcus regained his focus before starting to cough from the dust.

"Damn! Forgot my own leg stren – huh?" he started, but noticed something as the dust cleared.

In place of the wall was some kind of caves entrance. Marcus was surprised that he, unintentionally, found something interesting. He walked back to the plastic sheet, lifted it up and unzipped a pocket in his bag. He reached in, fishing for his flashlight. After several unsuccessful results, he was able to get it. He lowered the plastic back down and walked over to the cave. Clicking the light on, he was in awe of what was inside. The light from the flashlight was being reflected by natural crystals, each a different color, showing a rainbow of colors.

"Holy...Jesus Almighty..." Marcus was able to say, completely lost for words. He slowly stepped into the cave, wanting to see how many there are. Everywhere he swept the light, there would be a spectacle of lights. After walking for a few seconds, a grin could be seen spreading on his face, and it was growing wider with each passing second. The grin didn't last long though, as his light fell upon something at the end of the cave. It was a bright amber crystal at the top of a stone wall, just barely within his reach. He looked up at it, thinking on what to do with it.

After looking at the crystal, he lowered the light to the middle of the wall. What he saw peaked his curiosity. There was some symbol on the wall, almost in the shape of a form of 'V'. Marcus reached out to touch the symbol, going to see if there was anything else beneath it. Upon touching the wall though, something clicked and the sound echoed throughout the cave. He jumped slightly and waved his flashlight around, trying to find the source of the noise. Another sound caught his attention and he snapped to it.

The sound was coming from the wall. A crack was visible on it, and it was spreading. Pieces of the wall were falling out as the wall started to crumble. Marcus was backing away from it, ready to bolt if the cave was to follow suit. The crumbling continued, with larger and larger chunks of the wall coming out. A cloud of dust started to build, blocking what was happening. The sound of the wall collapsing was almost deafening, but after a few seconds, the sound subsided and shortly after the dust settled down. In place of the wall was another opening, with a soft glow coming from it.

Marcus slowly walked forward, being careful of any more potential debris that could fall. He stepped through the hole, walking into a small, slightly bright-colored room. A tan and red rug on the floor, with a toy-box on the other end of the room, along with a matching color dresser to the right of it. He shined his flashlight to the right, and froze when it fell on the only bed in the room.

There was some kind of creature on the bed. He was a little surprised that there was something alive in this room, despite it looking like that air would've ran out. He could hardly tell, but it looked like it was sleeping, despite the barrage of noise from the wall collapsing. When he was able to snap out of his trance, he looked around for anything else of value. He stopped when he heard a small yawn.

Lucas' POV:

Mhm…that was such a nice sleep. Though I had the weirdest dream. I seen some kind of pillars made of metal reaching the sky, along with horseless carriages. People no longer wore high-class clothes, instead wearing shirts with strange patterns. There were also strange things that made sound from bowls as well. Lanterns were replaced with weird wands that emit light without oil.

My body was feeling weird, so I stretched a bit to get rid of it. After the stretch though, that feeling was still there, but I noticed a couple more on my lower back. Before I could try to reach it though, there was some kind of bright light in my eyes. Instinctively, I brought my hands up to shield my eyes from the blinding light, wondering what it was. The light went away, allowing me to lower my arms and open my eyes. I was still in the same room I was sucked into, but it seemed a little…bigger. I looked to where the light came from and seen that someone else was in here. Even though he was a giant, I still decided to be friendly to him.

"Hi." I said simply, waving as well.

He jumped a little, from what, I don't know. He then ran a hand through his hair, muttering about something. During this, I noticed that the wall that brought me here was gone. I smiled a bit and went to jump off the bed to go home. I looked over the edge and...woo, that's a long drop. I still jumped anyway, and I thought I saw the giant flinch from the jump. I landed on my feet, though the room is much larger than I remember. Before I could start walking, the giant was able to speak.

"Wait, where are you going?" he asked.

"I'm going back home." I answered.

"But…do you know where it is?" he responded.

I froze. I just realized that mom and dad are going to be questioning where I was last night. I know that mom's going to beat me when I get home. Even dad won't be too happy about this as well. And Julie...she's probably freaking out about me as well. I took off running, climbing over the pile of rocks and into the cave. The giant was calling out to me, but I kept running, hoping to get back home and(hopefully)lessen the punishment. I ran as fast as I could to try and leave this cave. The entrance was the same, although with a few rocks in the way. I clambered over them as well and exited the cave. It was raining, but I still kept running.

"Hey kid! Wait!" I heard the giant yelling.

I turned around to see the giant running towards me, face slightly red from running to catch up to me.

"What do you want?" I asked annoyed. "I have to get home so that I can try and get out of more trouble."

"Where is your home?" he fired at me.

I turned around, ready to point in the direction of my house, but stopped when I did. I was at the edge of the forest, but instead of the small stone buildings of home, there were pillars of glass. There were also horseless carriages going in different directions on strange paths. People were holding thick pieces of paper and strange coverings over their heads, shielding them from the rain.

I was glued to my spot, ignoring the rain pelting my body. I was trying to process all that was before me, how all of these strange things came out in a single night. I wanted to know where I was now, not even recognizing the area anymore. I turned back around to face the giant, but stopped after noticing something in a puddle. There was some kind of creature looking back at me. I blinked and raised my right arm, the reflection following. My eyes grew a little with the reflection doing as well, then brought my hand up. Instead of my human hand, I had only three fingers. I did the same thing with my other hand with the same results. I panicked, looking over my body, seeing that I wasn't even in my own body anymore. My feet were different as well, only having two toes per foot. I turned around and noticed that the 'weird' feeling from before were a pair of wing-like tails.

"Hey, you okay?" I heard the giant ask.

I turned around with tears in my eyes. He raised an eyebrow at me, wondering what was wrong. "Mister, where am I…What am I?" I asked, trying to hold back the crying. His eyebrow arced higher, making me think he's going to do something.

"You're in New York City, and I'm not sure what you are to be honest." he answered calmly.

I was confused on his answer. New York? This place can't be home…I decided to ask what day it was as well.

"Uhm…Well, what day is it?"

"July third, why?"

"What year as well?"

"2012. Why do you ask?"


Geez, I just can't seem to stay away from cliffhangers. Anyway, for those '2012' nuts out there(I do not intend on offending anyone), I do not believe in that crap. Just look back to last month.