A/N - Hey y'all, I know I haven't uploaded in like forever and for that I am sorry, also I am sorry this is a short chapter only 937 words. I am about to finish up with the crises so I hope you all enjoy the chapter. And also please reviewwwwwwww :)

"Daddy," A weak voice carried from the hall as an adolescent with sandy blonde hair pulled into a french braid straggling hair that was just not long enough to reach the braid framed her face with light soft curls. Light green eyes scanned the pristine white walls as she tip toed into the suffocating room over to the hospital sanctioned bed where she sat on the right side adjacent to his hip and took his freckled hand, hairy knuckles and all into her own small one.

His eye lids covered the blue eyes the young woman always compared hope to and the red eyelashes seemed to tangle together in knots forbidding the eyes to ever open again. All too bright flood lights lit the room in every corner witch secretly the woman was glad for.

Someone a long time ago told her that death sulks in shadowed corners and waits to appear and rip loved ones from our clutches. She would not let that happen to her father, not if she could do anything to prevent it.

She gripped his hand tighter in her own and brought it up to her lips kissing it softly in the gesture she had been the recipient of some many times as her father dropped her off at school or a friend's house or anywhere that he would not be attending with her. Unwilled tears prickled the back of her eyes as she drew her gaze from her father to the tv mounted on the wall trying to distract herself with anything and everything to stop herself from crying.

"Eby," A soft voice that could only belong to her brother peaked from the door. One look at the boy you could see the fact he had yet to truly sleep since they arrived. He ran a hand threw his messy blonde hair as he made his way over to his elder sisters side.

"Trev," I said swallowing the all too present lump in her throat. The look that Trevin possessed was a look of anger.

"He is gonna leave us isn't he." Trevin said venom trickling from his tone. Trevin was always one for anger, for irrational rage. He regretted it but couldn't stop himself, he was the hot head of the family, it was just his nature.

"Trev he is not leaving us." Ebony said trying to convince her brother to stay calm.

"Yes he is, He left me and Geige months ago, and now he is just gonna die on us. He promised he would never die on us. He is a freaking liar and I… I hate him." He said standing up his fists clinched and knuckles white as a ghost. He was going to punch something. He then did punch something, the wall, the plaster didn't break but he pulled his hand back in shock. He shook it a few times before storming off to the door he recently entered.

"I am going for a walk." He declared pulling open the door to show a flustered Gwyneth. She had heard his words and the look of shock on her face showed her confusion on the matter. The young teen didn't know to be angry at her brother or angry at her father. Tears pushed from her striking blue eyes and made her step down from her post and run the opposite direction.

Trevin also ran toward the door moving so fast his legs rejected the speed yet somehow he maintained it. That left Ebony just sitting alone in the room like how it started. Trevin would be fine he would find run till he found a park somewhere and then he would sit on a swing trying to free his mind for hours before finally calling Ebony to draw him back to reality. Gwyneth would go straight to Braxton and Grace, she would more than likely even confide in Tom, the kid they met in school.

"Daddy, I don't know if you can hear me but I like to think that you can." She started softly. "Can't you see how broken we are without you hear to hold us together?" She asked tears rolling down her face and splashing against her jeans.

"You are the glue Dad, you always said it was Mom but you couldn't be more wrong. I love Mom don't get me wrong Daddy but us Gifford's we are a package deal." She whimpered threw her tears ragged sharp breaths admitting from her tone. "And no one buys a set with a missing piece Daddy, you told me that." She said her emotions getting the best of her.

"You need to get up Daddy, You can't leave we need you hear can't you see that." She was now a mess her cheeks puffy her body rocking back and forth racked with sobs.

"Daddy," She said her voice now smaller than a whisper. "When we used to go to the hospital when Gwyn was little you always promised me that we would go out the same way we came in. A family, a family of five members, because no matter what Gifford's are strong and sooner or later everything will be okay." She said lying down next to her dad and resting her head on his chest listening to his weak heartbeat.

"Daddy, you are strong okay, I need you to get up alright. Please for me, for Trevin, For Gywnie. Gwyn she is too young to lose you, so is Trev. Daddy you got to wake up." She pleaded one last time as she closed her eyes and fell into a dreamless restful sleep.