So for those who are reading my other stories, I promise I will update. The Dark World of Modeling is the story that I am working on right now but I will update Grotesque, and Blossomed Flower later. But I just had to post this. I know there is only a couple of stories on this site with these two characters but the movie Thirteen inspired this. If anyone has watched that movie, you could tell this story is loosely based off it, but I will be having my own plot lines. Also in a way Clare and Bianca remind me of the two main characters in the movie, so that's also another reason. So enjoy :)

Disclaimer: I do not own Degrassi.

Slipping Away



The blazing sun shining through my windows, woke me up in excitement. I hopped out of bed and used the bathroom right away. I showered, brushed my teeth and curled my hair. I smiled at my reflection in the mirror-couldn't believing this day was finally happening. It was the first day of grade 10, the most anticipated day since I was 8 . Everyone would think grade 9 was the most exciting day, with starting high school, but no, I personally like the idea of grade 10. It seems just right.

I rummaged through my closet and picked out light blue skinny jeans with a floral tank top and purple cardigan. Once putting on my clothes, I slipped on black flats, grabbed my bag and descended down the stairs. The smell of toast and fruit caught my attention, reeling me into the kitchen. My dad was already reading the paper at the kitchen table and my mother was cutting up more fruit, her back faced towards me. I took a seat across from my dad and took a plate with toast on it.

"So...first day of grade 10, are you excited?" My dad smiled as he looked towards me.

I couldn't stop the smile forming on my face. The butterflies started to flutter in my stomach at how close I was to going to school.

"Yeah, but I'm waiting for the nerves to kick in still," I said before taking a bite out of the toast.

My dad chucked softly before going back to reading the paper. My mom turned around and placed more fruit on the table, having my dad look at in disgust.

"Why would you make that?" His voiced held the same amount of disgust as his face.

I started to feel uneasy.

My mom scoffed, "obviously for breakfast."

My dad snorted.

"Do you always have to act like a child Randall?"

"Do you always have to be cranky?"

"Okay...I'm going to school now. I'll see you guys later, " I said as I bolted our of the kitchen and out of the house.

My parents bickering has been a daily thing ever since Darcy left for Kenya. It started out with small disagreements to picking at each other, but sometimes it's a heated argument. Those ones aren't too often though, thankfully. I was a little frustrated with my parents for acting this way. They didn't need to be like this, it's not making anyone happy.


I turned around and smiled as my best friend,Alli, came prancing towards me. She smiled brightly as she gave me a hug.

"I've missed you so much! How was your summer?" she asked.

"Well, my summer consisted of reading, writing, and a few family dinners with my parents. What about you?"

She shrugged "Parents barely let me out of the house. I was stuck listening to Sav play the guitar." She rolled her eyes, making me giggle.

"At least school is starting!" I exclaimed.

"Clare I think you're the only person that is excited about that." Alli stated.

I frowned. I hope that's not true, school is fun, some people just don't understand what it holds and how it dictates your future. Even though Alli was gifted as well as I was, she intended to see more of school as a detention facility then a place to learn.

"Come on Alli, this year is going to be great! Just you watch."

"We'll see," she said unconvinced.

I playfully rolled my eyes before I noticed the huge sign of Degrassi up ahead. I beamed when I saw the familiar faces of students walking inside, and the cars shuffling in the school parking lot.

"Oh. My. God."

"She's actually here..."

"...Damn, she is still hot."

"Probably a complete slut too-"

"Who is?"

"Bianca DeSousa."

The name rung through my ears and curiosity buzzed through me from the muffled voices about this one person. I saw the crowd that was talking about the girl, their gazes looking towards something off in a distance.

Alli and I looked over in the direction and I noticed a beautiful girl with brown curly hair, walking towards the school. Her chocolate brown eyes pop out in an intriguing way. Her tight tank top and jeggings, had her figure more exposed then others. She walked in her high heeled pumps confidently, while she chewed bubble gum, oblivious to the gawking stares in her direction.

I watched in fascination as she trudged up the steps and entered the school. I noticed Alli was scowling in her direction, instantly making me confused. I was going to say something but Alli pulled me up the stairs and into the school, groaning in disgust.



I was in class, English to be exact. Lunch was just around the corner but I hardly noticed. I was so engulfed in Ms. Dawes' words. Her explanation on literature and poetry was really intriguing. English has always been my favourite subject but I have a feeling its going to be even better this year. I scrolled down the notes on in my notebook and almost didn't feel a light tap on my shoulder. I turned around and was welcomed with bright, green, eyes.

"Hey, I was wondering do you have an extra pencil I can borrow?" The deep voice coming from the green eyed boy made my skin shiver.

Before I could respond, the bell rung; signaling lunch. The boy with green eyes and dark, brown, hair got out of seat and left. Flustered, I quickly placed my books in my bags and left the classroom.

I found Alli by my locker and sighed in relief. I found my lunch in my locker and we headed our way to the cafeteria. The cafeteria was packed and frowned. When I eyes travelled on and unfortunate sight, my frown grew deeper. All i must have seen it too, since she scoffed.

"Oh look it's Mr. and Mrs. Sunshine." Alli said in a fake, cheery, voice.


"What, just because you're being a good person about this, doesn't mean I have to." She glared at the couple a few feet away.

My ex-boyfriend K.C. was always the typical boyfriend. He was sweet, caring, and a good person. He was perfect. I liked him so much and I was sure he liked me, until the next best thing came along. Jenna Middleton. Blonde, cheerleader, perky. She was everything I wasn't. He left me and hurt me, but I'm over it. Though it still makes a little bitter when I see them together and they look so happy, like right now.

"It's okay, we'll just keep looking around. Just ignore them."I said.

I looked all through out the cafeteria and noticed that same girl I saw earlier. What was her name, Briana...Bianca! She was sitting at the round table across the room, in between two boys. One was vaguely familiar to me, Fitz I think his name was. He used to hang out with Johnny DiMarco. The other boy, I did not recognize. He was pretty buff and looked really intimidating. I wondered how she met boys so fast at this school.

"Hey Clare!"

I internally groaned when I heard K.C.'s voice. I turned my direction to him and he walked up to me, a smile on his face. I looked at Jenna, still sitting at the table, sneering at Alli and I. I averted my eyes back to K.C.'s.

"Yes, K.C.?" I said, not even trying to hide the irritation in my voice.

"How was your summer?" He said shyly.

I was getting annoyed and all I wanted to do was sit down with Alli and enjoy my lunch, plus people were starting looking our direction, which was slightly making me uncomfortable.

"Good." I replied stiffly. "Now if you'll excuse us..." I turned away with Alli but he caught my arm-rather roughly-and yanked me back.I glared at him and his face contorted in to one of his fits. "Don't touch me."

"What's your problem? Can't you just forget about the past? Just move on already. You were always such a prude." He rolled his eyes.

I felt anger boil inside me and before I could stop myself, I pulled my hand up and slapped K.C. right across the face. The cafeteria went silent and K.C. held his face in shock. I never felt so good in my life, I felt like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders.

"God, Clare-bear, you are such a twat!" I looked over to Jenna's fuming face.

I noticed behind her,Bianca was staring at me with-what seemed like-impressiveness in her eyes. Her delicate hand was under her chin as she waited for my response. I looked back at Jenna and smiled.

"At least I'm not a boyfriend-stealing skank, who is too insecure to find her own man. Enjoy my sloppy seconds." Jenna's eyes bulged out and her mouth parted in an over-dramatic gasp.

I notice Bianca smile in improvement and I looped my arm through Alli's and we left the cafeteria.

So what does everyone think? Let me know.:)