Disclaimer: Faith, Andrew and all Buffy Characters belong to Joss Whedon and co. While Glee Characters belong to Ryan Murphy and co.


After dropping off the injured the bus carrying the survivors of Sunnydale pull up in front of Wolfram and Hart. The Scoobies, Giles, Faith, Andrew, and all the awaken slayers entered the lobby of the law firm. Angel and his gang were all standing watching as the group walked in.

Lorne stepped forward as all the slayers save Faith tensed. He tilted his head at all of them before turning to Faith saying, "Faithy-kins, who is this cute little blonde beside you?"

Faith smirked as she glanced at all those around her before her gaze landed on the boy, her green friend was talking about, "Well Lorne, I'd like you to meet Andrew Wells. Andy, this is Lorne."

As Andrew and Lorne shook hands, Buffy bluntly asked, "What are you?" All the other slayers were still tense because of the demon in front of them; they didn't know what to do.

Lorne looked at the blonde Slayer and was about to answer when Wes spoke, "Lorne is an anagogic demon, meaning that if you sing for him he can see your aura and future." All the Sunnydale survivors, except Willow and Faith, looked amazed.

Over the course of the next week the Scoobies and Fang gang hung out and talked over what they were going to do about all the new slayers in the world. While this was happening Faith and Andrew found themselves yet again on the outside looking in. The Dark Slayer scoffed before leaving the super friends to it. While Andrew gave a soft sigh and follow Faith out the door. Angel hearing both reactions excused himself from the conversation before following the other two.

Angel caught up with Faith calling out, "Faith I have something I want to talk to you about." Andrew looked down and lightly brushed past Faith. The Slayer caught the blond boy's arm as he past.

"Andy you don't have to go. You can stay and hear what Fang has to say to me." She looked at Andrew seriously before adding, "I'm not like the Scoobs. Andy, you're my friend and I'm not going to exclude you."

Andrew looked shyly up saying, "Really?"

Faith nodded before the two turned back to Angel. The vampire gave a small smile at the interaction before speaking again, "Faith, I pulled some strings and you are cleared of all charges. And Andrew, I made sure that your own record went down with Sunnydale, so you're both are free to get your redemption however you see fit."

Both Faith and Andrew looked at the vampire in shock. The information sank in as the two thanked him and headed to their rooms. Faith decided to call a number she hadn't called since the holiday season of her first year in Sunnydale. She picked up the cell phone Angel had gotten her that had all the numbers she had on her old phone before it was taken by the police when she turned herself in. Taking a deep breath she hit the call button and listen to it ring.

The person on the other end picked up saying, "Hello Berry residences, Rachel speaking."

Faith gave a soft laugh before saying, "Hey Rae, its Faith."

"Faith! How are you? Where are you? Are you coming to see us?"

"Whoa! Rachel chill, I'm fine, in LA, and yeah I was coming to visit, maybe even stay for a bit."

The two talked for awhile before saying their goodbyes. After hanging up Faith headed to Andrew's room to talk with the boy. When she got to his door she found it open, so she leaned against the door frame and waited to be noticed. She heard him finishing up a conversation of his own.

While Andrew looked at a picture of his father, his mother, his brother, him, his aunt, her husband and her two children that had a number on the back, he picked up his cell phone and slowly dialed the number. He listens as the phone rang twice before a soft feminine voice said, "Hello."

Andrew clears his throat before asking, "Is this the Fabray residence?"

"Yes, may I ask whose calling?"

"Right… My name's Andrew Wells and I was calling to talk with my Aunt Judy, um is she there?"

The voice called to someone on their end before a more mature voice spoke, "Hello, I'm Judy."

Andrew gulped before saying, "Hi Aunt Judy, its Andrew. I was wondering if you would be willing to see me."

Judy's voice sounded strain as she said, "Of course Andrew. I owe you an apology for not keeping in contact with you, especially after I kicked Russell out."

"That's okay Aunt Judy; I wouldn't have been able to really talk anyway."

The two finished speaking by setting up when the two Fabray women should be expecting him to show. Andrew hung up and looked up to see Faith leaning against his door. He gave a small smile before saying, "I'm heading to Lima to visit family and to get away from all this." He gestured with his hands.

Faith gave a dimpled grin before replying, "Well Andy it seems great minds think alike, because I was going there as well but it's not family I'm going to see. They're old friends." The Dark Slayer offered her hand to the boy as she said, "Let's go hit Angel up for a couple of rides, yeah."

The two found Angel and told him their plans and he lead the two down into the garage before saying, "Faith, I have a car and a motorcycle for you." He then points at the Harley Davidson Sportster Nightster in black, before saying, "That's yours and the car is as well though, Andrew you may end up driving the car more than Faith." Angel then pointed at a blood Red 1969 Chevrolet Corvette convertible.

Both Faith and Andrew thanked Angel before going to recheck their rooms before tossing their bags into the Corvette's trunk. Andrew took the Corvette's keys from Angel as Faith grabbed the Harley's keys and the two left heading east to Lima and a semi-fresh start.