A/N - So...this started out as something entirely different only to blow up into this complex, multichapter story I just have to write or else I'll explode. Even though things longer than oneshots are such risky ventures for me. Risky because I never know how much time I'm going to have to devote to multichapter stories and risky because I don't think my writing is as good over long periods compared to shorter things. But I'm going to give it a shot anyways!

Being the awkward person I am, instead of starting this story after the events of the second movie, I decided that I had to use the end of the movie as a starting point...so I guess this story starts with a climax? Lol, I don't even know. Probably not the best method, but I really didn't want to write a threeshot as a prequel.

So, this story essentially begins in between Po's finding out about his past and his return to Gongmen City, an added scene of my creation if you will. And then the second and third chapters are retellings of the film's climax, but with my own interpretive twist. Because this is a TiPo story, I'm going to dive right in with their budding relationship, so you've been warned.

Disclaimer - I probably don't have to tell you I don't own anything related to KFP outside of merchandise, but in case you weren't 100 percent certain, I totally don't. Additionally, I am better suited to writing dialogue as opposed to spectacular details. My apologies for that right now. If it bothers you, I'm afraid this might not be the story for you :(

Yin and Yang
Chapter 1

Po travelled as quickly as his feet and stamina could carry him toward Gongmen City. He wasn't sure what he would do when he got there, but he knew he had to do something. Everything was a mess because of his previous lack of inner peace, because of his stubbornness, and now he had to make things right.

"I never thought my life would be like this," he said to the Soothsayer as she accompanied him. "You know? Even when I wanted to be a kung fu warrior so bad when I was younger, I didn't think it would actually happen. And I definitely never thought any of this would ever happen to me. Finding out about my past or getting a hug from Tigress," he shook his head a little as he remembered the unexpected embrace, not at all phased that his comment would seem to most listening less epic than finding out about his past.

The blast from Lord Shen's weapon had happened so fast that he couldn't be sure what had been real and what hadn't. But part of him thought he had heard the echo of Tigress' voice screaming in panic because of what was happening to him. Ever since, he had wondered from time to time if he had been imagining it. Had she been worried for him? Did she think he was dead? Suddenly, a new thought entered his mind. Was she even okay? He wondered if she'd managed to escape. Were they all being held captive? Would he arrive too late?

"Do not so quickly abandon your peace for fear of the unknown," the Soothsayer sensed his mind becoming troubled and urged him before it could worsen.

"Wait, so like, I have to work to keep my peace? I don't just, you know, have it now?" Po stopped for a moment, considering what she said.

The Soothsayer smiled slightly as Po started walking again. "Like everything else, it is a journey. You have found peace with your past, yes, but it is only one part of the whole."

"But is it enough to defeat Lord Shen?" Po asked seriously.

At this, the Soothsayer stopped. Her eyes became clouded over with sadness. "Inner peace will always be enough to defeat the workings of a troubled soul," she responded, her words heavy with sorrow. "But you will not do it alone."

"Well, there's the Five," Po pointed out before his eyes widened and a glimmer of hope flashed across them. "So like, then that means they're alive, right?" He stopped and looked at her like a child waiting to receive a wonderful birthday present.

The Soothsayer sighed before placing a hoof on the part of his chest that covered his heart. "A yin is never complete without a yang." Po's eyes were still wide and he felt a chill of air go through him. Her words felt powerful against his ears and it was like there was a lightning strike in her hoof. "Only with both will you succeed."

The Soothsayer then proceeded to walk again, Po remaining motionless for a moment as he tried hard to process what she meant. He then got a curious expression on his face as he followed after her. "But I thought to be a kung fu master you had to master both harmony and focus. I thought I already had both? How can I only be half?"

"Shifu must love your endless questions," she said knowingly with a small laugh. "Yes, every master needs harmony and focus. But it is but a taste of the true power that comes when yin and yang come together in perfect harmony and focus. It is a greater power than has yet to be seen in battle."

"Oh, right, of course." Po nodded as if he had already known that and had forgotten it. "So which am I? The Yin or the Yang? And, uh, who or what is the other?"

"Do you expect me to tell you everything?" The Soothsayer raised an eyebrow as she looked at him from the corner of one eye.

"Well, I guess, I thought you might…until just now, so no?" Po really wasn't sure how to take the elderly goat. One minute she was telling him things he was sure he would need to know to succeed and the next she was being mysterious and withholding information.

"Do not be so anxious for every detail of your future, Po," she warned him with enough gravity to her voice to make him listen. "It is good to look forward to tomorrow, but one should never lose sight of today."

"Right, because it's a gift," Po echoed Oogway's words with a fond smile.

"Yes, Po," the Soothsayer nodded. "Because it's a gift. The journey can also be a gift. If you care too much for the destination, you will miss out on what makes the destination worth what it is in the end."

"So, basically, you're saying I have to find out the hard way?" Po shook his head and sighed.

"It is only as hard as you make it," the Soothsayer corrected and Po felt his head spinning for a moment.

"I give up," he groaned slightly, having had enough of the back and forth conversation.

The Soothsayer stopped and smiled. "Good. Because that is exactly what you must do."

"Give up?"

"Yes, Po. Give up."

"Wait, to like, Lord Shen?" Po looked at her with a serious expression before the Soothsayer quickly and accurately plucked a few hairs at once from Po's stomach. "OW! What was that for?"

"Of course not to Lord Shen," she looked at him incredulously. Why would he even think that was what she could mean? Her eyes did not stay frustrated for long, however, but instead fell back to the sadness Po had detected in them before. "No, Lord Shen's hour of ruin comes swiftly now." She eyed him, "Well, as swiftly as it can. He is nearly out of chances."

Po eyed the elderly Soothsayer with pity. He suddenly realized she was unhappy with what might occur if he was successful against the maniacal peacock. "I'm sorry," he felt the need to apologize.

She looked at him with a warm, grateful smile. "You are one of a kind, Po. Never forget that. Even when it seems you are not. Now go, fulfill your destiny."

Po smiled obliviously for a moment before processing what she had said. "Wait, you're not coming with me?" He looked at her in confusion.

She shook her head no. "Our path together ends here. Perhaps not forever, but for now." She took a few steps backward as though to prove her point. "So go. And do not forget what I've told you."

He was silent for a moment, but realized time was of the essence. "Yin and Yang, give up and one of a kind," Po repeated the specifics with a nod of his head. "Got it. Goodbye, ma'am," he made sure to get it right this time in spite of her strange beard. With that he turned around and continued down the road.

"Goodbye, Dragon Warrior." She smiled knowingly and lowered her voice so that he wouldn't hear, "Go find your Yin."