Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or anything else that does not seem like it should belong to me. This is for fun.


"Get out of the car boy!" an angry Vernon Dursley yelled at the four year old boy in the backseat.

Slowly the aforementioned boy made his way out of the car and moved towards the building. After a disastrous morning, a unanimous decision was made by the Dursleys and a four year old Harry James Potter was being deposited at the nearest orphanage. Being pushed into the building, Harry could feel tears stinging at his eyes. At this moment he truly knew that he could never be part of a family. He was being abandoned and left with other family-less children.

Continually fighting back the tears, Harry did not realise that Vernon had left until he was being ushered into the main room. Soon enough he was found a bed and left to get comfortable, the only words spoken to him being that dinner would be at six and that someone would come to get him.

Left alone to his thoughts, the little boy collapsed on the rough bed and fell asleep. His sleep was filled with dreams of abandonment and loneliness.

"Good morning Mister Rivers, what do we owe the pleasure of your visit today?" the young woman at the front desk asked with a scarlet blush.

"I've just come to visit the children" the man said as he started to walk towards the back room where they were all being held.

"Geralt you jerk, I thought you were here to see me" the receptionist teased.

"Sorry, but today I just felt like seeing the children" Geralt answered with a charming smile.

The receptionist once again blushed wildly as the man made his way into the children's play room. Despite the foreign presence, none of the children reacted to him as he walked through the room. As he made his way towards the back, Geralt was caught off guard by the guarded eyes of a boy who looked no older than four.

Walking towards that child he crouched down in front of him, putting himself on a closer level and looked him directly in the eyes. Before he could manage to speak, he noticed that the eyes were the most entrancing shade of greens he had ever seen. Finally managing to break himself out of the momentary stupor, Geralt managed to speak.

"And what is your name young man?" he asked, making sure to hold a respect for the boy (after all, he would get nowhere by talking down to this one, he could feel it).

"H...Harry Po...Potter sir" the boy answered hesitantly.

"Well then Harry, do you mind if I call you Harry?" Geralt began, once Harry nodded he continued. "Well, I would like to ask you a few questions. Do you mind coming with me?"

Harry nodded cautiously and Geralt did not miss his hesitation. Reaching out his hand to the boy, he beckoned for him to follow and Harry subsequently, but still nervously obliged. Walking past the receptionist, Geralt let her know that he was just taking the boy to the outdoor area to talk. As he said that he didn't miss the look of awe and the smile that spread across her face.

It was a known fact that Geralt would frequently visit the orphanage. It was also well known that he seemed to be searching for a specific child to take with him. So far none had been able to live up to what he wanted, but it seemed like this boy finally would.

"So, Harry, do you know anything about your parents?" he asked.

Harry looked at him blankly; he seemed to be confused by the question. Geralt scowled at this reaction, but stopped as soon as he saw how the boy reacted to it. Curiosity was starting to get the better of him, but he squelched it for the time being. Now he really needed to talk with the boy.

"Okay then, well, what I'm about to tell you may be shocking, but I need you to bear with me" Geralt began, kneeling in front of the boy and placing a comforting hand on his shoulder. "You are a being with the ability to use magic. Now, you should've already known this, but for some reason you do not. As such, I shall be going into a fair amount of detail with you right now. Is that alright?"

Harry was dumbfounded. Here was an adult who was talking to him without any anger; just a firm and collected voice that seemed to be tinged with a hint of urgency and hope. Finally nodding his head in understanding, Geralt resumed his discussion.

"Well, as I said, you are a person with the ability to perform magic. A strong magical core is building within you and by the time you turn eleven, I hope to have it fairly well developed. Anyways, the world is full of witches and wizards, as well as many other creatures. All of them live essentially in plain sight, but have protected themselves from common knowledge since the days of Merlin. You are one such person and how you ended up being raised by a non-magical family is beyond me. Your parents themselves were heroes of this world. Due to their actions, they are some of the greatest and most unrecognized heroes in the magical world, being overshadowed by actions I doubt you can even remember. You may have been the one who defeated the Dark Wizard Voldemort, but it was your mother who gave you that opportunity to survive and live on. To many witches, wizards and magical creatures, you are one of the greatest heroes out there, aside from the headmaster of Hogwarts, Albus Dumbledore. For that reason, great things are constantly going to be expected of you. So, I'm going to ask you a simple question. Would you like to come with me, learn about the magical world that your parents were a part of, and become a Witcher?"

Harry remained emotionless, but his mind was working swiftly. He could tell that this was an offer to be adopted. That much was clear to him, but he also knew that he would be learning things he would have never expected. As that thought came to him, his eyes widened. Despite everything that had occurred at the Dursley's, he still had a very strong urge to learn. Nodding intensely, Harry spoke up for the first time in a long while.

"I'd...I'd like that" he said.

A smile graced Geralt's face as he saw the boy become more comfortable with the idea. He knew that the training he'd be giving would be tough, as would the changes the boy would have to undergo to truly become a Witcher, but it also meant that both would finally have a family. That thought was apparently clearly evident on his face as Harry seemed to give him a comforting and thankful squeeze.

"Well then, Harry lets go. I'll fill out the adoption forms, and then we'll be on our way" Geralt told the boy.

Harry nodded excitedly as he followed Geralt back into the orphanage.

"I'm going to adopt this boy here" Geralt said to the receptionist as soon as he returned inside.

"Oh, Geralt, I can't believe it. You've finally found the one who suits you?" the woman squealed slightly as she heard his declaration.

"Yes, I have" he replied calmly. "He will be coming with me tonight at the latest."

"Alright then, I assume you've had the paperwork with you?" the woman said with a smile. "You've been carrying it for nearly four years."

"Here it is, filled out exactly as necessary" Geralt stated as he passed the papers over.

"Good, now I expect to hear a report from you and the boy once a week for the first twelve months. If we decide that you're not doing well enough, then we'll take him back. You understand that?"

"Yes ma'am" Geralt replied mockingly with a bow. "I wouldn't have it any other way."

"Good, now go take the boy home" she said with a wave and a smile. "He's really going to appreciate this, you do know that. So go, get going."

"Doesn't he have any possessions to take with him?"

"Nope, we don't know why, but he's completely free of those burdens when he got here. I believe he was abused by the man who brought him here."

Geralt was once again scowling when he heard that. If he ever found out who looked after the boy for the first few years of his life, he would definitely make them pay. However, his expression changed upon seeing little Harry waiting for him near the doorway.

"Are you ready to go?" He asked with a smile.

Harry nodded and followed Geralt out of the orphanage. Once he stepped back outside the front doors, the little boy felt a wave of relief spread over him. No longer was he bound to that place, or to the Dursleys. Today was the first step of his new life. It was the first step the four year old had taken into the magical world, and it was the first step towards him becoming a Witcher.

Albus Dumbledore was furious when he found out what the Dursley's had done. It had all started while completing some preparations for the next term at Hogwarts. The aging Headmaster had noticed that there was something wrong with his tracers on Harry. No longer was the boy within the boundaries of the wards, and they were dissolving swiftly.

Leaving Minerva McGonagall with the list of things that still needed to be completed; he raced out of the school. Apparating just outside of Number 4 Privet Drive, Dumbledore made his way to the house. Using numerous glamour charms, he was able to hide his unusual look from the muggles that populated the area, but he couldn't stop his magical energy which was beginning to swirl dangerously due to his nervousness.

Knocking politely on the door to the house, Dumbledore waited patiently for an answer. When none came, he became very tempted to magically unlock the door and check on Harry. However, that was not necessary as Petunia Dursley soon enough unlocked and opened the door, before nearly collapsing in fright.

"Good evening Mrs. Dursley, I'm here to speak with you about a certain young boy" Dumbledore said as politely as possible after being forced to wait ten minutes on the doorstep.

"Vernon" was the first thing that escaped the woman's mouth. "We have a visitor."

Coming into the main foyer, a massive unhealthy looking man appeared in Dumbledore's line of sight and the aging wizard immediately felt regret at his decision.

"What do you want?" the fat man asked as he cautiously watched Dumbledore.

"I'm here to inquire about a certain boy left in your care. Harry Potter, to be specific" Dumbledore stated, his eyes twinkling in an attempt to prevent any negative outbursts.

"I don't know what the hell you're talking about. That worthless runt was shipped off to the orphanage three weeks ago" Vernon stated defiantly. "He's no problem of mine or my family. That freak would've just corrupted our pure household."

As he said this, the Dursley's own child, Dudley, showed up beside his father. He too was unnaturally large, especially for a child his age. Dumbledore shuddered inwardly and was truly regretful for leaving Harry here. However, he was also extremely furious for what had been done to the boy.

"May I please inquire which orphanage Harry was taken to?" Dumbledore asked, his anger slightly bubbling to the surface.

"What business is it of yours?" Vernon retorted, his eyes showing the irritation at being questioned about the boy.

"I was the one who placed him with you. I thought it would be for the best as his Godfather was a criminal and he had no other living relatives. Apparently I was wrong on all accounts" Dumbledore's anger was beginning to show. His tone had grown harsher and his voice louder.

"Who are you?" Vernon asked. "You don't look like any child care worker I've ever met. And why the bloody hell did you have to leave that boy with us. He. Was. A. Freak."

"I am Albus Dumbledore, Headmaster of Hogwarts School for Witchcraft and Wizardry. As I have seen, it was truly a mistake to trust you with the life of that boy. Now please give me the name of the orphanage before I do something you'll regret."

The emotion that was now pouring out of Dumbledore was terrifying the three muggles gathered in the doorway. Soon enough, Dumbledore got the answer he wanted and was once again off.

Apparating in front of the orphanage, the wizard burst in and went directly up to the receptionist. Stopping for a moment and recollecting his composure, he gave the young woman a smile before speaking.

"Good evening miss. I was curious about a boy who was sent here a few weeks ago" Dumbledore said politely, a smile on his face all the time.

"Sure thing, what's his name?" the woman asked.

"His name is Harry Potter" Dumbledore answered.

For a few minutes, the woman skimmed through the numerous files that were gathered before returning her attention to Dumbledore.

"Okay sir, he was just adopted by a certain Geralt Rivers about two days ago. Apparently he is being moved out of the country and will be giving reports to us once a week for the next year" she told him.

Dumbledore paled when he heard that. Harry was out of the country, out where he could be attacked or killed by Voldemort supporters, and with a man whose name was unknown to Dumbledore. Cursing wildly inside his head, the Hogwarts headmaster regretted not watching after Harry himself. He should've taken him with him. The boy would've been safe and truly cared for. Now, there was no knowledge of whether he would be or not.

The woman at the front desk noticed his agitation and was almost tempted to call security before he turned to her, gave a kind smile and thanked her for her time. She returned the pleasantries as he left the building.

Once outside, Dumbledore apparated back to Hogsmeade and walked back to Hogwarts. He needed to research as much about this Geralt Rivers as he could find. There was no telling whether Harry would be safe with him or not, and Dumbledore blamed himself completely for this turn of events.

"Albus?" McGonagall called out as she saw her friend solemnly enter the school building.

"Oh, hello Minerva, is everything under control?" He asked in a daze.

"Yes it is. However, if it is not too much to ask, may I know what caused you to rush out of the school like that?" she responded.

"Potter is gone from Britain. He was placed into an orphanage and adopted almost immediately. I don't know whether he is with someone safe, or someone who will cause him harm. I'm terribly worried, bothered and upset. I should have never left him with his muggle relatives" Dumbledore began to once again go into a panic before he felt McGonagall's hand on his shoulder.

"Calm down Albus. I'm sure the boy is fine. We'll be able to find him when the Hogwarts letters are sent out. You know that they'll find him no matter where he is" she attempted to comfort him.

"I know you're right Minerva. It's just I have a strange feeling that I've heard the name of the man who adopted Harry, before. Geralt Rivers, an odd name, but nonetheless, I'm in a panic because I need to find out who he really is."

"Well then, I will help as often as I can. Albus, you'll find him. Don't worry yourself too much."

Dumbledore nodded and felt relatively calmer. He was glad to have a friend like McGonagall and allowed himself to calm his mind. Proceeding to his office he started searching his personal library in an attempt to find the name.

'Harry, stay safe' Dumbledore thought as he skimmed over one book. 'I hope to see you soon, so that I can apologize.'

End Prologue

A/N: Okay, this is the prologue to my first ever Harry Potter fanfic. This is not looked over by a beta and so I hope there is no glaring grammar or spelling errors (granted I think I went wild with commas in certain spots, though they seemed to fit in...I'm not entirely sure). As I mentioned this is my first HP fanfic and it is an AU that plays with some canon elements. I hope that my characterizations of Dumbledore, McGonagall and the Dursleys are not terrible and I hope that I can do well with other characters as well. My OC (if no one caught this) is going to be based off of Geralt of Rivia, the protagonist of Andrzej Sapkowski's fantasy novel series. However, my Witchers are going to have my own twists to them. So it's inspired, but not a crossover with that series. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this prologue; I will be getting to work on the first chapter pretty much after this is posted. Now, as I mentioned this is an AU and will go through a timeskip to the timeline of Goblet of Fire and continue from there. This is the first story in a multipart series (three or four stories) and I promise I will continue this. I will be devoting my attention to this story as I've wanted to enter into a new fandom and this is the start of that. Now, if I don't update for a while, that would mean that I've gotten another fanfic I've been working on off the ground, but for now, this is my focus. Please review if you feel like it, and give me as much constructive criticism as you like (I will take anything, but flames) and I hope you enjoyed the start of this story. Until next time,

Nanashi Wanderer

P.S. This is not a super Harry story. He is going to be powerful, but he will have to earn it. Dumb luck will probably define a lot of his actions for a while, but he will earn his strength.

P.P.S. As to the pairing of this story, I've got a few ideas, but if anyone wants to make a valid suggestion, by all means go ahead (I just won't write a slash story, so don't ask). I'm currently contemplating three pairings and will hopefully decide on which path to take before the end of the story (though I may make it so that the pairing is not decided until a later date). Anyways, thanks for reading and until next time,

Nanashi Wanderer