Title: Hetalia Academy

Pairings: Germany/Italy, America/England, France/Canada, one-sided France/America

High schools tough, we all know that. But how about an international boarding school? With Germany constantly fighting, America and England bickering and Russia just being...weird, tears and teenage emotions are running high, will these kids ever get their act together?

Chapter 1 - A New Arrival

Italy stared up at the building in bewilderment, taking in the sight before him. He had to crane his neck to take in the full sight of it, and even then he couldn't see the whole thing. It seemed to tower upwards and stretch out for miles, however even that looked tiny compared to the vast woodlands that surrounded it, encasing the academy, as if protecting it, and shielding it from the real world. Italy turned around as he heard a soft grunt from his brother, who had managed to heave Italy's heavy suitcase out of the boot of the car.

"Alright...are you sure you packed everything you need? Because I'm not making another trip!" he slammed the boot shut, wheeling the case over to Italy.

"I think so." Italy grinned, wrapping his arms around his brother. "It's so exciting! I can't believe I'm going to be staying here with so many different people, it's amazing!"

"Yeah, sure..." Romano handed him the case, gently prizing the Italian off himself. "Just remember, you won't have any friends here yeah? So you shouldn't trust anyone, only talk to Italians and never approach an Englishman."

"There'll be Italians here?" Italy asked curiously, looking around as if expecting to see the pasta loving people congregating around him.

"There will be now you're here." Romano pulled a familiar green, red and white flag from out his back pocket. "Put this up in your room yeah? Tell those foreign bastards exactly who you are."

"Romano I want to make lots of friends!" Italy took the flag anyway pocketing it, beaming brightly at him. "Hey...why aren't you enrolling here Romano? It would be fun to be at school together!"

He scoffed. "No thanks, I'd rather stay in Italy where we belong...the further away I am from any foreigners the better. But since you insist upon trying to interact with them well..." he cringed, "...buona fortuna."

Italy grinned, crushing his brother with a hug. "I'll write every day Romano!"

"Yeah...please don't." Romano handed him his suitcase. "Go meet the headmaster, he's expecting you, and for god sake try not to act like an idiot while you're here, remember you're representing our homeland." Italy nodded before rushing towards the front door in excitement, completely ignoring his luggage. "You idiot! You've forgotten your suitcase!" Romano yelled after him, Italy stopped, spinning around.

"Oh!" the Italian giggled, going back over to him. "Sorry Romano!" he grabbed the suitcase, waving to him as he pushed open the double doors to the academy.

Romano just stared, shaking his head, "...idiot."


"Hello, you must be Italy, I've been looking forward to meeting you." Italy took the hand of his new headmaster, shaking it enthusiastically. "Let me tell you young man, the cheerful, sunny atmosphere your people have brought here is something I feel all students will benefit from."

"Ohhh grazie Mr...uhhh..." Italy paused, 'Darn! Romano told me his name on the way here and I've forgotten!...what was it...'


"Grazie Mr Danketsu." Italy grinned, nodding towards the tall, old man. He had an authoritative manner about him, yet he seemed friendly and understanding, his accent was one Italy had never heard before and he couldn't quite place where he was from.

"If you would follow me Italy I will show you to your dorm." he smiled and opened the door from the foyer that lead into the school. Italy took a deep breath, remembering to grab his suitcase before following.

Crowds of people swarmed the corridors they travelled down, all of different colours and nationalities. A blonde boy with long hair who had his arms wrapped around two pretty girls, a loud mouth boy clutching a greasy burger surrounded by people hanging onto his every word, and through the window Italy could see a quiet, mysterious young man sat by himself at a table, drinking tea and munching on a rock shaped cake of some kind.

There were also many people whose nationalities Italy couldn't work out, all stood together in little groups, whispering to one another as the Italian walked past, Italy felt more and more nervous with each step he took. He squealed slightly as he bummed into a passing student, who glared at him as they passed, he wore a black ushanka and a long coat, Italy shuddered, there was something about him that unnerved him slightly.

"There's no need to be so nervous." Italy looked up as Mr Danketsu spoke, "I'm sure you'll feel at home here, our staff are dedicated to catering to our students many different needs." they turned a corner, and the school seemed to drift into silence. The headmaster had taken Italy into a large room which walls adorned many doors, leading to more rooms. "These are all of the dorms for the students." Italy glanced round at them all, wondering which one would be his. "However..." Mr Danketsu walked over to the one at the other end of the room, the tallest door, in the very centre, pulling open the door to reveal a spiral staircase. "As a country you will only share a room with your fellow countries."

"So...no other Italians?" Italy tried to sound casual through his nerves as he started heaving his suitcase up the stairs after Mr Denkatsu.

"Afraid so, but don't be alarmed, this school is all about bringing together those who's cultures are different from our own. That's why I like to keep the countries together, that way it's easier to pollute each other's cultures and develop understanding." he smiled, holding a hand out to Italy who had stumbled slightly on the last step.

Italy took his hand and pulled himself up, he looked up at the door that towered above him. Something was carved into the woodwork, Italy squinted, trying to read it. "What does it say?"

Mr Danketsu smiled, "It's the school motto...Hetalia academy, to teach acceptance and respect, is to unite the world...it's something I very strongly believe in." they both were silent for a moment, both staring up at the beautiful carving. Italy jumped slightly when the headmaster finally opened the door, holding it open for him. Italy stepped inside curiously, wheeling his suitcase behind him.

The first thing Italy could feel was a warm glow from a crackling fire that was burning at one end of the living room, a large leather sofa was stationed in front of it, Italy immediately felt his nerves settle slightly as he took in the homey atmosphere. However the decor was plain, no paintings were apparent, just various colours and old fashioned furniture. Yet there was a nice simplicity to it, you couldn't tell what nationality the person was who had designed this room, and it seemed that was indeed the intention.

There were five doors stood along the walls of the living room, each raised up by a few steps leading to each one. Two or three flags were draped across each one, Italy immediately spotted his own flag, dangling in between a white flag with a red circle in the centre and a black, red and yellow striped flag, all hanging side by side from one of the doors. Mr Danketsu began fumbling in his pocket for a key as they approached the door, the key was attached to a Italian flag key ring, he climbed the few steps to the door and unlocked it before he handed the key to Italy.

"This is the key to your the room you'll be staying in." He stood back, allowing Italy access to the room, Italy heard the old man sighing in frustration as he looked at his watch. "I'm very sorry about this but if you'll excuse me, I'm late for a staff meeting. Someone will be along shortly to show you around." he smiled before waving briefly, and with that he left, shutting the door behind him, leaving Italy alone in the bedroom, clinging to his suitcase and suddenly feeling very alone.

Three beds were crammed into the small space. Italy propped his case up against the middle bed, which he assumed was his as it seemed unoccupied and the bedside table was empty. The two beds either side were adorn with belongings. The bed on the left was incredibly low to the floor, covers casually thrown across it rather than made, the bedside table had a Maneki Neko alarm clock and a bonsai tree was sat at the foot of the bed. Next to his own bed on the right and an incredibly neatly kept bed. The covers were perfectly aligned, pillows placed side by side, clothes neatly folded at the end of the bed. Curiously, Italy approached it. He lifted up a folded up green officer's uniform, inspecting it closely, noting how the size of it meant that his fellow room mate was much bigger than he was. Italy tossed it onto the sprucely made bed before plonking himself down next to it, sighing deeply.

"These people seem so different from me...what if they don't like me because we have nothing in common?" Italy looked over at the bedside table, crammed with books piled high. He picked up a few, casting a glance at the front covers, wrinkling his nose in confusion at the strange language blaring up at him. "Deutschland? I don't know what that is but it sounds scary." the Italian dumped the books down on the bed next to the now wrinkled suit, he absentmindedly picked up one of the pillows, hugging it to his chest.

Italy yelped slightly in surprise as the door to the bedroom suddenly opened. There stood a tall, blonde, blue eyed teenager, his hair was slicked back and his uniform looked clean and well kept. He took one look at Italy and the mess he had now made out of the young man's belongings, and his eyes narrowed and his face darkened. "Who za hell do you think you are!" he spat.

Italy jumped up off the bed, still clutching the pillow, shaking in fear. "I'm so sorry! Please don't hit me!"

Germany growled, pouncing at his bed, collecting together his things that Italy had made go askew. "Just shut up and answer mein question! Who are you und why are you touching mein things!"

"I...I don't know!" Italy brought the pillow up to shield his face. "I'm sorry!"

The taller man reached out, snatching the pillow from Italy's grasp, he brought his face close to Italy's, grabbing hold of his shoulders, lifting him slightly. "One more time...who za hell are you?"

"I-I'm Italy..." Italy reached shakily into his pocket, taking out his flag, giving it a feeble wave.

Germany's eyes widened slightly, and he dropped the boy in slight shock. "O-Oh..." he coughed awkwardly, tossing the pillow onto his bed behind him. "I...I'm sorry about that...I didn't know. Mr Danketsu asked me to urm...make you feel welcome." Germany cringed slightly, 'Well...this is going great.'

"Oh...okay...ciao." Italy spoke softly, still feeling intimidated by the older boy, slowly backing away towards his own bed.

"Yeah...hallo." Germany straightened out his pillow and covers before approaching the shaking Italian. "I'm sorry about that, I just...I don't like people touching mein things."

"I...I'll remember that." Italy laughed nervously as he tried to haul his case onto the bed. Germany reached over, lifting it with ease. "Grazie...urm should I unpack?"

"If you want...I can help you if you like." Germany unzipped Italy's case for him, he cringed slightly at the clothes carelessly shoved into the case, along with his other belongings casually thrown on top. "You know...if you fold up your clothes they won't get creased." the German pulled out a few outfits, starting to fold them perfectly, piling them up on top of Italy's pillow.

"Grazie...urm...who are you?"

"Oh!" Germany blushed slightly, having forgot to introduce himself. "I'm Germany."

"I'm Italy...oh wait I already said that!" Italy laughed nervously again, tipping up his case onto the bed.

Germany quirked an eyebrow as a splattering a dried noodles were thrown across the bed. "Is...is that pasta?"

"Sì!" Italy grinned, gathering together the pasta pieces, placing them on the bedside table. "Just in case there's no pasta here!"

"There will be...the chefs here prepare all our favourite meals daily, which reminds me, I should show you to the dining room." Germany smiled slightly, opening the door for them. "...would you like a tour of the academy?"

"Sì per favore." Italy grinned, following Germany back down the steps. Germany closed the door behind them, taking out his key dangling from a German flag keychain and locking the door shut.

"You must always remember to lock the door if you are the last one to leave." Germany pocketed the key. "Otherwise you get arschlöcher like America snooping through your things."

Italy nodded, checking his key was still present in his pocket before following his new friend to out of the dorm and back down the spiral stairs. He yelped slightly as he tripped, stumbling into Germany. "S-Sorry!" the taller boy grabbed him under his arms and half carried him down, unfazed by his stumble. Italy blushed slightly as Germany put him down at the bottom of the stairs. "...thank you."

Germany smirked slightly, "It's fine...onward?"


"Hey man that burger you gave me the other day totally rocked!"

"Dude I didn't give you that!"

"Oh...then who did?"

"I dunno some chick named Cindy."

"Aw dude is she the one with the massive rack?"

"Hell yeah she is!"

"Aw man! I got dibs on that!"

"Screw you man! Anyway she only has the hots for America."

"That sucks! Whoa...hey check it out, new country." the American boy pointed to the happy Italian who sidled up to a tall blonde boy as they walked down the corridor together through the maths department.

"Whoa...should we tell America?"

"Yeah...although first I think we should do our duty and let him know which country is in charge." they both grinned running ahead of Italy, they turned a corner and stood, waiting. As Italy turned the same corner, the American boys stuck out their legs and tripped him. Italy squealed, falling flat on his face. The Americans howled with laughter and Italy pushed himself up onto his elbows, snivelling slightly.

"HEY!" Germany yelled, he had carried on walking but had spun around when he heard Italy fall, he was clenching his fists, quickly approaching the offending Americans.

"Aww crap I didn't realise it was Germany who was with him!"

"Holy hell lets get out of here!"

By this point Germany had reached them, he grabbed both of them by the front of their shirts and lifted them with ease. "Need I remind your precious "leader" that no American is to harm a friend of mine?" Germany growled, his voice low and dangerous. "This is Italy." he held the two struggling American's tightly in his grip, nodding his head towards the young teen on the floor, staring up at Germany in awe. "He is my friend, therefore he is OFF LIMITS! Do you understand!" Germany brought his menacing face closer to the two yanks. "I SAID DO YOU UNDERSTAND!"

"Yes!" they both cried in unison, shaking with fear.

Germany smirked, dropping them to the ground. "Apologise to Italy and get out of mein sight." they both mumbled an apology before bolting away as fast as they could. Germany extended a hand to Italy and pulled him to his feet. "Are you okay?"

"Si...I'm okay...Germany that was-"

"Oh, so it is you who is causing all of this commotion." a young man had just come out of one of the maths classrooms, watching Germany and Italy curiously.

The two of them looked over at the source of the voice. "Japan, this is Italy." Germany motioned to his friend to come over.

Japan smiled, something he rarely does, as he approached the smaller boy. "Hello. Mr Danketsu has told me many things about you. I hope you are settling in here okay."

Before he could answer Germany spoke for him. "Ja he's fine, we just had a run in with those gottverdammten American idioten!" the German gritted his teeth, looking over at Italy. "Listen to me Italy, never, ever talk to or approach an American okay? They are bad news!"

"Urm Germany, aren't you overreacting slightly? Mr America is not all that bad."

Germany snorted. "I'll never understand your sympathy for those yanks." he growled as he took them through a door that lead onto the vast open field that surrounded the school. Nothing but freshly cut grass, flower beds and sturdy oak trees as far as the eye could see. Germany breathed in deeply before sighing in relief, dealing with Americans always put him on edge, and nothing calmed him down like the smell of crisp clean air.

"Pretty..." Italy sang as he took in his surroundings. "We can come out here?"

"Hai. To study or relax. Mr Germany and I rather like that spot over there." Japan pointed to their preferred spot, and sure enough Germany was already making his way over. It was a large patch of grass that seemed to have grown longer than the rest and was unkempt, no flowers bloomed in this one area and it was nicely shaded by a large tree that stood a few feet behind it. Italy sat with the other two on this unkempt grass, it felt much softer than the trimmed grass and Italy lay down on his front, kicking off his shoes and stretching tiredly. After a matter of minutes Italy had dozed off, Germany and Japan watched him curiously for a moment, before Japan looked over at Germany questioningly.

"So. What was with the over reaction to those Americans before? Usually you just yell at them, not physically harm them."

"I...I didn't harm them...besides they were way out of line! Little bastards."

Japan smiled slightly, "I do admire your protective nature Germany. Italy must have had quite an impression on you."

Germany rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly, looking down at the sleeping boy, Japan noted how his cheeks went slightly pink. "Ja...he's just so helpless you know? And anyway...no friends of mine are to be bullied...especially not by any American."

"So he is your friend?"

"Ja...I suppose."

"Okay. Then he is my friend too."

"Good...oh by the way, Japan?"


"You may want to hide your things."

"Why is that?"

"Italy...he likes to mess with other peoples things."

Hmm...that last line wasn't supposed to sound that dirty o_0

Buona fortuna - Good luck
Arschlöcher - Assholes
Deutschland - Germany
Sì per favore - Yes please
Gottverdammten - God damned
Idioten - Idiots

More chapters to follow :)