Soft, sweet music echoed around the peaceful chapel, accompanying Becker's words as he addressed the congregation through his tears.
"Jess...Jess achieved so much in such a short space of time. She was a loyal friend throughout her life, and a perfect daughter. She'd give anyone a chance, no matter who they were, or what they'd done in the past. And she was just so brilliant at her job; so happy in it, and willing to act upon anything thrown at her."
Becker paused shakily, glancing up and around the church. His colleagues sat on one side; Matt with his head bowed, Connor with his arm around Abby, Lester straightening his tie. Even Philip was there, a remorseful grimace set on his face, along with a whole load of others he recognised from the ARC. Obviously Jess had inspired many people.
On the opposite column of pews sat family, ranging from the elderly to the infantile. Rows and rows of faces, all staring sorrowfully up at him. Some crying, some nodding in agreement. He'd known Jess was special. But this was something different.
"I loved her. I suppose I always did. But, being the emotional re... but I never found the courage to speak up until it was too late. Jess deserved a long, fulfilling life, but she didn't get one. Cancer is a cruel and heartless disease. Never did Jess complain, or pity herself. A few moments before her death, she was thanking her friends for being there for her. Joking on about heaven."
Abby gave a muffled sniff, cuddling further up to Connor. Jess's mum had silent tears trickling down her face, but a somehow knowing smile crossed her lips too. Just like her daughter.
"That kind of outlook pretty much sums up her life. She was willing to do anything for others, to put them before herself time and time again. And when her time came, she accepted her fate. She died tragically; never have I known a girl so alive, and so content in it. But she wasn't afraid, or regretful, and neither should we be; she wouldn't want that. We need to remember her as she was – a friendly, fun loving, young woman. She deserves that."
Becker folded his sheet of paper and retreated down the stairs of the lectern to his seat beside Matt. His colleague merely gave him an empathetic smile, extending his arm so that Becker could share the service sheet. They were united in this...
"Earth to earth, ashes to ashes, dust to dust..." the vicar's voice reached Becker's ears, but he didn't really dissolve the meaning of the sentences. He'd managed to keep his emotions under control until now. But seeing the gleaming white coffin lowered into a hole in the earth broke his heart into even tinier pieces.
Abby scattered a handful of scarlett roses over the wood, her eyes closed in prayer. Jess's teenage sister stepped forward and recited a poem as she gazed up at the ceaseless blue sky. Becker simply sank down to the grass, weeping inconsolably.
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