Claudio: WASSUP! FIRST STORY UP! Can I get a WOOT WOOT? took me forever to finish this, I started it before I even had an account on this site, and I was procrastinating doing it becasue, well... I'm just really lazy. I'm planning on making this a Two-shot, but, we'll see. Without further ado...I present to you Hickeys.
"Past speaking or flashback speaking"
Act 1:
In the Hot Springs
Why did I agree to this? Hinata thought as she was slowly trailing behind the other five kunoichi. SOMEHOW, the girls had convinced hinata to join them for a relaxing day at the spa, curticy of Tsunade, the Godaime, who had said that the girls deserved at least one day off for all there hard work.
"What better way to spend the day off then at the spa?" is what Tsunada had asked.
I can think of at LEAST three BETTER ways to spend it! Hinata thought, as her mind slowly started to wonder off into Naruto-land. His Blond hair. His beautiful ocean blue eyes. His chisled chest and muscles. His wonderfully thick...arms. Hinata started to blush a deep red at these thoughts, and how completely dirty and ero-sensei like they started to become.
"HINATA!" A voice yelled out in annoyence
Hinata's head quickly jerked up from being hung down at the shame of her previous thoughts. Hinata turned a deeper shade of red when she realized that all five girls were looking at her. "Y-yes?" Hinata barely squeeked out. "Hinata, were you even listening to me?" the pink haired kunoichi asked, a little sour annoyence tinted her voice, Hinata noticed.
Hinata once again hung her head down as everyone came to a complete halt on walking. "Ano..n-no... s-sorry, Sakura-chan." Hinata mummbled out while tapping her pointer fingers together, embarassed. Being the center of attention was never really her thing, and keeping it was defently not her strong suit.
Sakura sighed. She could hear the shyness and embarassment in her voice. in Hinata. Not wanting the shy heiress to ditch the vacation for being embarassed like that, Sakura quickly changed her tone to a more...joyful one. "Its okay! All I was saying was that we should probably make the most of this trip, since Tsunade probably do this for us again!"
Hinata shyly nodded in agreement, along with the other five girls. All together, there were 6 of them. Hinata, Ino, Sakura, Temari, Ten Ten, and Shizune. All the girls continued there journey forward, with anticipation for the spa, expecially the hot springs. With an exeption to one, Hinata Hyuuga, who kept her thoughts to Naruto.
"Finally!" Yelled Temari with an exaggerated sigh. "I thought it would take all night to get here!"
All of the kunoichi walked into the hots springs womens changing area. From the moment they had walked into the spa, their annoyence and groggyness from walking all day had vanished and was replaced with a soothing feeling edmitting from the spa. At first, they had wanted to get more papmering treatments, but seeing that it had taken all night to get the spa, they thought that they would relax in the spings tonight, and tomorrow, enjoy themselves.
They began to rid themselfs of the sweaty and dirt smeared clothes of the day and tossed them into a hamper near by, with their room number on it.
As they were getting ready to enter the spa, Ino sparked a question, "Hey, where's Hinata?" All the girls began to look around for their timid friend. All wondering the same thing.
Ten Ten popped in, "She walked into the spa ahead of us, when we were at the front counter." Some of the kunoichi nodded absent-mindedly, quite frankely not remembering when the heiress abandoned them. The question soon forgotten, they all grabbed a towel and walked into the hot springs.
Hinata would have fallen asleep, all alone in the heat of the soothing hot springs, but with her thoughts drifting towards the door everynow and again awating her friends, she stayed awake.
Suddenly, the door swung open to reveil five naked (almost, with the exeption of the towels) kunoichi walk into the hot springs. With that, Hinata quickly ducked most of her body underneth the water, all the way up to her ears. Almost making a large splash with her sudden movement, Hinata began to watch the girls throw their towels away and join her in the hot water.
"AH! Hinata-chan! I can see why you were in such a rush to get in here! its so relaxing..." Shizune mummbled that last part with the pleasuring feel of the water on her bare skin.
"I completely agree..." Sakura and Ino almost slurred together, with the others nodding in agreement.
At first, the ninja women began to discuss unimportant matters, such as local gossip and such. But then the conversation started to drift in a direction that began to make the girls giggle.
"So is Kakashi?" Ino asked suddenly.
Shizune turned a slight shade of red. "Wh-what do you mean?" she asked alomst in shakey voice. and began to rub the back side of her head.
"I think you know what she means..." Temari added with a hint of curiosity in it. And the other girls followed suit.
Hinata perked up a little at this. NOT that she was intrested in Kakashi, however she was intrested in how some of her friends love life was.
"Ano...uhhh, well...its good." shizune stuttered out and looked extremely embarassed. The others look some what unimpressed.
"That's all you have to say? Well I guess Kakashi could never add up to what MY man is." Ino added the last part with heavy sarcasm, and gave Shizune a wink.
"No duh, I don't think anyone in all of Konoha could add up to Choji. HAVE YOU SEEN HIM?" Ten Ten said jokingly of course, but Ino took it differently.
"Don't you dare make fun of him! He has to keep that weight in order to do his family's special jutsu! And I suppose NEJI is any better?" Ino said sourly. She crossed her arms and look at the weapons mistress with daggar like eyes.
Ten Ten started "Hehe...Well just to let you guy's know..." Ten Ten gave a evil smirk, "his fingers do more then just block chakra points." All of the girls went slack-jawed at Ten Ten's statment. "But what about you Temari? How the laziest ninja in Konoha treating you?" Ten Ten finished up, with confident in her teasing.
Temari closed her eyes, as if not concerned with awnsering the question, "Well, I'll give you that. Shikamaru is extremely lazy..." The others almost didn't hear her next sentence, "Exept in the bedroom..." Once again all of the girls went slack-jawed, and all of them looked at the fan konoichi, hoping she would shed some light on her statment. "Remember girls...he does put forth energy into what he REALLY wants. Aaaand he IS an amazing stategiest... always knowing where and when to do something... and how exactly to do it and..." Temari shivered with pleasue, "But enough about my Shika-kun! Sakura, from what Shika told me about his last mission, you and Lee have really become there a spark or what?"
Sakura sighed, "Well you see, I want there to be but..." Sakura trailed off. The others waiting for her to finish her sentence, began to get impacient.
"Buuut...?" Shizune tried to pry an anwser, but to no avail, as Sakura was staring intently at something.
Sakura's brow wrinkle a little as she started, "Hinata...whats that on your neck?" All of the girls stopped talking and looked at Hinata.
Hinata wasn't phased by this for a few seconds, not quite grasping what it was Sakura was inquiring about...but then she looked down. During the talk, Hinata had unconsciencely rose slightly out of the water, exposing her neck on up. Upon this realization, Hinata had quickly ducked underneth the water. Unfortunately for her her, Temari and Ino were on ether side of her, and grasped both her arms pulling her back up the surface.
Both blonds moved closer to the tomato red shaded girl and examined her neck. Both of them gasped in unison.
"Oh My God Hinata!" Ino said shocked and surprised. But she quickly regained herself and gave Hinata a wicked grin, "Been a little NAUGHTY, have we? Eh, Hinata-chan?"
Hinata tried desperately to escape the tow girls, but could not ripped herself from their iron grip. She blushed a darker shade of red an squeeked out, "Pl-pl-please l-let me g-g-go..."
Temari and Ino giggled at Hinata's embarrassment, but decide not to mentally scare the poor girl, and they let her go.
Hinata instantly retreted to the water again. She began to wonder how long it would take to drown herself in this water. She did after all have the lung capacity of a skilled kunoichi.
Ten-Ten started, " have HICKEYS, trailing down your entire upper frame!" Ten-Ten then began to squeal, and so did the other four girls...besides Hinata of course. Hinata was then bashed with an onslaught of questions.
Hinata seriously began to consider trying to make a break for it, and dashing as far away from these harpies as physically possible.
As Hinata prepared to jump out of the water, Sakura started to laugh. All of the questions stopped, and all the girls looked at the cherry blossom haired girl. Ino was the first to ask, "Hey forehead girl, whats so funny?"
Everyone waited for Sakura to calm down from her laughing fit. "I think I know where Hinata got those 'love markings' from." Sakura stated matter-of-factly.
Instantly everyone was distracted by Sakura and forgot all about the almost unconscience Hyuuga heiress.
Sakura began, " just so happens that the other day I saw a certain blond Ninja training with Lee, and he had his shirt off. And if I'm correct," she glanced at Hinata, "I believe that I saw very simular markings trailing all the way from his neck down to the elastic waistband of his pants...and maybe even...further."
All of the Kunoichi looked at Hinata and in unison whispered
Claudio: Okay, okay... if I really plan to make this a two shot, then I plan to have the next installment up in a week at the most.