Disclaimer: I do not own the outsiders.

Johnny's POV:

It wasn't the coldest night I've stayed out in. But it was pretty close. Every part of me was shivering, and I kept pulling my jacket closed as if it would help. And it didn't help; that my dad had just beat me for setting my cup of water on the table. It didn't even spill anything, and it was empty, but he told me never to touch anything of his again, and hit me. 6 times.

I was just kind of lying there in the lot shivering, my head throbbing. When this big sheet of black fell over me and I can't see anything, or feel anything. Oh my god, I thought, I'm dead.

I kept still thinking, this sure don't feel like heaven, when I feel someone's finger graze the top of my head. And the next thing I knew, Soda folded the black comforter down off my head, and said "Good Night Johnny". Then he left.

I'm definitely going to have to get my own blanket.