A/N: I found my head, it was in a box underneath the bed. Also, I had some computer troubles. Hence the lack of updates. Debating on whether or not I should just end this story. I don't know.

Chapter 80

Over morning coffee, Spencer and Amanda had decided to start house hunting right away. Juan walked into the kitchen, stretching. "Morning, sweet cheeks," he yawned.

"Morning, turtle dove."

"I wasn't talking to you. I was talking to Boyfriend G-man."

"So, Spence asked me to move with him when his lease is up."

"Really?! Oh, honey, I'm so happy. If you told me after my morning coffee and shower, I'd actually be jumping for joy."

"I'll tell you again later."

"You better. So, when exactly are we talking about?"

"Three weeks this coming Monday." Spencer did not even look up from the newspaper. Amanda almost choked on her coffee. He had never told her the when.

"Oh, so you found a place and you're closing and all papers are signed. You're just now telling me?"

"No, I asked her last night. I barely started looking when Amanda's... I haven't found a place yet. We're going to look together."

Juan looked at him like he was crazy. "You know closing alone can take longer, right? I mean, from first bid to move in, it took me four months with this place."

"I know it can take a while."

"So... what are you going to do if the lease is up and the place isn't ready? If there is a place then. I mean, so long as I don't have to see any crime photos, you're always more than welcome to stay here. I just so do not have the room for an entire apartment full of stuff."

"I can see if my current landlord will give me a month to month, or I could get a storage unit for what I don't think I'll need in the mean time. I'll figure out something." As he took a sip of his coffee, Spencer caught a glimpse of his watch. "I have to get going. We'll start looking tonight." He kissed Amanda and called out a goodbye as he was walking out of the kitchen.

"What, no goodbye kiss for me?" Juan huffed.

"Ask Amanda," Spencer called out from the living room, where he was putting his shoes on.

Juan gave her his best puppy dog eyes. "Where's my goodbye kiss?"

"By proxy?"

"That'll work, I guess."

Amanda and Spencer did not start looking for a home that night. On an average day, they both worked about ten hours. About a month after deciding to move in together, they had only decided on a budget. By that time, Spencer's lease was up. He had been too busy and tired from work to pack, so he kept his apartment on a month-to-month lease.

While Spencer was out of state on a case in mid-August, a hurricane was winding down in the Atlantic. Virginia was experiencing powerful thunderstorms because of this, closing down all airports in the area for several days. Even after his case was closed, he was stuck. He knew it was late on the East Coast; Amanda would be asleep, if the weather would allow it.

Spencer went to his bag and pulled out the USB flash drive that Amanda had given him on Independence Day. He held it tightly in his hand as he stared at the television from his bed. This had become a habit. While away, late at night when he could not sleep, he held that little rhinestone encrusted heart. Another hour passed. Fiddling with the drive, he decided to finally learn what she had put on it.

There was one document file and one audio file. The document was titled 'Read This First, Please.' Clicking on it, Spencer read:

"I was bored one night and, as always, was missing you. So, I made the following. No need to keep it, listen in full... it's yours to do what you will. It's by no means complete, but it's a start. I found 'Complete Stories and Poems of Edgar Allan Poe' at a thrift store. Seeing as you're a fan, I thought would continue our reading nights, to some extent, while you're gone. Read in order of the book, starting with 'Tales of Mystery and Horror.' I don't know, we'll call this an experiment.

Love always,


The audio file seemed large, so he decided to get into bed, setting the laptop on the nightstand. Amanda's voice quickly sang in his ears as she read 'The Murders in the Rue Morgue.' He knew that he missed her, but it was not until now that he realized how much. For about a minute he debated, again, whether to call or text her. Not knowing what to say, if she was awake, pushed the thought out of his mind until the morning.

Spencer, instead, put the audio track on loop, so that these stories she was reading would be playing all night. Linking his fingers behind his head, he closed his eyes. He was more determined than ever to find their new home as quickly as possible. Visions of their new life together danced in his head. As he lay thinking about their book nights in their very own bed, in their new bedroom, he fell asleep with a smile on his face.